
Chapter 7 - Where's Grandma?

The book was dusty inside. Serefina and Brayn choked. Serefina read the first few lines.

"Past has itself which future doesn't," she read.

"Okay?" said Brayn.

"This should mean something, right?"

"Of course, it means something," a ghostly female voice came out of the book.

Serefina dropped the book and jolted back. Brayn caught her in time before she could fall.

"Thanks." Serefina blushed a little.

"My pleasure your majes-" he stopped mid sentence.

"Your what?"


"But you just-"

"Can you two stop your conversation now?" said the ghostly voice.

"This book talks?" Serefina asked.

"Ofcourse I talk. Now this book is for asking anything you want to know about the time crystals. So, what's your question?" It literally ment that the book was very impatient.

"Actually, time is running fast because I think that someone broke the time crystals. So what do we do now?" Serefina explained.


"I didn't loose them. My grandma did. She doesn't even allow me to see them without her supervision."

"Typical kids. You should find the people who broke them and then ask me after. Okay?"

"Okay. How do we find them?"

"That's your problem. You lost them so you find them. Now let me know when you find them. Tata!"

The book closed automatically.

"How are we going to find those-wait my dream. I know how they look. One has blonde hair and one has long raven black hair with pale skin," Serefina remembered.

"Okay there are a lot of people who look like that...How about we talk to my mom tomorrow?"

"Good idea! She wrote this book so she should know what to do."

"Okay then, tomorrow after school?"

"Yup. Bye!"

Serefina and Brayn stepped out the door and each went to their allotted classes.


"Grandma I am home," Serefina said keeping her snow covered umbrella in the umbrella stand.


Serefina checked the kitchen and her grandma's room. Then finally her room. Fluffy jumped on to her lap and licked her face. Serefina had checked everywhere. There was no sign of Grandma. She could not be at Tik Tok soup shop because she took leave due to her back pain.

"Fluffy, Where is Grandma?" Serefina sighed.