
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasi
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63 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight: The Wells Bounty

Gandy led the two through the tunnels before finally reaching another giant open chamber however this time, it was filled with a beautiful pool of Pink water. The water looked delicious and magical, almost sacred in some way. Gandy pointed out how the water was the most protected of all the resources within the Well, as it had the most potential to cause great change within an individual.

" Throughout the ages, many have come seeking its bounty, and many have tried to take from it, only to be left with nothing" Gandy explained as he lowered his head near the water for Lysette and Ally to hop off.

" How did this water get here?" Ally asked as she approached the water.

" The water has been here since the beginning of time. It comes from a spring that is deeper than the center of this world. It comes from the source of all magic and yet can never be tainted as it is the purest of purity itself" he smiles.

" This Kind of magic could save countless lives and yet probably destroy thousands more. It is for the best that it remains here. Magic has evolved enough within the Well for it to be protected which eases many burdens " Lysette thinks to herself as she peers down into the water.

" So, we were told that this water might not be able to heal Ally completely" Lysette explains. " Rosha, told us that she has tried it before on the sickness that Ally has, and it did not work. Is there anything special that we could do to the water so that it might work? " Lysette questioned Gandy who thought for a moment before finally saying " I am not sure. There is a great and magical boar named Thudoglyfyr, who might not. But he is not so Kind as myself or my family.

" You are going to name him Thud..aren't you? " Lysette questioned Ally who simply smiled in response.

" Well then we should speak to this boar..where is he? " Lysette asked Gandy who looked around the chasm but could not seem to find the Protector of the water.

" I do not know, I would imagine that he is at the bottom of the Well Loch" Gandy peered down into the water as the water began to boil slightly in the center, and out from it, popped a small, pig. The pig looked inoccent enough, and the only difference from the average swine that Lysette was accustomed too was that this pig was blue and not accompanied by a normal pinkish hue.

" That simply cannot be him.." Lysette looked over this completely unintimidating piglet as it pranced around the top of the water.

" You said he was a boar..that's not a boar" Lysette added.

" Hiiiiii Thud" Ally screamed which stopped the piglet dead in its tracks and made it slowly turn its attention to Ally who sat by the waters edge.

" Who seeks to drink from my well? " The piglet called out.

" My name is Ally..and I'm very sick. I need to drink from the Well so I can heal. I would really appreciate it If you let me drink" Ally spoke softly and the piglet approached Ally, as Lysette and Gandy watched.

" You are such a small little thing " the piglet pointed out who was smaller than Ally himself.

" What Kind of sickness do you have? " The piglet asked.

Lysette stepped forward and proceeded to explain the sickness to the piglet who nodded as he listened intently.

" Oh that does sound truly awful. However these waters would not be able to help you" The Piglet explained.

" Well then what can help her? Please..we are desperate" Lysette pleaded with the pig who began pacing back and forth on the waters surface as he thought of a possble way to help them.

" I do not know I'm afraid. I might be ancient, but I am only limited to the knowledge of what is here and what the water can do. And unfortunately, I know that this water cannot help" The piglet explained.

" But is your blood also not a healing tonic? " Gandy questioned which recieved a stern look from the pig.

" Yes..yes it is. But I will not give that up so freely. And I do not believe that my blood would fix it either" The pig answered.

" But what if we mixed the blood, with the water..would that not enhance the healing properties? " Lysette asked.

" No..that's not how this works. What are you, Five years old? " The Pig snorted which recieved a shoulder shrug from Lysette.

" I am just trying to come up with solutions here.." Lysette sighed.

" That wouldn't work..but if we mixed the water with my blood..that could work" The pig suggested.

Lysette stood in disbelief. " That's exactly what I said.." She was beginning to think this pig was not as intelligent or as sacred as she originally believed him to be.

" Well it could work. But as I've said, you cannot have my blood" The pig turned and began walking away.

" Listen" Lysette called out.

" We need this blood and we are not going to leave here without it. So either you give it willingly or I am going to take it from you" Lysettes threats did not seem to bother the Piglet one way or the other.

" You can try too but you will not be successful. I am far stronger than I appear" The Pig assured Lysette who also seemed unbothered by the information.

" What regardless of how strong you are. I am still going to need that blood, one way or the other and I would prefer that you give it to me willingly" Lysette truly did not want to fight if she did not have too. But this pig seemed stubborn and this was going to be for a good cause, so Lysette prepared herself for a fight.

" I really wouldn't recommend it" The pig warned.

" I will take my chances" Lysette assured.

Just then, the pigs body began to change. Fur began to grow wild outside of its body and huge tusk formed within its mouth and stabbed out past its lips. This piglet had turned into a boar the size of a bus. Lysette was both surprised and yet not, considering that this Well seemed to have constant new tricks at every twist and turn.

