
He Go Crazy!

"Focus!" a stern voice shouted "Feel the wind, focus on the mark...NOW!"

A buzzing speed of sound split the air follow with the sound of 'Thud' on the tree trunk.

"Not bad…" Lory chuckles.

"Tck, I still miss a little" Shin Jiu clique his tongue.

"Patient, you get they're" she messing with Shin Jiu hair, he grunts annoyingly when she messed his hair again and Lory laughs at him secretly Shin Jiu corner mouth lift slightly.

Its been three days since Lory teach him archery and used a small knife the reason is simple he is too small to swing the sword, maybe after two years, she will teach him how to use sword although her technique might quite weird for people in this world.

"Keep practice!" Lory said again.

"When you teach me another technique?" he whines.