
The Prince And The Witch

Princess Alesa was born and abandoned by her mother whom was a runaway royal pureblooded witch princess from Jalin kingdom, whom had disguised herself as a maid to come work in the palace, only to end up stealing the heart of the king. As she grew, she was practically unaware of her magical abilities and while running away from an arranged marriage with her betroth whom was a wizard, she ended up enchanting another prince to sleep with her and take her away to his kingdom. Her betrothed found out and waged war against Prince Ali whom took her away, threatening to burn down the whole kingdom, if she wasn't returned back to him.. but Prince Ali refused as he had already fallen in love with her and gotten her pregnant. Enraged King Fedina cursed her that she wouldn't be able to give birth to the child, except she returns back to him as he needed her to fulfill their ancestral royal prophesy of birthing a demigod, one whom has all magical powers to control Air, fire, water and life. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Sejarah
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38 Chs

Chapter 17

Princess Alesa was still asking the maids where she could take her bath when she heard the scream, She looked at the maids and they also looked at her, "Quickly Tasha go check what's happening, it seem like is Queen Mahama that's screaming" Chika said to her fellow maid

"But am not allowed to leave this chamber, don't you see that the guards have heavily guided the first and second floor" Tasha said, and Princess Alesa stared at the both of them.

"I hope the King is fine, I heard the elderly men whom were previously leaving the palace say the King is unwell" Princess Alesa spoked and the two maids stared at her in horror.

"Shush Princess's, How did you hear such evil about the king from up here?" Chika asked worriedly,

"I wonder oo, how could you have such loud ears?" Tasha support Chika and Alesa kept quiet. Just then they heard the heavy sound of the warning bell, Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!.

"Ahh!" Tasha screamed, "His Royal Highness King Kande the second of Kande kingdom is gone!"

"What do you mean by that?" Princess Alesa asked, just then she heard Prince Ali voice from above them as she has loud ears, "No!!" She heard prince Ali screamed again, and immediately her heart ache, [Cough!]

Princess Alesa coughed as she ask the maid to give her drinking water.

Hurriedly Tasha serve her water and Princess Alesa took it and gulped in one go, soothing her heart and throat she ask, "Can you take me to Prince Ali chamber?"

"What!" The two maids screamed simultaneously, "We are sorry My Princess but we can't, no one is allowed to patrol about as for now, until 6pm in the evening, as anyone seen moving around will become a suspect to King Kande death" Tasha said and Princess Alesa became quiet.


Back in Jalin kingdom.

Jalin Royal Palace.


"Fedina stop it, Stop it at once!" Queen Latifa screamed at her son whom was holding a big black.pot, filled with transparent black water, he held the knife out and stab at it the king, he had thought to be the the father of Prince Ali as he couldn't kill Prince Ali, his rage was at his peak for been hurt, and too send them a warning notice, he watch the King spoke and they were asking the priest something, Like the priest could perceive the dark air and his presence, The priest didn't go on straight to reveal the truth, he either said the truth ironically only for the people in the meeting to go out and found out the meaning. Annoyed with his inability to kill Prince Ali for deflowering his betrothed, he stabbed the king's heart thru the black pot he was hold and his mother stared at him in horror.

"What's have you done son?, Why did you do that?" Queen Latifa screamed as she rushed to him to collect the pot, but he rather threw the pot away making the content and the knife in it crack to pieces.

"No!!!" Queen Latifa screamed and her shrilled voice was powerful enough to crack all the glasses, windows and glass door in their mansion, shaking the palace building, quickly Fedina rushed to held his mother to stop her from screaming again as he had never withnessed these powerful side of his mother

"Mom!" Crown Prince Fedina shook her vigorously to wake her to reality, Queen Latifa break down in sob , crying and the heavy winds blow, more like an tornado blowing away some houses and lifting away any it in come in contact with, like a total destruction clearing everything along it paths, and it was heading to their Royal castle.

