
The Prince of Magic

To be a King, one must set aside one's personal needs for the sake of others. But, when one was loved by the whole kingdom, the people prayed for his soul to find peace, and the gods heard of their wishes. They (the gods) granted the people's prayers and gave him the special gift of reincarnation. However, there was a catch... he will no longer remain in their world, but be reborn in another. The gods were happy with their decision. The young former king of Lucis, not so much. Watch as he sets on a new adventure in a world that is both similar yet so different than his own, while doing his utmost to remain as himself, (try to) avoid getting unwanted attention from unsavory individuals, and (attempt to) live his life the way he had always wanted to in his first life. (AN: Currently on hiatus due to real life situations. Updates for this story is set on 'pause' until the things in my life are properly settled and secured.) ... ... Author's note: MC came from FF15 universe, post-events, and transferred into an alternate world because of the astrals' intervention. MC is a responsible person. MC has a Neutral-Lawful-Good alignment (...most of the time). This story is mostly styled after the visual novels of the Fate series. The contents are detailed and lengthy. If you are into that type of novel, you are welcome to give this story a try. As for the update schedule for this story, it's almost always set on Wednesday. If I'm somehow busy on those days, then Thursday. Due to my responsibilities in real life, I can only update once a week. Two chapters of 2k words (1k each), sometimes more if I feel like it. Also, if you have some time, please leave a comment (or a review) of what you think about the story so far. Feedback is always important to a writer because it can help us improve our writing skills and create good stories for you readers to enjoy! :D Warning: MC is going to be OP. Character(s) death. Lengthy chapters. Profanities. The story mostly follows the plot of Fate/Extra, but will have elements from other animes as well. There will be some graphic content that might offend a number of people too. So, if you don't like that, or you are someone easily offended by violent content, please kindly refrain yourself from reading this story and find another that suits your taste. Thank you for your time! :)

Regius_Sanguis · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
185 Chs

Jitters (1)



[… Early Dawn …]



The first light of the sun has not appeared, and yet Hadrian was already awake.

It was quiet and dark in his room, comfortably so. The gentle breeze coming from his half-opened windows moved the white curtains that surrounded his bed, cooling the bodies of his sleeping companions and Hadrian himself.

The silence in his room and the comfort of being at home was a sign of a peaceful start of his day.

But unlike in the past, Hadrian felt anything but at ease.

He only had an hour and a half of sleep, and when he opened his eyes earlier, he was bombarded with thoughts of fear and self-doubt.

Fear of failing, not just the mission but to meet his grandfather's expectations, along with the self-doubt swelling inside him, questioning his own capabilities to accomplish the mission.

It was not as if it was his first time to undertake such a task before.

But, it would be his first time to do so in an unknown environment and without the automaton's most advantageous feature.

The Moon Cell's excellent surveillance feature was one of the things that greatly assisted Hadrian in his previous assignments.

However, in the next assignment, he would need to make do without it and improvise with the hands he was dealt with. The idea of risking a world that doesn't have the automaton's presence was something that Hadrian would rather avoid.

His own world was already in danger due to Velber's impending descent in the future; there was no need for him to drag the other one that was free of its awareness.

His mind was muddled as he went through so many plans, checking their authenticity and revising each of them for any possible signs of weakness and failure.

Going over his plans right now can only do so much. His imagination can only do so much.

Thus, unless he had seen the alternate world itself, his strategies would have to be on pause.

When he turned to his side, Hadrian's thoughts slowed into a halt as he took in Arturia's peaceful expression as she slept beside him.

The blonde swordswoman slept quietly, so much so that Hadrian would forget she was there beside him sometimes.

It was fortunate that Arturia was not the type to snore, even when she was tired.

The young magus had the unfortunate experience to sleep in the same room as Kieran and Charles before, and boy oh boy, the two troublemakers would cause quite a duet of snores whenever they slept deeply, much to his and the others consternation.

Silently, Hadrian observed his blonde companion, memorizing the contours of her beautiful, elegant face.

Even without trying, Arturia was there to help him.

Hadrian doesn't know whether that was simply her presence or because of his moments with her.

Perhaps it was both.

Either way, watching her rest peacefully beside him was enough lull him back to sleep.

One thing was for sure, he would miss his moments with her, especially now.



[… Sometime later …]








The dying scream of an enemy AI echoed through the silent arena as Hadrian ended his target with three phantom swords.

He infused the astral weapons with enough magical energy that can rival the kinetic power of a grenade, triggering them in a chain-like reaction once at point blank.

The result ended with the unfortunate AI, who took on the form of a chimera, getting blown off its feet, up and well away from Hadrian.

Quietly, the young mage watched the last of his targets disappear in a display of digital particles before it could hit the translucent ground.

Hadrian inhaled deeply, closing his eyes to let them return to normal as he placed his spectacles back on before opening them again.

He was currently inside an arena that the automaton had created for him.

It was a simple arena with a translucent structure, similar to the ones he had explored in the past during the Holy Grail war. But instead of an underwater view, it was above a large river with rushing waters that cascaded deep below the endless abyss. The water below glowed in a blue light, almost mystical as the skies above the arena was a deep blue color that was clear of clouds.

If Hadrian hadn't known that everything he was seeing was all digitalized data, he would have thought that he was somewhere in Valhalla.

Then again, even if the location was not real, it was still a beautiful sight to behold.

"Geez, boss, you wanna leave some for us?" A familiar voice cut in, breaking Hadrian out of focus.

Turning, Hadrian saw Kieran in his combat gear, gun and knife in hand as he stared at him with a raised brow.

Looking past the tanned skin retainer, he located Charles, Yan Qing and the others sparring in the distance since there were no more enemy AIs respawning in the vicinity. The three female retainers, on the other hand, were nowhere to be seen, considering as the trio in question had been invited to accompany his mother somewhere else.

Probably the mall, if Hadrian had to guess.

Arturia and Medusa had been reluctant to leave his side, but after some encouragement from Hadrian himself, they went with his mother and Scáthach.

Hadrian shook his head, running a hand through his hair with a sigh.

"You're just slow, Kieran. Those AIs are literally scattered around the Arena. It's a free-for-all." Hadrian countered without much energy.

"Yeah, not going to fall for that one. As if I'll join you and those knuckleheads in hunting AIs around for fun." Kieran deadpanned, pointing a thumb over his shoulder at where his colleagues were.

Hadrian was surprised when, instead of walking over to where the other retainers were sparring a few feet behind them, Kieran turned his gaze to him.

"So, what's up with you?" Kieran asked, nodding his chin at his way.

Rather than answering, Hadrian merely raised a brow in silent inquiry.

In response, Kieran scoffed and rolled his eyes at him.

"C'mon, I may not be the sharpest in the group, but even I can see something has got your panties in a twist." The tan skinned retainer returned, holstering his weapons away.

"… I would prefer if you don't use that metaphor to guys, preferably me." Hadrian said in a bland tone.

"Eh, an analogy is an analogy. The fuck makes it a difference, anyways." Kieran shrugged, waving a hand as if it was no concern of his.

Hadrian sighed.

He was used to the servant's crassness, but sometimes, it doesn't make it less annoying.



A humogous thank you to: Hybrix, mati98akd, Rafael_Martins, Lewd_Is_Justice, palebloodmoon, blueDaoist, _Shadow_Willow_, kieshi, soso87, Tali122, Alex_von_graneia, KingOfStoners, URIEL, MrMedina, Gilgamesh_, Victor_Adiogo, saintk and the many others for their continued support for this story.

It may just be the usual words of appreciation, but still. Thank you very much, guys! :D

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