
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasi
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138 Chs

The soul whisperer

Jäwell disappeared as fast as he came. Talim held the fence tightly in her hands, so strongly that her knuckles turned white. Tonight, she was unable to find sleep, she went to her bed in her long black embroidered dress contrasting with her white hair falling on her back but she turned and returned to her bed. She was rolling on the bed sheets endlessly. After a few hours and as she started to sweat, she decided to stand up. In the middle of the night, she walked along the corridors and joined the entrance of the dragons' den. 

She knew the place by heart, when she was a young child, Talim was unable to sleep without her brother next to her so she sneaked from her chambers to his den to seek the comfort of his paws. She often was found by the guards in the morning, passed out on the floor of the corridors as she tried to join her chambers discreetly to not be caught. 

The guards never denounced her. They always took great care of her, carrying her to her bed and simulating to know nothing. Everyone has always been so kind to her. Especially Tarim. He always had space for her in his life, the red dragon was the pure stereotype of what was expected from a powerful beast. 

He was the most massive of all of them, his speed could surpass the one of thunder, his jaw could break mountains and his fire was the most impressive of all, Tarim could melt the stone of the enemies' castles. The red dragon was known for his incredible power, some people even compared him to the legendary Hiar, the first dragon born from a human. The one capable of destroying the last pure dragon. 

Tarim was the pride of the kingdom, while his sweet sister was its failure. Some rumors were whispering that Tarim was so powerful that he took the life force of his sister when they were in the belly of their mother. Talim knew this was just gossip, yet, Tarim always had shown some guilt about it. It was almost like he believed he was responsible for the fragile health of his beloved. 

It was this guilt that led him to desert the battlefield because he heard about a magical plant that could cure any disease. Tarim heard the enemy soldiers mentioning it and left without telling anyone, he went to a forest to pick up every flower looking like the one that was mentioned. When Tarim came back to the castle to see Talim, he poured two thousand flowers into her bedroom through her window. It took four days for the servants to clean and collect everything and it took the same amount of time to convince Tarim to not go back to this forest to pick up more flowers when he realized none of them was the right one. 

Talim passed the first corridor, she entered the volcano part of the castle. The underground galleries were formed naturally in the rock. She followed the main one entering the first cavity. It was not so large and only a few little dragons could access it. One dragon was resting here when Talim passed. Jirah woke up, alerted by the steps and she raised her head. 

"My queen? Are you joining Tarim?" The dragon asked using the telepathic abilities they had to speak directly in their minds. 

Talim nodded, intertwining her fingers like a little child in front of the old dragoness. Jirah came closer and raised an eyebrow.

"I never saw you so much disturbed. What is happening?" Asked the dragoness with concern.

The queen took a few deep breaths, Jirah always has been a good counselor. Even if her size was not impressive or if she didn't have incredible power, she was one of the oldest dragons still alive. Jirah and her brother lived for two hundred and fifty-seven years. The Terimatians were globally living longer than humans but it rarely exceeded a hundred and sixty years. Jirah and Jiroh were the exceptions, and because of this, they had to face the council a few times. 

The twins never wanted to have children, and their incredibly long life genetic advantage would be lost after them because of it. The counselors pressed them until they reached an age where they could not procreate anymore. Jirah knew the pressure of politics, she resisted with her brother and she was a model and an example of freedom for Talim and Tarim since always. Talim didn't hesitate to come closer to her and embrace her paw as she took a seat next to her. 

"Tarim and I received a proposition from the foreigners who came to visit us," She started. Jirah leaned against her and listened very carefully as the young one continued.

"One strange man of the crew told us he could make us immortal. We could be free from duties, Tarim would access a power even greater and I could visit the seven worlds as I wish."

Jirah chuckled as she expected what was coming next, "But for this, you have to leave with Tarim and the council doesn't want to lose their main weapon, am I right?"

Talim nodded once again, she was affected by the situation much more than she would like to.

"If I tell my brother that I want to leave, he will accept. I know he will do everything to save my life and make me happy, but on the other hand, I wonder what I should do. Can we abandon our kingdom to live our lives? Is it fair to our people?" Talim was about to have tears in her eyes when Jirah rested her head on Talim's lap. 

"Tell me, my queen, who was ruling before you?"

"Faer the Great, why this question?"

"Just answer me. And before him?"

"Zaphir the shiny."

"And before her?"

"Kaeliss the sun eater."

"Do you truly believe the kingdom will fall if you leave? We have many rulers before you, we will have many others," Jirah stated coldly. 

Talim had a mixed feeling between the truth that she was truly just a name in history and the long line of successors to the throne and the fact that she understood she could just take her freedom. 

"I will be called Talim the deserter," She said, provoking Jirah to laugh out loud.

"Or maybe you will be called, Talim the world explorer. Who knows what history will become? But I can tell you one thing. None of the people living now will know what your name will be in the history books, but you, you will be still wandering the seven worlds and you will know. You are given the possibility to know something most of us desire."

"What is it, Jirah?"

"One day, you will know what we became after this war and the many other wars to come."

Talim had a smile, pressing her head against Jirah's cheek tenderly.

"You always have been here for us, Jirah. I will tell Tarim I want to leave and try."

Talim stood up, and for the first time, she looked like a true queen. She had resolve and determination in her eyes instead of the appearance of a wounded and sick little girl. Jirah had a smile to see this little flower blooming. She laid back on her nest, watching Talim leaving in the direction of Tarim's den and she had the satisfaction of having done something right. Yet, Jirah huffed with amusement, "The council will be very angry this time."

The queen walked further into the volcano, guiding herself with her hand on the stone, she felt lighter in her steps and her heart was knowing a joy she had never experienced before. She was relieved, and she had hope. When she arrived in the tremendous den of her brother, she had no time to even open her mouth before he almost jumped on her.

"What is happening?! What are you doing here?! Are you in pain?!"

Talim placed her arms around his face and kissed his nose.

"Everything is fine, brother. To be honest, I never felt so well. But I have a question I need you to answer honestly."

"I am always honest with you, how dare you doubt me!" Talim stopped him, Tarim tended to be quick in temper and his sister was the only one to be able to defuse his irritation. He didn't finish his sentence and listened, landing his massive head in front of her.

"I simply don't want you to answer what I want you to answer but what you truly desire, brother. Please, tell me, do you want to follow these men to their world and abandon our home?"

Tarim opened his eyes in surprise, "Because you consider leaving the comfort of the castle? I thought you would be too fragile for such a trip."

"I am asking you what you desire, not what is good or bad for me. Tarim, what would you do?"

"I never liked to obey the council and I never cared about the war. Talim, I don't need a place to be, you are my home. We can leave or we can stay, as long as I am with you."

Talim moved in the neck of the dragon and lay here. The comfort and the warmth of her brother was always her remedy against her insomnias. She smiled happily as she already started to fall asleep peacefully, "Then we will leave, taking our chance to be free and immortal, forever together, is worth the risk."

Tarim didn't add anything, he rolled his body all around her in protection and they slept together with a shared tender smile.