
A Resolution

In the King's office, Fredhardt was busy taking over Lucas' work, or at least some of it that was still under his jurisdiction while the rest he would humbly hand over it to Lory.

Fortunately, Lory has been taking private courses about social politics, management, and such since she was young if not she would have found it difficult to adjust to her new position as the King's regent, in fact, she is much better now compared when she was young it made him wonder what she had done all this time in another world? She said she only ate and slept when she was there, maybe she's not telling the whole truth or simply forgotten as usual.

Nevertheless, he was thankful that Lory was here, otherwise, he didn't know how much important work would be delayed. Eventually, they wouldn't have any other choice but to reveal Lucas' condition to the public, which would cause panic and chaos within the country, and Fredhardt knew that was what their enemies were waiting for.