
The Execution

Immediately , Rechie stand up and read the content of the file. .. It Stated there that the one who order to kill her brother are the most powerful dangerous businesses man in the world .. there and then .. that the 3 Big Family has been negotiating that man that it was a whimper that he instructed one of the newest member of the gang to kill her brother .. what makes her most shock is that while this man was the most dangerous man . while its wife is her own grand parent in her baptism...

everything turn black in the eyes of Rechie there and then the one that kills her brother was no distance in her .. out of rage , Rechie just stand there and laugh her frustration out then plan anything in her hand... he consult every possible point where he could assassinate this man .. but to no avail almost all her assassin's has killed alone by this man in its own hands ..

every failure almost drive Rechie crazy like shit that he could not focus anymore , can't eat properly until that he think of the most proper way to execute that man is through his own hands ..


A night where almost everyone is busy on the road , he study the almost every possible road where that man could took to take home .. then he waited there almost 3 hour because that guy is now leaving her own home to buy some things ..

Rechie took the opportunity to strike when he saw this man talking to its phone while walking in this busy road. but then her phone rung, just he was a meter away from this guy and be discovered so that he took her phone and answer it in order for not being suspected to.. he want to shout in rage but he keep it up ..

" Yes!" he said

" *grasp* ..sir ...*pant* .. you ... n..need... to ... run.... the information is incorrect .... everyone in the organization is in danger ... you have been fool ... pls . sir .. be safe .. you need to go away this instance.. "

" WHAT ?? Derick where are you !!!!!"

" information is incorrect sir , you need to run .. he is not the who killed your brother its the head ..... ( toot toot) " then the line disconnected..

" FUCK!! " fear linger in the heart of Rechie .. he's afraid that he rush home that instance.. afraid that something may happened to her mother and father ...

He begun to run then dump the shoulder of the man he want to kill earlier ..being said that it was wrong information he drop the idea that the information was all true that it was her grand parents husband ... he didn't even look at the face of that man ..

While Rechie is panicking and rushing to went home , the man that he dump was Mr. Lark Laurence the most powerful dangerous businesses man in the world ... its true that he was it .. but he hide it to the world. Selected peole known her true identity so when he being dump of that young guy he felt insanity that he chooses to follow it secretly...

Rechie went home without knowing that he is being followed by..

Almost everyone is dead when Rechie arrive in home .. then he rush upward to look for her parent but he surprised that the dark surrounding has lightened up and the most head of the all family in core or Branch of it is in her front upside that staircase...

" Welcome my Beloved Grandson .. its your grand fathers pleasure that you went home in this our .. now that you catch me in act .. its my lose kekekeke... " her Grandfather said while looking down at him ... " YOU!!! YOUR THE ONE THAT KILLED BROTHER ... YOU FABRICATED THAT INFORMATION FOR ME TO KILLED THAT MAN DIDN'T YOU !!!!" Rechie is full of insanity that he rush up stairs to kill her ... " your such a tender child Rechie but still like your brother.. i need to iliminate you before you distroyed my name .. " he snaps then look for someone, " alright silence her for once rejie" -,the butler of the house of her father ..

" YOU BASTARD IM GOING TO KILL YOU " Rechie said but rejie shut her up and throw her in the side . ..

" rejie where's my mom and dad ?" Rechie said like he didn't feel any pain.. " they are now in safe place " rejie said while walking for her ..

" Now Now .. its alright .. your mom and dad is just a lie .. they are not your true parent nor you brother is they child .. its just that they think and believe that you two are thier own children .. but who would have thought that you two achieve the things that could ruin my family so i silence your brother and fabricate some facts ..then here i am expecting some dilicious news but you failed .. kekekeke.. YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE NOW .. you are just an insignificant no body at this moment .. now you just drop as dead my dear little grand son .. " then he turn around laughing and left that house before he leave he ordered to burn the house before leaving

rejie bow at her then pick him up and drag her to the basement .. just when rejie is about to stab her Derick who has been hiding there attacked rejie ..

" young master , sir why are you here ? "

" Derick your alive ... " Rechie couldn't finish her word when he saw the knife being stab on Derick's shoulder and her pale face ..

" now now .. all i thought is that you are dead but then not yet, .. (sigh) i didn't. intend to hurt you young master all u want you is get away from here. ill take the consequences' of my action but i want you sir to live your life " rejie said putting a drug on Rechie's mouth before dropping her out of the window where there is a trash truck that waiting there all while ..

Rechie saw the last gentle smile in rejie's face giving her a note before dropping out...

When Rechie is on the truck , rejie for the last time look at Rechie but to his surprised her young master was in the imbrace of someone while staring at him .. then the truck start ti run ...

" It was Lark Laurence... Pls .. take care of our young master .. " rejie smile before someone shooting her head taking her life the same as derick ..

" you little imp also know of my identity huh !! sure enough that Yuu bastard use you to offend me kekekeke, He sure play her card well .. " lark smirk jumping out of the truck .. .