

“Can we see the girl?” I heard the soft voice of the woman; the mother of the man who came to see me. I mentally got ready to face their reactions. For me, social interactions were the most energy consuming thing. I always needed to make sure I gave the proper reactions.

“Please come in, Jane.” I heard my mother say.

I let out a breath, and pushed the curtains before entering the room. I saw the smile wipe away from their faces. I touched my hair as a habit, and gave them a small smile.

“Nice to meet you, Jane. You have excellent qualifications.” Ben, the man who came to see me, said. I smiled politely and nodded my head, “Thank you.”

In our country, marriage was considered the most the important duty a person could perform. It was our duty to spread our history, and culture to our next generation. And I was 27. Marriage for me was supposed to be the priority.

I was not into social interactions much, and so I had never had a serious partner. So, my parents were forced into finding one for me. Ben was one of them.

I sat beside my mother, as I had no intention of furthering any interaction with Ben. I didn’t want to marry him. It might sound funny, but I wanted to marry because I loved someone, and not because it was my duty.

But it was a far-fetched idea. With my appearance that was considered culturally not attractive, and my quiet personality, finding love would nearly be impossible as proven by me not being in any serious relationship for 27 years.

“How many languages can you speak?” Ben asked me. His eyes showed curiosity.

“Oh, I know three languages.” I smiled.

“That’s impressive.” He commented, and he indeed looked impressed.

“How many do you know?”

Ben laughed, “Unfortunately, I know only one language. The one we are speaking in.” He let out a loud laugh. I forced out a laugh too, but I found nothing funny about it.

Ben asked me a few more questions. Not interesting questions. I started wondering if this man could get any more boring. I was on the verge of yawning, but I controlled my impulses, and kept on giving him a polite smile.

Appearance wise Ben was decent. He dressed cleanly. His brown hair was combed properly, and there was not one wrinkle in his clothes. I liked that part of him. He looked smart. But that’s it. I didn’t find him my type, and it was all because of his conservative personality.

He talked about how he expects to be the only one working, and that his wife should remain at home. There was nothing wrong with his wants. He could have some expectations for his future wife, but the problem was I was not going to waste my education. His view about life clashed with mine.

And the way he talked, it honestly irked me.

“Okay. We will contact you later.” I knew that they were not going to contact me. And I was glad.

“He is the worst one, mother!” I gave them my honest opinion.

My parents sighed, “Honey, go change into something comfortable.” They both knew that I was not going to marry this man, and neither did he.

I nodded my head, “Is Alexis coming?”


As I walked to my room, I let out a sigh. This was going to be my 3rd failed attempt at finding a person to marry. I was trying not to let it affect me but it was hard not to get frustrated when my whole self was stripped only to my outer appearance.

“I don’t even want to get married to dumbasses.” I muttered to myself. How could I get married to a man who only thought with their private parts?

I took off my makeup, and showered.

My phone lit up, and it was a message from Alexis: SOS. The prince is coming with us too.


Go tell mother. She is not receiving her calls.

Of course. Another failed marriage proposal

She is still going on?


I put my phone on the bed, and decided to inform my mother about our unexpected guest.

“Mother!” I screamed, as I went downstairs.

“What?” She was sitting on the sofa with my dad, watching the news.

“Alexis said the prince is coming too.”

She froze.

“Honey, are you trying to give your mother a heart-attack?” My father asked, as he reduced the volume of the television.

“Honestly, you should keep that question for Alexis.”

“Who is coming?” My mother finally uttered out those words in horror.

“The Prince…”

“The prince of this country?”

“Yeah.” I wanted to laugh at her reaction, but I kept my reaction in check in order to not offend her.

She looked at me, “Go clean your room-,” and then she looked at my dad, “And you go clean your office. Our house looks like a fish market. Go and clean everyone.” In this household, she was the leader, and whatever she would ask us to do, we do it.

I quietly went to my room with my thoughts following me.

I knew Alexis was engaged to an influential man but I had no idea he even knew the Prince. I shrugged. It was good for her. It was nice to be surrounded by people with power. And considering what she went through, it was better for her to be with powerful people.

It was around 7pm when we heard someone knocking at the door. From my peripheral vision, I saw my mother stiffen. I was amused. To safe my mother from actually passing out, I was the one who stood up to open the door.

The moment I opened the door, I was greeted by a hug- I was knocked back by the said hug.

“Wow, I missed you too, Alexis.” I said with a giggle. My sister smiled at me and she looked marvellous as usual.

Her husband stood by her side. I smiled, “Hello!”

“Hey, sweetheart. How are you?” He gave me a smile back.

“I am doing alright.” I leaned in closer, “You said, there was a prince? Where is he?”

“This is Wyatt!” He pointed to the left, and I noticed a man wearing a neon green shirt walking towards us. He was pushing along a bag with him.

He was a prince? What atrocious colour choice.