
Chapter Three

She was pushed into the bathroom and stripped of all her clothing and placed in a cold bath. To say she was afraid wasn't the right words to use in the situation. Her mind was going through many different emotions. She looked to Mother who was washing her curly locks and attempting to brush them. She was pulling and tugging at her scalp trying to tame the massive curls. She tried not to yelp in pain as Mother dragged the brush down to her ends.

Mother huffed in frustration as she attempted to brush it more. Mi-Sun walked into the bathroom holding a bottle of fragrance oil that she poured into the bath and a thin linen cloth. She looked at mother with doubt and clicked her tongue.

"Mother you're brushing it wrong... Her hair is curly you have to brush it from the end then up." She says taking the brush from mother's hands.

"I'll brush her hair and you bathe her." She says gently brushing her hair. Mother Ying Yue walks grabs her hands and began to scrub her body. She hadn't said anything she just put her head down and watched the ripples in the water.

"Mother, do I have too." She asks not looking up. It made her sick to think that she had been chosen.

'The Prince could have had anyone he wanted. They're where far prettier and paler girls than herself.' She thought.

They both stopped what they were doing. Mi-Sun sits the brush down placing her hands in her lap giving a weak smile.

"It is a great honor to be chosen by the prince...Most girls would die of excitement." She says grabbing her hand rubbing it. Mother continues to scrub her skin.

"What if I refuse?" She asks both of their heads shot up as if she was speaking another dialectal. Mother turns to her now sitting down the scrub pad and soap. Her face fell with concern but at the same time graveness.

"You would be a fool to deny the prince of his pleasures. You would be wise to allow him to take what he wants and send you on your way." She says looking at the brown girl. "He could have the skin off your back for disobedience." Mother had a sympathetic look in her eyes.


Mother Ying Yue cared deeply for each girl that was put into her care. They were like her children and she was to teach them to survive in this world of servitude. She didn't want to see the girl be whipped or worst killed for not giving the prince what he wanted. Though she highly doubted he was that kind of prince. She never put it past anyone. When you are somewhere so long you learn better.


"Have you been with a Man before?" Mi-Sun asks after brushing her hair and pulling it atop her head in a massive bun. She has been with a man. He was four years older than herself and worked in the kitchen but he unlike herself was an indentured servant who worked in the palace to pay off debts. He had disappeared late in the night and was never seen again. It was weeks later that she heard through gossips of the other servants and slaves alike that he was dead.

He was beaten to death by a guard for supposed insolence to one of the royal family members. His death didn't pull any strings in her heart. She had no love for him just an infatuation with him and the things he did with his fingers. It was nothing more than copulation. She nodded at the question as mother turned her around and scrubbed her backside.

"So you know how to please him..." Mi-sun asks crouching in front of her. She didn't want to think about it. But she had to. It was not a negotiation she knew that mothers words where a warning as to not do anything stupid that would get her in trouble or worst killed. She sighed and her face fell into a look of pity.

They were done bathing her and opted not to apply their white makeup. Mother decided she would look best without it and that the prince would be repulsed. Rose oil was rubbed over her naked form than a thin brown linen dress. Kohl and green eye paint was placed under and on her eyes in a light fashion.


The prince walked back and forth in his chambers. He was getting impatient. He was going to send Batu his guard to retrieve her. His fist was clenched at his side as he continued to walk back and forth like a child. The knock at the door stopping him in his tracks from making a foolish decision. He stood and waited for only a second as she walked in head bowed only in a linen dress that was a bit more modest than the other girls. It left his mind to wonder what beauties were underneath.

Her hair was pulled atop her head in a top knot. He couldn't see her face but he could tell that it didn't have any white powder on it. She looked prettier without it. The linen was slightly see through but not enough for him to see in the dimly lit room

He walked over to and ran his thick fingers down her backside. She flinched a bit at the sudden touch that then made its way to her sides and to her supple breast. He kneaded them like a baker would when making dough, a low moan left his mouth. His silk breeches tightened as he felt the soft mounds he wanted to feed on like a babe at its mother's breast. She smelled divine like a rose. He wanted to pick off the bush even if it meant getting thorns in his fingers. He almost forgot about the two women.

