
The Princess and The Wolf Prince

Princess Liviana's dream was to read thousands of books and become the best archer in their kingdom. At the age of twenty, the marriage never crosses her mind, but little did she know, her parents have decided to marry her to a prince. Prince Conrad is the crown prince succeeding to the throne, the next King of their kingdom. He is also leading a pack of a wolf as an Alpha. The wolf prince is going to meet a human princess. The marriage that bound to put them together in a situation that they have to accept, along with the adventures, difficulties, heartbreaks, romantic feelings, disappointments, and the truth about their kind. Read on to find out if their love can overcome the odds.

Abigael_Cabrera · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
105 Chs

Chapter 3

Princess Liviana's POV

As I continue walking in the long hallway, I suddenly bumped into someone. "If I were you, I won't walk alone while you're in deep thoughts." I slowly raised my head to see a guy seriously looking at me. He has brown eyes, a pointed nose, a perfect jawline, and red lips. What the hell? He's as handsome as my brother. I immediately backed up and took few steps away from him. If not only with what Thalia said, I lost in thoughts.

"I apologize. I did not mean that to happen." I bowed a little.

"You're wearing a white gown." I looked at him. I found him examining my appearance until his eyes reached mine. I was amazed at how his brown eyes glow. It's fascinating that I cannot even take my eyes off him.

But then I realized what I was doing, it's embarrassing. I tried my best to look away and took few more steps away from him. "I just got here, and I don't know where I was going." I explained though it's not related to what he just said. "I better get going." I said, but before I can move, the guy spoke.

"Don't expect anything from this marriage." I felt my eyes widened in shock. I was stunned from where I was standing. "I know it's against your will to marry me, so do I. Therefore, to clear things between us, you only need to fulfill your role as the Crown Princess and not as my wife." He firmly said with authority in his voice that gives me shiver. I looked down and closed my eyes.

I knew this was another hell. His attitude towards me sucks. He should've approached me in a friendly way, and it seems like he's threatening me. He's commanding me around like a dog. What a jerk! I just met him, but I hate him already.

I decided to look at him again directly to his eyes. His eyes are still glowing, but I need to ignore them. I won't let him affect me. "I understand, your highness." I said politely. Maybe he wants Thalia to be his wife, but why he's not marrying her instead?

I turned my back on him and walked away. I cannot stand being with him any longer. This marriage starts to suffocate me, but I won't let him hurt me. There's no freaking way.

The wedding ceremony went well smoothly. It's just an ordinary wedding except for we don't look at each other and the part that we have to kiss. Instead of kissing, I tapped his shoulder and smiled sweetly. He looked shocked and amazed by what I did, but I don't give a damn. I won't make him use me.

Queen Caroline looked at me angrily once the wedding ended. Most of the guests look at me suspiciously, but I ignored them. I was relieved that Prince Elias wasn't able to attend this pathetic wedding, or else he'll witness how pitiful his sister is.

King George and Queen Thyra introduced me to the member of the royal family, to the noble family, to each member of their council, to their friends, and many other guests.

"May I snatch this beautiful lady?" Someone held my right hand; before we could react, he's already dragging me. Queen Thyra just looked at me and nod. In just a few steps, we reached a table on the most corner of the hall, and a cute little guy was sitting alone at the table while smiling sweetly at me. "Take a seat. I know you're tired." I turned to the guy who dragged me.

"Do you guys mind introducing yourself?" I demanded before deciding if I will join them at their table or not.

The older guy smiled at me. "We're Conrad's brothers. I'm Connor, and he's our youngest brother, Colten."

"What?" I asked in shock. "He has brothers?" I asked in a playful tone.

"Yes, unfortunately." Connor said as he chuckles. "You're our sister-in-law, Princess Liviana, right?" Before I could speak, someone held my hand again.

"Come on, join us!" the cute little guy pulled my hand and forced me to sit. They both gave me food and drinks.

"Thank you. Please call me Lili." I said while smiling. They seem safe, and I have this light feeling about them. Lili, my nickname my brother is calling me.

"Princess Lili! I liked it!" Colten shouted while smiling. I smiled while looking at him. He's very bubbly while Connor has a playful side.

"I liked what you did earlier." Connor said while chuckling. "Our brother must be embarrassed in front of everyone." His chuckled became laughter. He enjoyed the show. What a nice brother.

"He deserved it." I said while eating. This wedding made me famished.

"You look very hungry, Lili." Colten commented while eating a chocolate cake.

"I am. I haven't eaten well in a week because of this pathetic wedding." I said between eating and drinking.

I heard Connor laughed. "I like you, Lili. Now we are a team of three against our brother." He poured another wine on his glass and drank it bottoms up.

"He's been a jerk the moment I met him. What a joke, is he really the Crown Prince?" I whined.

Connor laughed again. "He is. He's strict and serious all the time. He will bore you for sure."

I rolled my eyes. "I'd rather read books. By the way, how old are you guys?"

Colten raised his right hand. "I'm ten, Connor is twenty, and Conrad is twenty-four." He said as he giggles. What a cutie?

"We're on the same age, Connor." I told him. "Thank you for taking me away from formalities."

Connor smiled. "It's my pleasure, Lili. Colten and I can keep you company whenever and wherever you want."

I smiled back. "I'm glad he has brothers like you two." I sincerely said.

"We're glad to have a sister, Lili." Because of his irresistible cuteness, I kissed him on the cheek, and he smiled widely.