
the princess and the pea

Once upon time in the kingdom there lived a prince who wanted to marry a princess he traveled all around the way to find the right princess to marry but he was unsuccessful. Until one night there was terrible storm outside lighting was flashing down in the lambs and thunder striking. In this terribly situation there was knock outside the door when the king opened the door there was a beautiful princess standing outside she was wet and shivering. The king ordered the servant to arrange a room for the princess to stay here for today night. Meanwhile the queen went to the princess room and told the servant to put twenty mattress on the bed. After the servant had put twenty mattress on the bed. The queen lay down a tina pea under the bed. That night princess could not sleep. She was awake all night because something was disturbing her. The next morning the queen asked the princess that did sha ha a good sleep at night. The princess said no because something was disturbing her. The queen was surprised. Because she had lay down twenty mattress and lay down the pes inter it she thought no had so sentive skin. So soon the princess and prince got married an they live happily ever after