
The Princess' Night Job

When it came time to seal the alliance with a marriage, it was hardly a surprise that the King of Yandil offered up his least favourite; his first born daughter Avaline. However, Avaline is hardly about to let a marriage get in the way of her work of running an underground information network. Although with keeping it hidden from her husband, avoiding assassination attempts, handling betrayals among other things, she certainly has her work cut out for her.

mehasacupcake · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Lovers for a Day

Eden had a few interesting celebrations and traditions. One of them was a day dedicated to loved ones. It was so significant that it was considered a day off so the time could instead be spent with family, friends, or lovers. When Jin was younger, he spent the day with his parents. As he grew older, his parents would spend the day together, and Jin would often choose to spend it alone. This year was no different as Jin sat in his study, getting ahead on upcoming work while he had the chance.

"Your Highness."

He lifted his gaze from his work. "What is it?"

The servant who called his attention was on the older side. He had served the royal family for many years and in return, the royal family were fond of him. It meant that although he was respectful, he didn't face Jin with any nervousness as he spoke. "I simply wished to remind His Highness that he is married now and shouldn't neglect his wife on such a day."

Jin raised a brow. "As far as I'm aware, she doesn't wish to do anything today. This isn't something that is celebrated in Yandil."

"I would still advise you to give Princess Avaline a gift, Your Highness. I can pick something out and have it sent to her if you wish."

Jin lightly tapped the table as he thought. It wasn't that he hadn't already considered doing such a thing, it was more that he didn't know if he should or not. Ava had made it clear the day they met that she had no wish to act as his wife in private and he didn't know if they counted as friends. Would it be appropriate to give her a gift at least? Jin felt that she might not care either way…

"I have something in mind." Jin wrote a note on a small square of paper, holding it out to the servant. "Fetch this from the treasury for me."

The servant bowed before leaving. Jin picked up his pen and continued to write.

Sometime later, there was a knock at his door.

A maid called from beyond the door, "Your Highness, Princess Avaline is here to see you."

Jin was a bit surprised. It wasn't very often she seeked him out. "Let her in."

The door was opened and Ava entered with a gentle swish of her skirts, her beloved servants following not far behind after they paused to offer a bow. "Good day Prince Jin."

Jin stood to greet her. "Good day Avaline. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"

Ava tilted her head slightly as she stood before him, her brows raising. "Shouldn't you know? It's your kingdom's celebration."

He looked at her with some amusement. "I hadn't thought you'd care for such a thing if I'm being perfectly honest."

She frowned faintly. "I wouldn't ignore it simply because I don't care for it. It should mean something to you after all, it wouldn't be good of me to overlook it. Here, hold your hand out."

Jin was even more curious now, obediently holding out his hand.

Ava dropped her gift into his hand. It was a thin, intricately braided bracelet created from delicate white threads and a few strands of golden thread.

Jin was stunned as he stared down at it.

It was a tradition in Eden to give your partner something made by hand as a show of love. Braided bracelets had become increasingly popular to give and had become a very common gift. Commoners made theirs out of twine while nobles would make theirs from the finest of threads, just like the one resting on Jin's palm. Of course Jin knew of the tradition but having never had a lover before, he had never received one. He hadn't expected Ava, who wasn't likely to be familiar with Eden's traditions, and held only limited obligation towards him due to their contract marriage, had actually gone through the efforts of creating such a gift.

He wasn't sure how he felt staring down at it but eventually a pleased smile rose on his lips as he wound it around his wrist, fastening it in place.

"Thank you." It was all he could say but all he needed to.

Ava lightly waved her hand. "You're welcome. It's nothing much."

Mila gently waved a hand to get Jin's attention. He looked at her curiously and she smiled broadly behind her raised hand, writing in the air for him. 'Would you like to see her other attempts?'

The moment Ava read the words she hurriedly waved her hand in the air, dispersing the illusion. "M-Mila, I believe I left something in my room, could you get it for me?" She spoke a bit too loudly and hurriedly, directly turning to shoo Mila from the room.

But Jin raised a hand to stop her. "I would."

Ava looked rather gloomy, sulkily turning her head away as Mila happily brought out a small bundle folded in cloth, holding it out for Jin. He took it, tugging it open to reveal a couple dozen braided bracelets of varying completion and quality. Some were a mess of tangled threads, others looked like they were half way done before they were torn up in frustration. Only Mila and Covin knew the amount of cursing Ava had done while braiding these. Ava particularly hated fiddly delicate work with her hands, anything that required finesse was her worst enemy. She had once believed embroidery was the worst but Ava now firmly believed it didn't get worse than braiding.

Jin picked one up at random, holding it up to inspect the mangled mess it had become with interest. Covin's shoulders shook with barely constrained laughs. Ava looked even more unhappy upon seeing Covin. She moved closer to him, reaching out and harshly tugging on the back of his shirt where no one could see. This only resulted in the shakes becoming more violent. Covin bent over slightly, tightly clutching his stomach as he fought to keep it in.

"An-anyway, there's nothing interesting about them. I hadn't made anything like this before so of course it required practice… You should give them back to Mila. They should have been thrown already." There was a hint of accusation to Ava's voice and she directed a pointed look toward Mila.

"How long did it take you?" He asked, folding up the failed attempts once more and handing them back to Mila.

"Ah, I'm not particularly sure. It doesn't matter." Ava hurried to cover, clearly embarrassed, but Jin only smiled faintly, glancing between Mila and Covin for a response.

Covin seemed to have calmed his laughing fit, writing in the air with some satisfaction. 'Over a month.' This time Ava didn't hide the elbow to the ribs and the sharp glare she gave him. He covered his ribs but the grin on his face didn't lessen.

"It. Doesn't. Matter."

"It does." Jin replied, his fingers lightly running over the thin bracelet on his wrist. "It means you truly put effort into it. Thank you."

Ava waved a hand dismissively again, glancing away. "No need for thanks, I simply wish you had easier traditions to complete."

Jin collected something from the side. He held it for a moment, feeling that in the face of Ava's efforts, it wasn't enough…. He decided he'd simply do something far better on the next occasion.

"This is my gift for you."

Ava's brows rose in pleasant surprise as she claimed the small box from him, pulling the ribbon loose in one smooth tug. "Oh, it's beautiful. Many thanks, Your Highness." She removed the heart shaped gem from its cushioned box, holding it up to admire its beautiful deep pink colour and the way light reflected off its edges, casting colours on the floor beneath them.

"It was given as an offering a few years back. I thought you might like it."

"I quite like it." She smiled brightly. "And I know exactly what to use it for."


She placed the gem back in its box. "You'll see." She replied mysteriously.

And he really did see, staring helplessly at Rodney's new collar a few days later when the dog ran up to greet him. He stared at the beautiful gem that hung from the new white leather collar for a long few moments, not knowing if he should laugh or cry about it… Finally, he simply ruffled the dog's fluff, deciding that as long as Ava was happy, it didn't matter what she used the gem on. Perhaps he'd gift her already made jewellery next time.

The title was inspired by Lover is A Day by Cuco because thats what I listened to while writing this.

Of course I had to do SOMETHING Valentine's inspired, how could I not?

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