
Princess is Lost Again

A night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars, is a tranquil night and people finally return to their home after a long day. Tonight Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen decide to stay at the same inn as Lory and Zhao Li Xin to make it easier for the girls to meet, the husbands were certain if they didn't do this their respectful wife will leave them in the morning so they can meet with each other 

Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Ying occupied another luxurious room on the same floor as Lory and the people who are gratified are the Inn manager because his Inn has accommodated two powerful figures in the countries, he sure from here on his Inn would become more famous than ever before.

Lory takes a seat on the wooden couch on the balcony, She enjoys the sounds of waves and gentle night breeze while Girsha spends his times fly above the ocean, just like her Girsha miss the smell of the ocean too much. All of a sudden a knitted shawl wrapped her.