
The Princess and The Wolf Prince

Princess Liviana's dream was to read thousands of books and become the best archer in their kingdom. At the age of twenty, the marriage never crosses her mind, but little did she know, her parents have decided to marry her to a prince. Prince Conrad is the crown prince succeeding to the throne, the next King of their kingdom. He is also leading a pack of a wolf as an Alpha. The wolf prince is going to meet a human princess. The marriage that bound to put them together in a situation that they have to accept, along with the adventures, difficulties, heartbreaks, romantic feelings, disappointments, and the truth about their kind. Read on to find out if their love can overcome the odds.

Abigael_Cabrera · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
105 Chs

Chapter 32

Prince Conrad's POV

After our conversation over dinner at the beach, we decided to lay down by each other on the blanket to watch the night sky. We just stared at the sky silently.

My thoughts lead me to the conversation I had with Prince Elias last night. When Liviana left me and decided to come with Prince Andrew, Prince Elias suddenly appeared and sat across the table in front of me. He gave me a glass of red wine while looking at his sister, who was talking to his best friend on the veranda.

After few minutes, he told me some details about his best friend. He told me that Prince Andrew fell in love with Liviana since they were kids. The reason why Prince Andrew came to visit often was because of her. Though, at that time he doesn't have the courage to talk to her a lot and to get to know her more that's why he just suited himself asking about her from her brother.

One day, Prince Andrew came sulking and depressed. The reason was he found out that Liviana and Prince Philip's relationship. He was so mad about himself for being scared and for unable to bring himself to confess to her. He knew that time that Liviana considered him as brother and nothing more.

While Prince Elias was talking, I realized that I am one hell lucky bastard to marry a girl like her. Maybe knowing that few men fell in love with her made me feel lucky and blessed. Though, it also made me feel like I have few rivals.

After few months, Prince Andrew decided to go overseas. He told Prince Elias that he wanted to be the man perfect to be Liviana's husband, so he decided to study and train overseas. Also, part of that was to heal his broken heart. Prince Elias told me that his best choice for his sister was Prince Andrew. That information struck the hell out of me.

I am an alpha and a crown prince. I have more superiority than a normal human like Prince Elias. I usually don't care what other people say or think about me. Though, this time I don't know why I want to be his best choice for his sister. I want to get along with him and get his approval of our marriage. Knowing that he preferred Prince Andrew to be his sister's husband upset me and my wolf. It bothers the hell out of me.

He already trusted and gave his sister's hand to his best friend. He must be disappointed when he found out that his parents decided to marry his sister to someone he did not know. Now, I found out why he has this kind of attitude towards me. I also understand that he only wanted the best for his sister.

Prince Elias sent a letter to Prince Andrew in which he stated that Liviana and Prince Philip ended their relationship, and he married someone else. Prince Andrew was furious back then, and he wanted to get back immediately when he found out. However, he wasn't able to come home even he wanted to because of his studies and training.

When Prince Elias found out about our marriage, he decided to send another letter to Prince Andrew carrying news about our marriage. He was devastated, that was what Prince Elias told me. Prince Andrew was trying his best to be the best next ruler of his kingdom and to be the best future husband to Liviana. He already planned his future with her. I cannot think how miserable he was back then.

After hearing those details, I felt jealous, envy and sad. I was jealous because he was strong enough to face what he doesn't possess and strong enough to make a way to achieve what he lacked. I envy his attitude towards his future. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he knew how to get it. I felt sad because I am nothing compare to him. I don't have dreams like his, and I don't think I am the best choice for Liviana. I think highly of myself. I thought of her as a nuisance.

Prince Philip and Prince Andrew love her. They saw something special about her that I did not see when I first met her. They know her value unlike me. I feel bad for treating her like that. I feel like any time she can leave me because I am not worthy of her.

After few hours, Liviana and I decided to walk home. I was carrying the empty plates, utensils, and glass of wine in a basket while she's carrying the blanket that we used on the sand. I wonder why our paths did not cross a few years ago. I wonder if she's not my mate, will I fall in love with her.

"How do you feel about the wolf?" I immediately looked at her. I suddenly got nervous by her question.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I felt my palms got sweaty.

"I met a wolf. It saved me few times from rogue wolves. That wolf reminds me of you." She said while smiling.

"Do I look like a wolf to you?" I asked, seriously then she chuckled at my remark.

"You cannot blame me; you have the same pair of eyes." She stated.

"My eyes are unique. How dare you compare my eyes with a wolf." I said as I tried to sound irritated as possible.

"That wolf visited me few times. I saw it outside the castle, and it was looking intently at our room's window." She stated.

"What a weird wolf." I commented as I tried to speak normally, but I felt uneasy.

"Indeed. I think that wolf likes me." She said as she chuckled. "I wonder if we can get it as a pet."

"No." I hysterically opposed. She looked at me in disbelief. Her face was asking me the reason behind my unexpected reaction. "What I mean is we cannot make it as a pet. Wolf is a wild animal." I explained.

Her face softens as she nodded. "You're right, but I don't think that wolf is wild. I love the way it looked at me. I have a good and unexplainable feeling whenever it is around." She detailed.

I looked in the opposite direction to hide my face. I can feel my wolf's happiness by what we just heard. My smile widens as her words echoed in my ears.

"I wish to see that same wolf a few times more." She said as she smiled, and that gave pleasure the hell out of me.