
The Professor and the CEO

Selene and Ben met when they were 19 years old and were together for several years. They had a painful break up after Ben's family disapproved of their plans to marry. Since then, Selene hasn't really had any major relationships. Instead, she has devoted her life to her career and proving her worth. Ben can't tell Selene the real reason why he had to break up with her. He has spent all the years apart building power and influence, all the while planning to get her back. When he heard she was presenting her design to his company, he couldn't stay away any longer, so he moved up his plans to win her back. But in doing so is he putting them both in danger? What will happen when she learns the truth? *********** Note: R18 content *********** Excerpt: They stood there for a while, kissing each other demurely, as if they were testing the waters. Selene couldn't help but let out little noises of pleasure, while Ben started breathing heavier. Ben pulled slightly away to look at Selene's lips, which were flushed with a dark pink from their kisses. "These are the lips I've been craving," he thought, then began nibbling on Selene's bottom lip. When she let out a little moan, he was satisfied that he could move forward. He pushed his tongue gently in between her lips as if asking for entrance. She was already lost in the feelings from the past and let him in. Once she did, the kiss transformed. Their lips were hungry for each other after being denied for so long. Ben pushed Selene against the wall nearby. His tongue licked the inside of her mouth as if he was tasting the nectar of the gods. His mind was racing as he thought, "God, she tastes so good, like the wine we had earlier." Selene couldn't help but let out a moan, but it was muffled by Ben's mouth on her. He sucked on her tongue while moving his hands slowly all over her back. Then his hands moved down to her tiny waist, while his mouth continued to dance around her tongue. He couldn't believe how she had stayed just the same after all these years. Ben started moving his mouth down her neck, nibbling here and there along the way. There would definitely be marks left where he sucked and gently bit. Selene tried to hold back her moans, but the best she could do was keep them quieter than usual. They were in a restaurant after all. "My God, what am I doing? We're in a restaurant!," she thought. But she didn't stop. She couldn't stop.

PoppyFair · perkotaan
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94 Chs

The Gala (Part 4)


Everyone present in the ballroom heard Ben's vow as he had secretly mic'd himself at some point without Selene realizing.

Selene had her hands to her mouth as she listened to Ben's declaration of love, not believing that this was actually happening to her. She couldn't take her eyes off of Ben the entire time he was speaking as she tried to hold back her tears. When he was done, she finally looked at the ring, and then back at him. Then she remembered where she was and looked around at all the people waiting in anticipation. "I feel like I'm in the middle of a K-drama," she thought, smiling.

She turned back to Ben and went down to him, helping him to stand up. When he did, she took his hands and said, "Of course I will marry you. How could there be any doubt about that?"

Ben smiled the biggest smile she had ever seen him give as embraced her. The crowed started clapping and cheering. All except for a few, that is. As Ben took Selene's hand and put the ring on her finger, it was clear that Natalia, the Duke, and Victor were not happy to say the least. The frowns on their faces spoke volumes.

Natalia was fuming. "How dare he do this to me," she demanded of her father through gritted teeth.

The Duke put his hand on her arm and said, "He won't get away with this. No one insults my family and lives to tell the tale."

Meanwhile, Victor was taking a sip of champagne as he glared at the two on the stage. "Have your fun now," he thought, "Soon you'll be crying at my hands."

Neither Ben nor Selene were aware of the dark energy being sent their way as they were too happy in each other's arms.

Ben took Selene's hand as they turned to the audience. Giving a slight bow of his head, he proclaimed to the audience, "Thank you all for being witness to this moment for me and my fiancée." He stopped to give Selene a smile after he used the word "fiancée" before going on, "Now, if you will excuse us, we will be taking our leave. The auction will continue, however so please enjoy the rest of your night!"

With that, he led Selene through the doors of the ballroom outside to their waiting car. Marco opened the rear door of the SUV for both of them to enter. Once inside, Ben kissed Selene. She was a little taken aback at the passionate display given they were in the car and she quickly pulled away to see if the barrier between the rear and front seats was up. It was.

Ben still had his hands on either side of her head and smiled at her shyness. He put his forehead on hers and confessed, "I am so happy right now."

She nodded, gave him a peck, and said, "Me too." Then she pulled away slightly to look at her ring. "But I don't know how I would dare wear this ring out. I can't believe how much you paid for it!"

He took the hand with the ring on it, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. "Don't worry," he said, "No one is ever going to touch you again." Then his smiled turned mischievous, "Well. Except for me, of course."

Ben leaned in for another kiss but Selene put one palm on his chest and quickly interjected, "I'm a little embarrassed to do this with Marco just on the other side of that little barrier."

