
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasi
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138 Chs

The true birth of the mage’s tower

Assaults happened in the streets, but not only. Some people followed the mages up to the tower and without Miroïr to guide them Leïlana became the one in charge. 

The mages began to wish to defend themselves and claim revenge for the way they were treated. She tried to calm the spirits by explaining to them that the population was already afraid of them and they should never reply using violence. 

Things were slowly falling apart and nobody except Leïlana did something to stop it. 

She alone structured the tower. She closed the doors and started to put safety measures around them. The mages were slowly isolating themselves from the world to avoid conflicts, at least until Jäwell, Miroïr, and Zarkhaïm took back the power. 

She did all she could to try to find solutions but the only thing to do was to find Miroïr. He alone could bring peace between the Zarkhaïm and Jäwell. She spent all her time in his office and eventually established her sleeping place there. She was reading his notes night and day, she was exploring all of his discoveries, and she had hoped he would leave a clue. She had placed a mat on the floor and was studying Miroïr's dark magic, days were passing and her powers were more and more similar to his. 

Miroïr always had been a pioneer and a free mind, he knew no limits. Leïlana learned the art of taking the life of beings around her the same way he did. 

Like him, she was also a genius and she didn't need a long time to exploit these talents. She was determined to save the kingdom, particularly to save Jäwell, and now, she knew she had a clue on how to find Miroïr. All she needed was to try. 

She crafted an orb. An orb that was linked directly to her, it was using the resources of the tower and the powers of all the mages around to connect with anything with vital energy, even the littlest ones. Leïlana had the idea to use the mages of the tower to collect enough strength to retrieve Miroïr. The day came when she was ready to use it for the first time. The orb was supposed to transport her to where Miroïr was, using the world's magical imprints and following their path.

Came the day that sealed her fate.

Leïlana placed her hands on the orb, canalized her powers in it, and started to collect the energy around her. The mages present at this moment felt tremendous pain, they screamed in terror as they saw their body being decomposed slowly. 

The orb was collecting every part of energy in the tower, every single piece of life it could find. 

After a few minutes, the mage's bodies became corpses looking like a few months left to rot in the sun. The smell spread in the tower and the few survivors that didn't die, yet, vomited one after the other.

They went as fast as they could to Miroïr's office to ask for Leïlana's help when they saw her manipulating the orb their faces became gray looking like the corpses around. Their blood turned cold and one of them cried, yelling at her.

"You are killing us!" 

The man was in shock, Leïlana didn't expect to take so much from them, originally, nobody should die but since she had started she couldn't stop anymore while half of them were already dead. She decided to continue. She scented Miroïr's magic, it was far and close at the same time. She almost could connect to him and be able to see through his eyes. She saw the light, she smelled the blood, Miroïr's blood. She saw a face smiling at her, at him, she couldn't describe it precisely, and then, she was blinded. The spell had stopped.

She yelled with rage as she left the office. Exiting the room, she realized that all the mages had died. Only ashes and empty clothes remained. She swallowed in horror at the situation, she didn't expect this and she realized she may have done too much. She heard the main door slamming, and when she rushed outside, she saw a figure running as fast as possible to the castle. 

She went after him, she had to stop him, she understood that this mage was about to report the incident to Zarkhaïm, and she would probably be punished for her crime but she had to find Miroïr. That was her absolute priority, especially after all the sacrifices she made. She couldn't be denounced before she retrieved him, not now that she was so close to succeeding. 

She pressed herself as fast as she could but she didn't manage to catch the mage. He opened the throne door, and in her race, she followed him. They were both in front of Zarkhaïm. The king raised his head, surprised to see someone running to him this way. It had been weeks since he saw nobody except the scouts entering the throne room. The mage screamed with a panicked voice, he was trembling and sweating. 

"My king! Please, help us! She killed them all! She killed the mages!" 

Zarkhaïm frowned. He watched Leïlana with a curious look, he knew Miroïr had total trust in her, and he believed she would never betray his trust. He knew how important the mage's tower was for them. He decided to ask her directly before judging the situation.

"And why would you do that?" 

Leïlana lowered her head, she was facing her failure. She didn't retrieve Miroïr in time and she killed the mages for nothing. 

"I built an orb to find Miroïr, the orb should gather the energy around but it consumed their life, it was an accident."

Zarkhaïm stood up, he had a strange light in his eyes. He walked down in her direction, she saw the red eyes of the beast on his face. In one second he grabbed the neck of the surviving mage present and broke it between his fingers. Then, he spoke to her slowly to be sure to be understood. His low voice was terrifying, Leïlana could measure his love for Miroïr at this moment and she felt a thrill running through her entire body. The king was not asking like before, he was ordering.

"Show me." 

She acknowledged in silence and he followed her into the tower. Zarkhaïm saw the piles of ashes everywhere and watched Leïlana. He was surprised that she could do so much. As a disciple of Miroïr, he was slightly proud of her and her incredible capacities. They entered Miroïr's office. Zarkhaïm saw the orb placed in the middle of the room. The orb seemed empty and cold. The king took a chair and sat on it. 

"Do your spell again. Find Miroïr now, or die for your crimes."