
Boxing - Aiyden Vs Jake

"Sorry… I made things more complicated."

"It's fine, Aurora is also not worried about this. If anything, she was thrilled to have more friends that don't bother with her status."

Suiyin replied with a nod and a fake smile, inside her mind she was pouting, 'Aurora this, Aurora that, can you stop saying her name? I am sorry for you, not her.'

In her mind, she doesn't give trouble to Aurora since she was already inside the royal family. If anything, her presence gives ammunition for her to fight against Martin if she ever needs it.

It's a win-win situation. But it's different with Rafael. If not because of her, he wouldn't have this problem.

He felt both warm and guilty about the situation.

Time passed, and it didn't take long for them to reach their private VIP area. It was given to them by Aiyden.