
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasi
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty One: The Change Of Plans

Penny had finally manages to remove herself from the bushes and decided that instead of eating berries or drinking water, she would simply rest and try to relax for a short time. She needed the peace and this was one of the few ways that she could actually recieve that.

As she layed her head down, she felt a warm sensation coming from her chest. She was unsure at first whether this had to do with all the jerky she had just removed from her body or something else and so, she looked down. And to her surprise, she saw what seemed to be something glowing under her shirt.

Penny was of course confused by these and peaked down her shirt to see that whatever was glowing, it was far too bright for her to be able to distinguish its indentity. It didn't hurt, or cause any form of pain, it simply felt warm and was concerning considering this was the first time this had happened to her.

" What the hell is going on.." Penny sat back up and began fanning her shirt, in a wild attempt to shake off whatever was on her. But this seemed to have no effect. She quickly ran out of options as her mind raced with worry.

" KEERA! " yelled Penny, and of course, almost immediatly, Keera came running to the aid of Penny who was now also shocked by what she was seeing.

" What in the world is that..?" Keera questioned, looking on in complete disbelief.

" I don't know but please help me" Penny pleaded.

" What do you want me to do exactly? " Keera questioned, with legitment concern and confusion.

" I'm going to lift up my shirt and I want you to pull it off" Penny exclaimed.

" Okay..a couple of things here..so..one, is it hurting you? And also, you want me to pull whatever this thing is..off of you? " Keera questioned and Penny nodded and without another word, lifted up her shirt.

Keera covered her eyes both because the light was blinding and also because she had not intended to see that much of Penny.

" Pull it off" Penny demmanded.

Keera approached Penny and covered her eyes and extended her hand out to grab the glowing light. She did grab something but she could not be sure of what it was.

" THATS MY DAMN BOOB" Penny screamed.

" I'm sorry! It's hard to see! " Keera moved her hand further up and placed her hand over the light, she rubbed Penny's chest for a moment but found nothing to grab.

" I don't think it's attached to youn I think it's inside" Keera explained.

" Well see if you can get it to stop! " Penny screamed.

" How the hell am I suppose to get this to stop? Do you want me to rip it out of you? " Keera blurted out to which Penny nodded.

" I'm not going to rip it out of you, ya damn fool" Keera objected.

" Well, there has to be away to stop it" Penny again, screamed.

And that is when Keera had an idea. " Wait, I've got it" Keera closed her eyes and proceeded to raise her hands up and then clapped them together twice.

" What the hell was that? " Penny screamed again in a panic.

" I don't know! I saw a thing once and I thought it would work" Keera screamed back!

" TURN OFF " Penny screamed and suddenly, the light dimmed and faded into Penny's body.

" Really..that worked. The clapping didn't work but that..that worked. You've got to be kidding me " Keera sighed as she turned around which allowed for Penny to lower her shirt back.

" So what the hell did you do? " Keera questioned and Penny explained what had happened and that she had done nothing wrong.

" Well..I don't know what caused it..but I'm glad its over now" Keera sighed and then thought for a moment and cracked a devilish smirk.

" I want to try something" Keera turned back around to face Penny.

" TURN ON" she shouted and the light suddenly came back on under Penny's shirt.

" Turn off! " Penny screamed and the light dimmed again.

" Wow..so you are like..a night light or something" Keera laughed which Penny did not find amusing whatsoever.

" This isn't funny Keera " Penny hissed but this did not cease the laughter.

" I mean come on, it's kind of funny " Keera reasoned but her reasons went ignored.

" You touched my boob" Penny mumbled.

" And that was an accident. I really didn't mean too" Keera explained, she had felt horrible about doing so but it was also very hard to see.

" Mhm" Penny mumbled again.

" Oh whatever, look, you asked for my help and I tried to help. I'm sorry I wasn't much of a help..but I did try and that counts for something..sort of" Keera knew her efforts were useless and decided to give Penny some space instead of trying to reason with her.

" Thank you" Penny finally relented after spending the next few minutes cooking off.

' You are welcome"