On sighting the tornado coming towards their palace as all the windows had fallen cracked, "Mom!!" Crown Prince Fedina shook him mother more slapping her to calm her down, then his mother calmed and the tornado disappeared.

"Are you crying for our enemies?" Crown Prince Fedina asked his mother as she calmed..

".. ..." Queen Latifa was breathing heavily and sobbing, she couldn't speak, She pushed her son away and rushed out. Crown Prince Fedina staggered backward but didn't fall to the ground, he stood up back and rushed out towards the same door that his mother had taken, the whole Palace was shaking.

Prince Fedina ran after his mother and saw that she had gone into his Father's chambers, He slowed his pace and came inside too, just then the Royal physician of Jalin kingdom shook his head in disappointment and bowed his head in apology.

Prince Fedina looked from his father to the Royal physician, "What happened to him?" He asked as he rushed to his father side, he shook his father vigorously and stared at the Royal physician for answers.

"Get away from him son you killed him, you killed your father!" Queen Latifa screamed at son and pushed him away from his father, she bent down beside her husband crying again.

"How mother, but he wasn't the one I killed, it was.."

"Oh You just shut up!" Queen Latifa shut him up, And just then her second son and daughter came inside their father's chamber, and was shock to see what was going on.

"I told you not to kill him, not to kill of Kande Kingdom, but you wouldn't listen, you are not allowed to kill a king, it will backfire" Queen Latifa sob.

"But I didn't kill.. "

"Just shut up Fedina, get out!" Queen Latifa pointed at the door in anger, then her second son went to her and held her, petting her to stop crying. While Prince Fedina stared frowning.

"I told your brother not to kill his betrothed lover," Queen Latifa sob telling her second son what happened.

".." Crown Prince Fedina frowned hearing his mother call Prince Ali his betrothed lover.

"Is okay mom," Prince Maxuel coaxed his mother to stop crying as he was also sobbing silently.

"How, didn't the both of you know it against our truce to use a spell or magic and kill any king, especially the one who has the witches protection, Your brother tried to kill Crown prince Ali of Kande, and I told him not too, and look" Queen Latifa pointed to her husband whom way laying dead on the bed, "He had killed your father, He killed Prince Ali's father whom was on his throne and it backfired and Killed your father!" Queen Latifa started crying again, this time some building around outside of the palace collapse having people living it and around running helterskelter and screaming out for help, the whole of Jalin Kingdom was in chaos, with the news of the sudden death of their King

Crown Prince Fedina calmed and turned his back on them, "Mother no matter what you say, I will still wage war against that bastard son of a King!" Prince Fedina screamed.

"Shut your mouth Fedina, you know the rule book, don't let your stupid ego consume you and kill all of us, you can't challenge him anymore, leave Alesa to him," Queen Latifa said in between sobs, surrendering not wanting Princess Alesa again, she blamed herself, for supporting her son to want to marry her sister daughter in the first place, because she had wanted to take her revenge and hurt her sister daughter when she's finally brought to the palace.

She could have asked Fedina to wait for Angela to grow up a bit or reach Twenty years as Princess Angela her daughter was still sixteen years of age, or she could have allowed him marry their uncle daughter's whom was also a pure blooded Jalin Witch unlike Alesa whom was an halfcast.

"No mother, the battle has just began!, I won't give up Alesa to him, not after everything I have lost" Crown Prince Fedina thundered and left his father's chambers.

"Fedina,! Fedina! Come back here" Queen Latifa called out to him to stop, but he didn't, as he exit the room.

"Can you see your brother, he just walked out on me, all because of a woman, there's no way I will allow him bring Tata's daughter back here to this palace, No way," Queen Latifa said to her second younger son Maxuel whom was four years younger than Fedina, as Crown Prince Fedina was twenty seven years old.

"No mother leave him let him go," Prince Maxuel stopped his mother and they both turn to look at their father whom was laying dead on the bed, and Queen Latifa fell beside her husband bed, slipping off her son's hand, and started crying, He was also her brother, her husband, her everything.