
The Prince's Lazy Reader

The 7th son. The bastard child. The worthless trash. All common names of myself, Prince Mackenzie Everblade. At a young age I received an incredible blessing from the gods. [Telepathy] A blessing strong enough to rupture the bubbling power struggle between my siblings. A power I chose to hide in fear for my life. But one day, I heard the strange thoughts of the scummiest noble in school, August Vale. 'Huh? I'm inside the body of the novel's forgettable scumbag, August Vale? This is awesome!' From that point onward, my life became a living hell.

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21 Chs

The Entrance to Hell

Beyond the power of man, a gift bestowed upon by the gods.


They're not something received through normal means. Only through the likeness of a god could you hope to receive such a power.


It was the power I received as the bastard child of King Casimir Everblade. 

I can still remember the day I was bestowed with such a power.

'Mother! The gods gave me a blessing!'

'That's great son! What is the power you were given?'


My mother's face turned horrified at the thought. Realizing what meaning this power held in the hands of nobility.

'...Mackenzie, can you promise me something? Please promise me you will never tell anyone about your blessing for as long as you live. It'll be a secret between you and mom okay?'

'Okay! I promise!'

And so for the past 17 years, I've kept my mouth shut.

Now, I'm known as nothing more than a useless bastard child.

Ignored by both my siblings and my father, I have nothing left aside from my mother, a woman of commoner blood.

My 6 siblings are all out for each other's throats. As per my father's rules, the most deserving child determines who will be the next family head and king. 

Due to my status and with the help of my blessing, I've stood as a bystander to their bloody battle.

However, the moment I entered Sylvanvale Academy, things changed.

I was growing older, and even though I had no desire to hold the throne, some of my siblings perceived my presence at school as a threat.

Once I entered their direct territory, it became difficult to move as an individual.

At first, it was just a few bullies.

But slowly.

I lost any semblance of resemblance to the title of prince.

With enough time, my first year has now become my last.

Keeping my grades up wasn't challenging, and studying the magic of the world and swordsmanship was quite interesting.

But I couldn't take the threats anymore.

After being left a note by my older brother, The Fifth Prince, Axel Everblade, I decided to make myself scarce.

At the very least, I wanted to move to the top of my year before leaving school. So I paid attention diligently in class.

However, someone recently has begun to draw my attention away from that.

'Hmm, so if want to figure out my magical attribute, I'll have to wait until next week. Were there any secret pieces I could take advantage of before then?'

August Vale.

The scumiest noble in Sylvanvale.

Trying to bribe girls otherwise uninterested in him, discrimination against those of the commoner class, and arrogance in the face of those ranked higher than himself.

That's only a fraction of his misdeeds here.

Just as I have a target planted on my back, August also possesses one. 

To avoid him at all costs.

We're both isolated existences in this academy. Although, for different reasons of course.

There was something unique about him that no one noticed.

It was a sudden change. Off-putting at that.

August experienced a moment of realization regarding his actions and desired self-improvement.

Well... not exactly.

It wasn't a change anyone on the outside could notice right away.

But August Vale was no longer August Vale.

Yesterday, I was shocked to hear his thoughts louder than anyone else in the classroom.

'Huh? I'm inside the body of the novel's forgettable scumbag, August Vale? This is awesome!'

From that point onwards, August became someone else.

There was no bribery, no discrimination, no arrogance. Nothing remained of the old August.

It didn't take long to realize someone had taken over the body of August.

But why?

Outside of his noble status, he served no purpose. His political and family power was high, but only due to his father's interventions.

I followed August for a few days after that, trying to understand the objective of the person inside August's body.

However, all August did was train and go to the school's gardens.

Training was an ordinary activity for students trying to improve their magic or swordsmanship.

Even for us first years without a class, it was beneficial to train ourselves.

Still, going to the gardens didn't make any sense.

I couldn't find out its purpose either, as August would always disappear shortly after entering.

Around forty minutes after August stepped foot in the gardens, he always emerged with a defeated expression.

Exhausted and lost in spirit, August walked past me, uncaring for my presence.

'Even after three attempts, I'm unable to pass the trial... At this rate, if I can't get the hidden piece... I might be unable to complete the quest.'

August continued this cycle for the next four days.

And eventually, on the seventh day of his arrival, August's desperation ran rampant.

He begged the upperclassmen nobles for help.

"Please! The Princess's life is in danger! If I don't help her, I don't know what will happen to me!"

"Get off of me! I don't know what you're talking about scum!"

"B-but! I need your help! She's in danger!"

"I don't care. Get away from me before I remove your hand for disrespect."

The upperclassman laid his hand on his sword, scaring the weak August Vale into a desperate sprint for his life.

He ran to the school training grounds.

Soaked from the pouring rain, he swung the dull training blade. 

Over and over, the once arrogant noble spouted curses at the air.

His desperate cries of frustration brought him to his knees.

What was his goal?

What was he trying so hard for?

I held these questions until now, trying to pretend they were meaningless.

But there had to be a reason.

A reason for a man once so hopeful to plummet to the ground in defeat.

He turned upwards at the presence of a hand on his shoulder.

"August Vale."

I stared into the man's eyes.

August looked pitiful.

Nobody would believe the words of a man such a sordid man.

However, I knew there was a different presence buried under the grimy mask.

A presence so desperate that they chose to beg on their knees instead of accepting the fate that lay ahead.

'Red hair... purple eyes..? Who?'

"I am Mackenzie Everblade."

August's eyes lingered on me with a puzzled expression.

"Everblade? Y-you're a prince...?"

'This guy is one of the seven children of King Casimir? I... don't remember a Mackenzie.'

Groaning internally, I offered my hand to him.

His bruised and muddied hand latched onto mine.

"Yes, I'm a Prince. You fell out in the rain, so I came to offer you a hand."

His face transformed from confusion to hope.

'A Prince of the king! They're all crazy bastards, but... maybe he'd have reason to step in.'

August popped the question I had been waiting for.

"I apologize for my ragged appearance your highness. You see, I have a problem that involves a sibling of yours. Their life is in danger, and I'm all out of options to save her."

He brought up my sister earlier in front of the upperclassmen as well.

The man under the veil of August was prioritizing the life of a princess.

It was strange, especially as a request to one of her siblings.

I know most of them would rather her dead.

"Which sister of mine? You mention the Princess, yet ignore her name."

"It's Princess Aurelia. She's in danger of assassination."

Ugh. The worst one.

Offering help was going to be difficult.

And did this lunatic say assassination?

It's not unorthodox, but to have such an act done under academy grounds would be hard to cover up.

One of my siblings must be desperate.

I wanted to ask for more context, but something else needed to be addressed first.

"Why is it that you, August Vale, are trying to rescue Princess Aurelia?"

What is it that compels this imposter?

I wanted to understand that more than anything.


August held his breath.

'I can't tell him the truth...'

I knew since the beginning that August would never give me the answer I wanted.

"...I want to change!"

Even though he won't tell me, that doesn't mean I won't find out.

'I want to save the story!'

Thank you everyone for reading the first chapter.

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