
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasi
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138 Chs

In the chaos

Every assault became more and more tragic. Zuline and her group were doing their best to heal the wounded but the intensity of the fights changed drastically. The gods were desperate to see the same fighters coming back again and again, and due to that, their methods were much more barbaric. 

Both camps were stuck in their positions. The battle was raging and no matter what, allies and enemies were keeping it. The dwarves' canons were shooting constantly, illuminating the sky with explosions. At the same time, the angels were spreading the fire of the sun to every night creature they could catch. 

The demon legion was reduced from half its number and the queen was totally enraged. The air of the world was hardly breathable and the temperature was rising significantly. If it was a definition for a world reserved for demons and damned, that would be this one. It was the perfect representation of the human's hell.

Zuline was healing a dark elf on the edge of death, she turned her head in the direction of Jäwell and she saw how impacted he was. He was constantly on the move doing go and back between the front and the commanding position. The leaders needed him in the council room but the fighters needed him on the battlefield to maintain their motivation. His head was low and his fist was tightened. 

She knew he would not keep this way for a long time anymore. Jäwell would never stay safe while his soldiers were fighting. Truth to be told, fighters in the front were scared. They have feared the angels from the golden city all their afterlife as an ultimate menace, thinking the king would protect them. Now, they were holding their own in front of them without their beloved ruler. 

Jäwell left the castle, she understood immediately this time it was once for good. He stood in the middle of the battlefield and yelled his rage. The prince led a team of a few fierce warriors. The soldiers were from all origins, from the demonic gladiator to the undead cadaver of a past general. 

Teddy also has joined his master. The chaotic giant war dog with six legs was standing next to Jäwell in this chaos with a kind of smile showing all his teeth and his tongue out, panting, like every excited dog. The gods were terrified to see this abomination and they were shaking in front of Jäwell when they had to confront them together at the same time. 

The soldiers were tired on both sides, it was time to end the war and fast. Jäwell was killing gods and angels as fast as they were coming. He removed his dark blade from the throat of a blond gorgeous goddess when he saw the figure of Zuline and five Jessadians coming to the battlefield. 

The view of her was out of a book. She walked at a slow pace, keeping a war hammer with two hands firmly. Her eyes were nothing else than rage and determination, there was no fear, no doubt, that anyone seeing her would believe in her resolve to end this shortly. She had killed many on the way and the golden blood of some of the gods spread over her face and hair. The shining fluid was reflecting the explosions in the sky. But all this was nothing compared to the pounding of her hooves with an incredible power. 

Six Jessadians in war were making the floor tremble as much as a herd of wild bulls. They didn't hesitate to kill anyone on their path. Impaling with their horns, blood was flooding on their heads. Smashing with their maces, pieces of bodies were all over their shadow armors. Jäwell didn't hide his admiration. She represented everything he believed in. She was exactly what he was dreaming of when he was a young teenage boy, listening to his brother reading books about the Jessadians collecting the souls of the brave warriors after their death to offer them an eternal glorious fight. 

Jäwell suddenly laughed and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Yes!" 

He was stopped due to the tiredness and the wounds, and yet, his bloody and sweat-soaked hair was gluing to his face. The prince had removed his armor after he was too tired to raise his sword with this heavy charge on him. The fights have been running for too long, everyone was exhausted, and yet, he never was so happy in his life or afterlife. 

Zuline joined him when her men went to support other little groups spread everywhere around. Jäwell kept laughing while fighting. She didn't understand what was hilarious and she frowned.

"Stop laughing and focus, you idiot," she threw at him angrily to hide her concern. She was worried for him to see his body in such a state. Zuline was about to try to use her powers to heal him when he caught her wrist with a large smile.

"This is the eternal glorious fight of the legends. Do not heal me as it is my ultimate reward!" Jäwell claimed. 

Zuline chuckled and stopped to try to help him, "I have met an incredible number of warriors in my long life, yet, you are truly unique."

Jäwell raised his head proudly and she laughed even louder. He was acting like a child in every circumstance, treating everything lightly and with humor. Even in this particular situation, he was happy. The prince was always content and every challenge given to him was only making him more motivated to surpass himself. That was his true force, he knew no limits. Jäwell would always do his best to overcome every situation. 

The angels attacking him suddenly felt a great despair. The man they had tried to kill for so long that they even forget how long suddenly laughed at them and threw himself into the fights with a happiness they had never seen. 

Jäwell was the prince of the ombrae, he was the chaos itself. His scream resonated on the battlefield, "I am a unique warrior!"