
The Protector Book Five

Young Penny, a Witch/ Nightslaher hybrid has traveled to her home land in the Underworld to try and stop the world from ending. Along the way, she meets new allies and makes new enemies. And Kara, the long lost Princess, the orginal Witch who was suppose to save the Underworld has returned. However, will she be of help to Penny or be the person who ensures the world's destruction!

Steven_Moon_ · Fantasi
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63 Chs

Chapter Fifty Eight: The Unlikely Allies

Penny and Ember awake shortly to find themselves being stared down by Kara, with Keera standing behind her.

" So you two are definitely working together" Penny smirked. " But what do you even want with us? " Penny questioned as she moved around, realizing that she was not restrained for some reason. It would seem as though Kara had no fear of what Penny could do to her.

" I am really getting tired of being dragged around" Ember grumbled as she stirred from her sleep.

" I had you brought here because we have to work together" Kara explained.

" I don't really care about what kind of issues you have with my associate. That was my concern me. We have far bigger issues ahead of us so you can sort that out on your own time " Kara added.

" Well first of all, if you are expecting us to work with you..that is not happening. Also, I will sort my issues with Keera whenever I want to sort them out, you don't get to dictate that. I don't care if you are the Queen of the Witches or not" Penny barked back.

" You must think you're really special. But I know you're history and I know all about you and Gabriel. You both failed to actually make a change. So I have no intentions of listening to you " Penny approached Kara, getting close to her face.

" Also, as cool as it is to meet you, I have - " Before she could finish, Kara reared her fist back, and then crashed it rather furiously into Penny's face which made Penny collapse back to the ground.

" Never..mention my mate. Ever. " Kara warned.

" I understand that you consider yourself a prodigy or at least your parents did. But I still run thanks here regardless of what you think. And I am still the most powerful of my kind. So it's not about me asking for respect..you WILL give me respect" Kara had a Fury and fire within her eyes that made even Ember hesitate on taking action against her.

" You are going to help me remove the threat from the Underworld..and then you can carry on your way. But do not get in my way..or I will deal with you. I don't owe your father or your mother a damn thing so I will not hesitate to handle you, you little brat " Kara growled. " Learn your damn place " Kara then recollected herself as Penny made it back to her feet.

" You want to fight? Let's fight " Penny's eyes began to glow a dark Blue and she proceed to launch fireballs from her hands at Kara who deflected them with ease. " Really? You really think that is enough to something to me? " Kara laughed.

" I am not even trying to be confrontational with you..but if you want to fight..I have no issues with it" Kara pulled her hand back and then launched a large emerald colored fireball which Penny could not manage to block, taking the full impact and getting blasted into a wall. Penny, by all means, was outmatched on technique and power currently. Though she was strong, she nowhere near the level of Kara despite the training she had done in the past.

" I am not done.." Penny crawled out of the giant home in the wall and proceeded launching rapid energy blasts at Kara who again, deflected them with ease.

Penny, realizing this was not working, instead reached behind her back and pulled out a whip of sorts made from blue flames, to which she launched towards Kara who had not anticipated such an attack. The whip, wrapped around Kara's arm which she used to try to block the attack, and was immediately dragged to the ground. " Fuck.." Kara groaned in pain as she tried to get back to her feet but as she did so, Penny charged her, ramming her knee firmly into Kara's face which made collapse back to the ground.

" Did you really think it would be that easy? " Penny laughed as she tried to regain control over the fight. She knew she had Kara down for the moment but Kara would never be this easy to take down so she had to be ready.

" Actually, yes.." Kara answered as she brought herself back to her knees and launched herself at Penny who tried to move out of the line of the charge but was tackled down either way. Kara's fist now became engulfed in flames, as she rammed her fist down into Penny's face, who could not block any of the attacks. Ember now decided to intervene and tackled Kara off of Penny which made them both crash to the ground.

" You both need to stop this. This is ridiculous " Ember was trying to break up the fight but now realized she had only brought Kara's attention and aggression to herself. Kara launched a few blasts towards Ember to get distance from her which Ember dodged quickly.

" Well at least you are more capable" Kara noted as she began launching a flurry of flaming punches at Ember who was doing her best to dodge every blow though was find it increasingly hard to do so as Kara speed on increased. By now, Penny had made it back to her feet and launched her own punches towards Kara who blocked each Blow with her hands, almost displaying some masterful control over martial arts of some type.

At this point, both Ember and Penny were going full force against Kara who was having no difficultly managing to fend them both off. " For people considered to be the saviors..you two aren't really good at fighting " Kara kicked Ember firmly in the stomach which launched Ember backwards and into a wall, then connected a punch onto Penny which launched her in the opposite direction. The flames surrounding Kara's fist managed to singe the skin on Penny's cheek which hurt far less than the broken ribs she had no suffered from thanks to hitting another wall.

" We have to work together whether we like it or not..and that's just how it is. " Kara explained as the two slowly recovered from their body's abuse.

" I'm not working with you. Whatever it is that you want, I want nothing to do with it. We want nothing to do with it" Penny spoke for Ember as she stared Kara down.

" Well you don't really get a choice in the matter" Kara pointed out. " We either work together or we lose everything" Keera finally stepped forward, deciding to intervene though she offered no help to Kara during the fight.

" May I say something? " Keera asked as Penny made it back to her feet and ran to Keera, punching her in the face rather hard which sent Keera crashing to the ground now.

" No, you can't. You are a traitor..a liar..and a disgrace to your own people " Penny hissed as she coughed out some blood.

" I just wanted to say that I am going to leave.." Keera stood back to her feet and turned to walk away.

" You are not going anywhere " Kara raised her hand which froze Keera in place yet again.

" Just let me go. I'm not wanted here and I don't want to be here.." Keera pleaded but Kara wanted to hear none of it.

" I don't care what they want. Like I said, we all have to work together for the time being.

" PENNY " Raven screamed as she appeared in the room, Shawn behind her. They had finally managed to track her down and did not even notice anyone else in the room except Penny.