
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasi
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two: The Pain of the Past

Kara had found that living life pregnant, without the responsibilities of having an entire kingdom on her shoulders, made her life significantly easier. Though she still had to do everything herself, she had managed to find a small level of peace. Gabriel appeared to her less and less and she was able to think clearly for once. Though, she missed him terribly.

" Soon my darling, you will be born into this world. And before they know of the wrath that you will bring, it will be far too late" Kara smiled as she had continually kept conversation with Violet who she was almost certain, could hear and understand her.

" Gabriel is right though. I have changed. Probably for the worse..but I had to. I had to survive somehow and this is the only way that I could. And I hope that someday, you will understand why I have done all the things that are coming our way" Kara felt a small level of guilt deep inside but she knew she would not turn her back on her own plans. She was far too stubborn, a lesson that she refused to learn after the loss of Gabriel.

" Gooblin..." Kara called out within the cottage, and out from behind a bookshelf, popped out the head of a smallish Goblin who seemed very timid and rather fearful of Kara.

" You have an understanding of what I've asked..correct? " Kara inquired to which the small Goblin nodded.

" Good, I need you to bring them here to me so that I may..introduce myself" Kara smirked.

The small goblin nodded and vanished into thin air almost as quickly as he had appeared. Gooblin was an ally from her time as Queen of the Underworld. He was a supernatural being who was well versed in ancient Magic. And he alone, knew of Kara's existence in this new world and had offered her aid from force rather than choice.

Kara had employed him to gather her food and herbs as needed but now she had given him a new task. One that would surely cause a stir within the world itself. Gooblin, had been sent to gather an old friend. A friend that Kara knew, would play a much larger role in the future plans she had made. It would only be a matter of time before everything fell into place but this person was key into the part.

In almost no time at all, Gooblin had returned with a woman, shrouded in a dark cloak. When the woman stepped into the light, it was revealed to be Raven.

" Kara..you are alive? " Raven questioned, in shock by the sheer sight of her old friend.

" I wish that I could say I was surprised to see you Raven. But you know, when you mate with someone who can save you from resets..I guess it does make sense" Kara scolded.

" I had no idea that I would be saved from the reset.. Hell i'm not even sure how you were safe from the reset " Raven answered, feeling a sense of shame and guilt.

" Well it doesn't really matter how I was saved, But I can tell you that Gabriel didn't make it" Kara clenched her fist together tightly.

" I'm sorry Kara.." Raven looked down at her feet for a brief moment, not being sure of what to say or how to say it.

" I have called you here because I wish to speak my mind..and say that if Shawn could have saved you, then he could have saved us" Kara growled.

" And because of that, I will not forgive you or him" Kara continued.

" Though you may not realize it, You both have costed me a great deal..and I will not forget it" Kara stood to her feet so that now Raven could see her completely.

It was not that Raven could see that Kara was pregnant. Shocked by this, Raven blurted out " How are you pregnant? "

" Do not worry about that. What you need to worry about..is your daughter" Kara approached Raven, standing face to face with her.

" Your daughter, will doom the Underworld. I don't really care whether you can see it or not. But I speak the truth. And you will realize this as well but by the time that you do it will be too late" Kara warned.

" You have no idea the pain that I have gone through. The amount of crap I have had to endure..and then to have the reset blamed on me? On Gabriel? That is a joke" Kara vented out her frustration and Raven simply allowed Kara to speak her mind.

" I am left with nothing. I am left with no kingdom, no people, no home, no mate, only this child. Which I have fought, crawled and been through hell and back to have. But, your husband..if he knew of my existence, he would imprison me..as he has done with all the others" Kara raised her finger to Ravens face.

" And you knew" Kara's tone was rising.

" You knew the entire time that he kept us imprisoned and you chose to say nothing" Kara continued.

" You were supposed to be my friend. You were supposed to have my back. And you chose to stand by your husband, as he saved your life, kept me and Gabriel imprisoned and left us..to rot..in a cell.." Kara vented.

" I did not know that he was doing that until many centuries later. And even then, I could do nothing to stop it. Kara I tried, you have to believe me. But Shawn is set in his ways.." Raven pleaded.

" You did nothing. And I know you did nothing because despite finding out what he had done, you stayed by his side" Kara screamed.

A silence fell between the two.

" Yes I stayed by his side..because I loved him. You also stayed beside Gabriel. I am not comparing the two but you stayed beside him whilst he did things that hurt you. And he stayed beside you whilst you did things to hurt him. Love is messed up. I will be the first to acknowledge that. But you know Shawn only did this because the lingering couldn't stay within the world" Raven tried to reason.

" Just as I can't? Just as my child..won't be able too? " Kara's eyes burned with an intense rage.

" Why did you summon me here Kara..to take out your anger on me? To lash out at me? To hurt me? Because if so then just hurt me. Just destroy me if it makes you feel a single ounce better because I don't know what you want me to say. Sorry isn't going to be enough. And I am not going to abandone Shawn..so what is it that you want..." Raven cried.

" I want your daughters life.." Kara hissed.