Ying Yue and the other pale girl with short brown hair the barely touched her shoulders stood there one with a pitcher of wine and the other with a platter of morsels. Food that wasn't going to be eaten he had the meal he wanted right in front of him. He knew why they were here to serve him if he was thirsty or hungry. But he didn't want them here, he wanted to enjoy her alone.

"Leave us." The Prince said in a harsh tone walking to the door opening it to them, they didn't say anything as he gestured for them to hurry. Before so they left the wine and morsels on a table. He looked to Batu who stood outside the door to the left.

"I do not wish to be disturbed tonight go twenty feet away from my door." He says Batu nods and walks away. He didn't want anyone else to hear her screams as he took her. Shutting the door walking back to the girl. He was eager to have her. Turning her around her she was unwilling to look at him.

'Was she still sleepy?' He thought.

"Can you look at me." He says as she slowly looks up at him. Her honey brown eyes were colored in a dark hue of green that would be too bright on a pale girl. Her lips were left unpainted and her eyes were lined in a thin dark kohl that made her face even more attractive.

She still had yet to say anything to him he wanted to know what her voice sounded like, but he wanted to touch her too. He ran his hands down to her bottom squeezing it once more. It was soft, plump and round much like her chest.

"Do you like wine?" It was an obtuse question he should have asked her name or her age or where she was from.

"Yes, Ouji-Sama." She says lowly looking at the pitcher of wine and attempted to go over to it. She was a slave it was her first instinct to service him.

'Would she service him in other ways too?' his mind wondered.

He stopped her in her place as her eyes darted from him to the pitcher and the golden goblets. She was itching to do something other than stand there and be felt up. It felt so foreign to her to be touched by a man. It had been a year since she had been with anyone and to think she was here to please him.

It scared her...

"Do you want some? It's made from the finest grapes and berries in the country and made by the best winemakers in the palace." He says.

'Mother says I can't decline his request would it be rude to say no?' She thought it over. She opted to say yes even though she didn't truly want the wine.

"Yes, Ouji-Sama." The prince made quick work of the wine pouring them in the goblets and back to her. She took a few sips as he watched her greedily as her thick pouty lips parted and drunk from the cup.

"Is it to your liking or would you like something else to drink?" He asks. He wanted to be chauvinistic and tend to her needs. He heard from his father the best way to get a woman into bed willingly was to do things for her. Even though he was sure he meant Noblewomen by birth, not slave girls.

'Women are women; it's all the same.' He thinks to himself.

"No thank you Ouji-Sama." She says not really sure what to do with the cup she wasn't going to drink any more than she had to. In all honesty, she wanted him to do what he had to do so she could get out of his room. She felt so out of place in such a grand massive room as his. Everything looked delicate and pure and if she touched it, it would break.

"Do you have a name?" he asks her she nods.

"Kazumi." She says simply he would remember her name. It literally meant one beauty which was true and fit her well.

"Ka-Zu-Mi." He pronounced her name on his tongue it wasn't foreign or uncommon in the golden city. He just wanted a reason to say it.

"It's beautiful." He says taking the cup out of her hands and sitting it on a table along with his own which he didn't finish either. He caressed her soft body again her shape was not like any other he seen. Other women in his court were too small where her weight was more filled out almost in the shape of an hourglass.

She had hips that he felt would be perfect for having many babes. Just like her breast where round and firm and should have a child on them. He deemed her body perfect in his mind.

"Remove your dress for me," he says stepping back to watch her in hunger as she untied the two knots at her shoulder. He watched as the dress cascaded around her feet and noted she looked better like that. She put her head back down in a bow. She did it to hide her embarrassment.

The prince stride over to her and lifted her chin looking him in the eyes. Even Kami himself would be envious of his eyes.

"No more bowing." He states his pupils looked like slits. She wanted to put her head down as he felt his way up her thigh and to her bum. She looked in another direction at the beautiful painting of a white horse with a man at its back. He kissed her neck licking and biting as he rubbed her backside. His hand touched her breast and kneed them again. She had to hold her breath and shut her eyes as he pinched her hardened nipple.

He was going to finally have her tonight.