Lysette quickly charged across the water and colliding with the Boar, who launched forward and sent Lysette flying backwards back to the place she had started from. The boar was strong indeed, just as he had warned. But Lysette felt confident in her ability to handle this creature as she had taken on several impossible tasks in the past and came out victorious.

Again, Lysette charged at the fearsome beast, and this time, managed to extend her claws out as she slipped by the boar and sliced down the side of it, though it appeared that the boars Hide was far to thick for her to Penitrate.

" Crap" Lysette thought to herself as the Boar charged her, forcing her to shift to the side to avoid the attack.

" I am not exactly sure how I am suppose to do this" Lysette tried to think of a strategy but found it difficult to find the time to think out a plan as the boar continued relentlessly charging at her.

Lysette now charged at the boar and right as she got close, she slipped under it, slicing at its Belly but again, the hide was far too tough.

She had done for certain that this would be a weak spot, though it did not appear that was the case.

" Hit him with a right..and a left" Gandy cheered.

" You don't have a right or a left though? " Ally pointed out to Gandy who whimpered.

" I know..this is just the most action that I've seen in quite some time. It is very entertaining" Gandy smiled as he continued to watch the fight, surprised that Lysette was lasting as long as she was.

Though she tried, Lysette could not seem to cause any considerable damage to the boar, and she was quickly running out of ideas. Though she was far faster than he, he seemed to have an endless amount of stamina, something that eventually, Lysette would run out of. She needed to try and end this fight as quickly as possible but this seemed to be much harder to do that anticipated.

" How the hell am I suppose to cut through his hide.." Lysette questioned, as she glanced briefly down at the water and developed a small idea. Lysette reached down and dipped her claws into the water, she too had been walking upon the surface and assumed that the magical properties of the Well allowed for this. Once the claw had been saturated in the water, Lysette charged again, this time, managing to finally slice through the boars Hide, which made him collapse in pain.

" You figured out how to slice through my hide" The boat laughed.

Lysette nodded as she stayed on her guard.

" But if you remember where we are.." The boar laughed as he stuck out his tongue and began drinking the water from the Well, which caused the wound that she had just made, to heal completely, and thus the boar rose back up.

" Crap " Lysette thought. " I have to cut him while he is away from the water" She wasn't exactly sure how she would be able to do this considering the bore was far stronger than her. Originally you figured she would be able to push him off the water and onto land, but this would not be easy in itself.

" The boar charged again and Lysette quickly dodged the attack and made her way to the waters edge. If she could lure him into a charge, she could move and hopefully get him to crash onto land where she open up her attacks.

And the boar, just like before, charged her again and this time, when she moved, the boar did go onto the land for a brief time but when he realized that he had crossed the waters boundary, he quickly lept back onto the water.

" So he is aware of that plan then.." Lysette realized. She had to think of something new but outside of brute force, could not come up with a way to force the boar onto the land. Finally, out of nowhere, a giant tail swung from the ceiling and crashed into the boar, which flung it against one of the cave walls and sent it crashing to the ground. Lysette looked back to Gandy who smiled.

" You looked like you could use some help" he chuckled.

" Yeah" Lysette breathed heavily as she dashed over to the boar and proceeded to cut him. " Crap, I don't have anything to put the blood in" Lysette realized just as another tail, orange in color, lowered down a small clay bowl.

" I figured you might need this " Announced Lala who appeared beside Gandy.

Lysette filled the bowl and then quickly ran over and scooped some water into the bowl with her hands, before turning around and liftting up the boar, and carrying him to the center of the water, and dropping him within the water, and then dashed back across the lake to hand the bowl to Ally.

Ally quickly drank from the bowl and began to cough ferociously, which concerned Lysette.

" How are you feeling? " Asked Lysette as she held Ally in her arms.

" I'm feeling okay " Ally coughed as Gandy and Lala looked on.

" YOU CHEATED" a voice could be heard coming from the center of the lake. The boar had risen from the center of the lake once again.

" I didn't cheat, I had help" Lysette answered.

" That is cheating" The boar screamed.

" Oh come now Thud, you know this little girl needed your help and you were being stingy as always " Gandy defended.

" I don't care. It's not suppose to work like that" Thud growled. " They cheated. You cheated. You all cheated" And with that, Thud returned back below the water, angry at his defeat.

" He will get over it. He always does" Laughed Lala.

" Well now we need to wait..we have to let the healing magic do its work which Is suppose to take a few days" Lysette pointed out.

" Yes, It will take some time before she's completely healed. You can stay with us if you like. We want to monitor her progress as well " Gandy offered and Lysette accpeted.