Laughing, Ben said, "Don't worry, he can't hear anything. See, I have to push this button down for him to hear me." He pointed to a black button on the armrest.

"Oh," Selene contemplated. "Still. He's just right there."

"Okay, I understand," Ben replied. Then he pushed the button and commanded Marco to pull into a dimly lit parking garage that they had just passed by. Once they were parked he told Marco to go shopping for about an hour as they were underneath a mall. Marco did as he was told.

Selene shook her head, trying not to smile. "You really can't wait until we get home?," she teased.

Ben leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Can you?" Then he started nibbling on her ear and all Selene could do was moan in response. While kissing her neck, he lifted her up and over to him, so that she was straddling him. He reached around her to unzip her dress and undo her bra all in one swift motion. Selene gasped.

He pushed her dress down, and she was naked from the waist up. He moved his hands over her breasts as he made his way down to them with his mouth, kissing and sucking her skin along the way. Selene had her hands in his hair, needing something to hold on to as she felt the sensations of heated pleasure wash over her skin everywhere he touched with his lips and hands.

Kneading her flesh, he groaned, "I can't believe how beautiful you are. And you're going to be mine forever." Licking her nipples, he continued, "Baby, I want to lick every part of you, mark you as mine."

Selene raised his head with her hands so she could devour his lips. The contact was fierce as she sought a deeper connection with her lover. Moving her mouth over his in a frenzy of licking and smacking, she ended by slightly nipping at his lower lip. She moaned into his lips, "I'll always be yours," before moving her assault down to his neck. She removed his tie quickly and started unbuttoning his shirt so she could gain access to the hollow between his collarbones. She licked it and sucked on it while moving her hands down his chest to unbutton the shirt that was a barrier between her hands and what they needed to caress.

Ben let her continue her mission while he took off his suit jacket. After a few moments, he too was naked from the waist up as their arms enveloped each other in a tangle of sensations. He slid his hands on her legs, slowly pushing the bottom of her dress up until one hand reached the sweet spot between her legs and the other held onto her hip. He moved her underwear so that his fingers could massage her other lips. Selene moaned in pleasure as he did so.

She put her head on his shoulder, feeling a warmth gathering in her abdomen. She was throbbing where his hand moved back and forth, his fingers in and out of her hole. Her climax was approaching too fast so she started undoing Ben's belt. She needed him inside her. Ben understood her need and moved his hands so he could pull down his pants and underwear together. His cock was hard and erect, ready to satisfy her urgency. He lifted her up with one hand on her waist, while moving her underwear over so that the tip of his penis was just touching the entrance to her her wet tunnel. He didn't expect that she would plunge down herself and he let out a moan of pleasure at the feeling of being enveloped by her warmth so suddenly.

Selene began to move on her own, rocking back and forth and in an up/down motion. She held onto Ben's shoulders as her back arched and her head lay backwards, reveling in the pulsing flesh inside her. She whimpered and moaned as Ben began sucking on the rosy peaks of her breasts, massaging them until they were hard and easier to bite. He then used his tongue to lick all the way from the bottom of her cleavage all the way up her neck. One hand on the back of her head brought it forward to be kissed.

Ben sighed as he kissed her, ravishing in the sweet taste of cake that was still lingering on her lips. He moved his head to one side to open their lips and then used is mouth to tease her with small licks inside. His hands were now on her ass, guiding her up and down, faster and faster as their bodies became slick with the activity. The sounds of slapping skin and moaning were all that could be heard inside the car as Ben thrust up into her at a feverish pace.

Selene barely had time to feel a tightness forming around her clitoris as an exquisite pleasure broke over her. She cried out in ecstasy, her body stiffening but still moving in pace with Ben. His own orgasm came just then as he shot out his seed inside her. He trembled at the sensations rippling through him, clinging to her as they both panted out of breath.

It took a little while for their breaths to even out, but they held each other the entire time, each caressing the other and enjoying languid kisses. Finally, Ben looked deeply into Selene's eyes and said, "I love you so much."

Selene smiled and replied, "I love you too. That was amazing."

"It was, wasn't it?," he asked roguishly, confident in his mastery of sexual techniques. Then he moved their bodies so that Selene was lying down on the backseat and he was hovering over her. "Now let me enjoy you slowly," he teased, his tone laced with the promise of rapture to come.

"Naughty boy," Selene quipped, shaking her head with a smile.

"Sexy professor," Ben responded with a devilish grin.

Seems like the evening ended better than it started ;).

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