
The merchant, your friend. - I

I blinked back in shock as I processed the words he said over and over again. "Y-you took him as a prisoner?" I stuttered as my heart pounded loudly and ears had a strange sensation in them. "And under what charges did you do so?" He had a smug expression on which made me realise that his arrogance had no bounds.

"I could also do that without any given reason but to answer us with those," is was told to me that it did not matter to him what were the grounds on which he had taken him as a prisoner. What mattered to him more was that I should know what it was. . . But why?

"He had stolen information from the authorities." Prince Lysar informed as to his eyes as always analysed my face. "We will be having a full investigation on a full stop no commoner is supposed to have such classified information among them. The information that only belongs to the court of the king."