
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasi
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138 Chs

Made with passion

Jäwell and Zuline headed to the ballroom of the castle where Zarkhaïm's power was waiting to be used. The prince had no idea how she planned to help him and he kept silent. The powers of the jessadians were a secret, and nobody truly knew what Zuline was capable of. She probably ignored it herself. Zuline never sought to reach her full potential, she only served as a catalyst to Zarkhaïm in times he needed her but she has been gathering shadows in the past and giving them life the same way the king or the prince were capable of. 

She had a large smile as she stepped into the room. Zuline opened her arms and the galaxy in the ceiling moved by itself. It was answering her call immediately, so quick that Jäwell wondered with a dropped jaw if she was not his equal. The powerful eyes of the beast formed in front of her and she advanced her hand to reach for its head. She was caressing it with the tip of her fingers. Jäwell opened his wings to repeat the process he did the first time, and together, with their combined forces, the beast was given a body. The feelings of void transported Zuline.

They were lost in the universe, where South and North don't exist anymore. Where there was no front and back, no up and down. In a wonderful feeling to be in the center of everything and outside of existence. 

Jäwell saw the Jessadian dancing in the dark myst, giving its structure to the beast. The massive shadow was like clay to her and she made it with love and passion. In the rhythm of a melody no one could hear but everyone could feel, as her hooves were hammering the floor of the ballroom with force. 

"Ba bump," the heart of the beast answered.

Jäwell was focusing on his task but he couldn't ignore the feeling of admiration he had for her. Her grace, her elegance, everything about her was only the beauty of the pure savagery. Her horns, her hooves, and her massive tail beat the air. 

But she was not only that, she also had a genuine smile, she was passionate and her eyes were the definition of love. 

"Ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump."

The beast was alive, still hidden in the shadows. Jäwell held his breath for a moment and she went to her knees in front of the eyes of the creature. Zuline embraced the head made of shadows, blowing a kiss in the dark. Jäwell wondered if her head would not be sucked by the void, he turned his gaze to the ceiling and the galaxy was not here anymore. 

There were no lights, nowhere. Only the darkness remained and the slow breath of the thing they had created together. The beast was breathing, it was slowly moving its head. As it started feeling things, Zuline's arms around its head loosened a bit to allow it to move. 

She took a step back and Jäwell could see her as a delicate woman, a caring mother in front of a newborn. Her son was in front of her, slowly moving his first steps into the world of the night. 

His body was magnificent, massive, and strong. He had tremendous wings along his body that he could not open in the room. His mouth was long with an incalculable number of teeth. He kept his eyes closed, sniffing the air, while the shadows were scattered around.

Jäwell and Zuline were next to each other, in awe and fear of what they had created. The first dragon was born. A creature taller and more powerful than any other, it was something capable of destroying worlds. Jäwell turned his head and he saw her look at him. She never appeared so human as now, her eyes were sparkling and the circumstances were forgotten at the moment. It was like war never existed, she joined her hands on her chest with a deep breath. 

She only wanted to run to him, hold him in her arms. He was the accomplishment of her very long life and she loved him at first sight like these mothers saying they loved their children the first moment they saw them. Zuline's belly knew the butterflies of motherhood, she would never be the same anymore. 

The dragon was completely dark, created with shadows and the power of multiple worlds. He was made with hope and he was beautiful. The magnificent creature stood up, discovering a belly and chest made of the galaxy Zarkhaïm had done with the years. Zuline and Jäwell raised their heads as the giant beast stretched but he was blocked by the size of the room quickly. Anyone looking at him from under would see the universe but the most spectacular were his eyes. 

When he opened his eyes slowly, they both had the feeling of being aspirated in an infinite void. The dragon's eyes were like black holes where the light was only a memory, feeling like portals to another unknown dimension he was the only one to know. 

Zuline stepped forward and caressed his leg with love. The dragon let her come close, his first contact with another individual being only love and care, he listened to his creators. 

Jäwell and Zuline had a tender look for each other. They watched the dragon with pride. 

"How do we name him, Mother?" Jäwell asked her. 

She chuckled amused before answering, "What about, Clyss, Father?" 

Jäwell laughed with a good heart, joining her and taking her hand in his.

"Clyss, the dragon guardian."


Zuline sensed a sudden rush of affection for the prince, she was instinctively caressing his cheek with her thumb. Time was only a notion in this room and they had no idea how long they spent together in this tourbillon of emotions. For sure, she was not looking at Jäwell the same way she did before. 

He was not only a pretentious warlike creature of the shadows, no, he became a man with whom she made a life in an unknown and exhausting adventure. She had this feeling that, next to him, she could do everything. 

Even make a dragon child.