
A Joke

While Zhao Li Xin and Jin Hao are having a conversation with Sanguan Jin Sheng and Sanguan Liu Wei, Lory is left with Bei Li Yan while Ming Yue Yin and the others are surrounded by a bunch of people eager to curry their favor non even Yang Xi Ying is spare because she is Li Mo Zhen wife but no one is bothering Lory for two reasons, people didn't take her seriously because she is so ordinary they thought soon or later Long Ming would abandon her despite all the rumor about how fond he is toward his wife but rumors are deemed to be exaggerated so is hard for them to believe it completely, and the other reason is that because Lory didn't show any interest to mingle with them and Bei Li Yan who think in line with Lory also feign ignorant towards them as if there's an invisible bubble around them that make people hard to approach them.