
Seventh Month— Barthen, Day 14

The heavens had cleared to a crystalline blue that was brightened dramatically by the glow of the twin suns. It was almost as of the clouds that had hung heavily over the capital city in the previous days hadn't existed at all. 

If it weren't for the cold that was increasing by the day, anyone would have mistaken the weather for the traditional look of summer. 

The weather in New Oalta had dramatic and rapid changes. In only a few days, the temperature had dropped to depressing lows, and the rains that fell only made every day after that become colder and colder. 

The long winter was coming, an equivalent of two turns worth of snow and freeze. It was coming, and there was still so much to be done. 

Verinia had her cheek turned to the sky where her head rested on her arm. Her eyes were languidly closed, allowing her hand to lay in the freezing water amidst the current of the fish that swam in it.