
The Prophesied Outcasts: Fall of the Seven

This story is a strange one, so listen close. Titanis, a not so average, angel boy, lives day to day just like you or me. Turns out life is quite hard without a father figure, but it only gets worse. One day, on his way home, Titanis is ambushed and captured by Satan. In the deepest pits of Hell, Titanis learns that both angels and demons are not as they seem. So Join me won't you. For the thrilling tale of Titanis Angelus

OutcastKing · Seni bela diri
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20 Chs



Have you ever looked to the heavens and wonder: Where did the gods come from? Many create stories, myths, rumors of titans or of divine humans and their godlike appearance. What if, every single story, every single myth… What if I told you that each and every one of them are fake but, in a twisted manner, also true? Before creation had a name; a celestial being byThe name of Oga' atheal was born. Oga' was born to a race of, what us humans would call, "Titans" presented as the watchers.

What are watchers you may ask? Well, the watchers are mighty beings who, surprise, want nothing more than to create a perfect and sustainable lifestyle for themselves.; though we have yet to learn where they came from, they have been commanding this fear long since before our puny universe ever existed. 

Oga', a young but talented watcher, was outcast for his imaginative spirit. In the realm of the watchers, active imaginations were punished, and dragged so far down that no one could ever find them, but no matter how hard they tried, Oga' couldn't be brought down.

The reason the elders let these ideals set is due to the strange ability they possess. You see, watchers have the ability to create anything from thought. In Oga' the watchers saw a force that could not be stopped, a force stronger than that of twenty maybe even thirty watchers. So, in fear of losing years of order, the olders thought of only one solution, cut the cancer before it grows.

 They called Oga' to the counsel of impression and all the elders came together and banished him to a whole different dimension. A seal was set, a seal stronger than Oga', no, stronger than all watchers and their creations. Sadly, once Oga' was trapped he lost all creative thought, everything that made Oga' well, Oga! 

So, Oga' waited, and waited. Depression seeped deep into his spirit, he was trapped. Trapped in the blank space of his mind; his mind so deathly silent and lonely, only his thoughts of self pity kept him company. Long had he wanted someone or something to give him the companionship he so desperately desired; each night, for thousands of years, he cried himself to sleep.

Oga' prayed each day for a companion, anybody to share his horrid fate with. Nothing happened.

As Oga' grew so did his power, all it would take is one thought. Anything, anyone to spark his imagination.

Once again, Oga' found himself crying once again, it looked as if he would be lonely for his immortal lifetime; however, this day would be different, as Oga' cried himself to sleep, a small spark awoke a mighty flame! For the first time in six millenia, His mind was suddenly full of unyielding thought…

As the time passed, Oga' began to open his pie-cut eyes, expecting only to see that damned abyss once more; although this was not what he found, in front of him floated spheres of water, mud, fire, sand, and barren landscapes. 

Many of these worlds shot beacons of pure light, each light spreading from world to world weaving a web until each stream met in a dazzling explosion of color in front of Oga'. Oga' had never seen anything quite like it, the light began to fade, he saw the many beings he had drempt of, they spoke and asked Oga' in unison: 

"Father, we, your children, will do anything you command." In response, Oga' had told them of his great plan, the plan of life. He told them of his vision of humanity and the many other possibilities of life, Oga' had told them that each was to build their world in their vision, to let their imaginations guide them, as a result, Oga' atheal was worshiped throughout the plane of existence including an endless number of other dimensions; out of the many worlds Oga' atheal had created there were two he favored above all else. These were the planets Earth and Pheoniclor.

 For years, the planet of pheoniclor has been home to many of the most intense battles anyone had or ever will see. As fast as these people died they rose from their ashes, as the name suggests, much like that of a mighty phoenix. This would mean that these beings could never die. In fact, each time they died, they came back stronger; their planet was caught up in perpetual war. 

Nevertheless, that is not where our story begins. Our story begins on Earth, a planet full of lush, green land, dry deserts, ferocous volcanoes, vast oceans, harsh mountains, and frigid tundras.

 Out of all his dimensions and worlds, what made Oga' atheal love this land was the concept of humanity. Humans had been given the choice of good or evil, for the good, Heaven awaited, for the bad, eternal damnation. 

Oga' watched this world intensively as the days went by watching man after man, woman after woman, and person after person go either up or down.

Upon watching Earth, Oga' began to notice a problem rising from the god of this world, as each day passed the god who ruled this world began to remind Oga' of the watchers, so as a result, he sent a child to this world to end the hidden tyranny of the earthen gods. This is where our story begins, it is told by his second son, Titanis Angelus. 

Titanis has always been a strange boy; he always wanted to explore, for he always felt a longing for more space and adventure. Years of his life were spent reading scrolls and ancient tomes where he would learn about the great achievements of the high angel counsel. 

Sadly, he could never encounter the adventure he craved. 

Each day drove on and on. Though boring, his life was happy and content. Living with his mother and father, he was happy, but all good things must come to an end. Oga' atheal's plan was set in motion. As Titanis' future began to change for the worse.