

This beast's name is Celentra. It inhabits caves and mountainous areas. However, just like Wild Hounds, this beast's strength is not in its own power but in its numbers, which means that rather than a dangerous opponent, it is more of an annoyance.

Lory opened her palm, and the Trinity staff appeared. She twisted the staff, and it transformed into a sword. The Beast surrounded her, its eyes glaring to intimidate its prey. At that moment, the beast struck her at the same time, but Lory jumped high into the sky, then took a high-speed dive and swung her sword at the beast.

She raised an ice shield on her arm as one of the beasts attacked her from the side then quickly slashed the beast's head. The beast shrieks and blood splatters all over the place making the other beast more violent. Lory summoned a whirlwind and swooped the beasts into the air after that she transformed her sword into a bow and then released an ice arrow.