
The Prince's Choice

Melissa Davis was kidnapped and taken away from the Ubi Palace when she was a baby, by an aggrieved maid. Unknown to her that she was a princess, she grew up far away and went to apply for a maid job in Emam palace. It was after the crown prince of Emam kingdom fell in love with her and chooses her over his fiancee whom was her biological twin, that the real secret behind her true identity unravelled. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Chapter 9 | Working in the palace

Jenifa Ephraim shook her head wondering how the beautiful girl was indeed a new maid. She was so beautiful and looked so foreign like she was not from their lands, she continued thinking not until Melissa stepped out from the changing room that her breathe seized.

"Oh my, you look so beautiful," Jenifa said as she admired her. She has never admired her work on anyone like how she admired the uniform that she had sewn on the beautiful girl's body.

"Come let me take a closer look at it properly," Jenifa told her as she was all smiles, she was also fair in complexion but not as white as Melissa.

They hardly had any dark skinned female nor male and it was rare except for the males in their kingdom like the crown Prince whom looked dark skinned in complexion.

"Wow, it suits you though a bit short," Jenifa said as she watched the length.

"Bend let me see it properly, do like you want to sweep the ground," She told Melissa.

Melissa bent and Jenifa watched her back. "It's okay, it suits you," She told Melissa and she smiled. It was a shirt top and flay skirt that seemed a bit free so it wearer could bend and walk properly. Although when the wearer bends the back seemed to go upwards a bit while the front drop, so she advised Melissa to put on a black tight underwear beneath and she pointed to the free set of tights available in the room.

"You should always wear these underneath so you will be more comfortable, later I will give you your second uniform which is a gown, still the same design and shape as this but that one is a gown," Jenifa told her.

"Thank you," Melissa replied, "Can I go now?" She asked Jenifa whom was packing five tight underwear for her.

"Yes, have these, you can keep it with you and use it in wearing the uniform, later you come for the second one, maybe tomorrow afternoon I will be thru with if" She told Melissa.

"Oh wait let me measure you so it would fit more properly." She quickly took out her measuring tape and measured Melissa. After she was thru Melissa left and stepped out going back to the headmaid to ask her for her own duty role in the palace as it was already noon.

The head maid stood with her assistant and some other of the maids outside addressing them in what to do as they would be having a guest whom was non other than the princess of Ubi Kingdom. She advised them on what to do and what not to do, when they will be serving the princess. She was still talking to them when her eyes fell on Melissa, she stopped talking as her mouth dropped, was she seeing double.

The other maids that she was talking to and her assistant Tope turned to look as well as they were facing the headmaid Bimpe.

Their jaws dropped Melissa approached them while Tope was the one to speak first as she narrowed her eyes at Melissa stepping forward to meet her. As Melissa didn't pack her hair into a bun and left it to fall dropping on her shoulder.

"Why is your gown short?!" Tope questioned startling her and all the rest of the maids stopped admiring their new mate, They looked from Tope to her as Tope stepped forward to meet her and she also stopped walking forward feeling embarrassed. Bimpe stood watching them, she was still in doubt the girl was a maid and she needed to keep a close eyes on her, not allowing her go close to the mansion nor inside the mansion either as the girl was to beautiful to be a maid.

"Can't you speak?!" Tope thundered getting impatient as irritation was written all over her face. Melissa looked downward feeling embarrassed and Tope frown deepened.

"Leave her Tope, I don't think the gown is too short," Bimpe said as she finally went closer to meet Melissa, she eyed her from head to toe and spoked to her.

"You are to work outside and not get anywhere close to the mansion, is that understood?."

"Yes Ma'am," Melissa replied.

"You take the broom, you will be sweeping outside, the garden and the field and cleaning the windows downstairs together with the others that has same roles as yours, is that understood?."

"Yes ma'am" Melissa replied.

"Good, You can all leave, Remember to be yourselves and not offend our guests" Bimpe told them and walked back into the maids quarters with Tope walking behind her.

"How can you allow her put on such uniform, don't you see is above her knees, why not just send her away and tell her there's no vacancy or work here?," Tope fumed as they went back to the maid quarters.

"Tope, you speak like you have forgotten that you and I were both given this same job before we were promoted to this rank, it not like we owned it, or we owned here either and besides the prince was the one whom said she should be given a role, so I can't send her away."

"The prince?," Tope eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes the prince, That's what the guard told me. See let's just forget about her and do our job, is not like she's the most beautiful here, and what are we even talking about, the prince is getting married to Princess Miranda, so who's she, a maid. Oh just forget about her," Bimpe said as she went to take her flower vase that she would use in beautifying the ground when the guest Princess arrives.

Melissa took a broom and started sweeping the place that Bimpe had showed her and another maid came and quickly stopped her.

"No! not now," The maid said to her smiling.

"We only sweep it morning and evening," She said.

"Okay, thank you," Melissa replied her and went to return the long broom.

Soon all the maids and guards were summoned to gathered outside in the palace and Melissa wondered what was going on. She saw Sandra and wanted to ask why they were all standing outside, did something wrong happened. As she wanted to call to Sandra's attention as Sandra also looked to her direction winking at her and smiling at her, Just then Prince Charles and his mother and his sister and father King Desmond Freeman came out from the royal mansion and the guards and maids bowed at them, not daring to look up.

Melissa also bowed as she was a new maid, she needed to imitate them in whatever she saw them doing.

Soon some elderly men also come out and stood as they were dressed in uniform. Melissa raised her head a bit to look at what's going on as she stared at them then her eyes fell on the prince, she quickly looked down as her heart was beating rapidly, having been caught by the prince.

Prince Charles was already looking for her and searching for her with his eyes from where he stood, he didn't seem to find her around as he had forgotten their maids had uniforms. He was already wondering if she had gone back home or wasn't given any job in the palace, not when his eyes caught sight of the golden hair shining so brightly under the sun.

As he continued to stare at her hair, she looked up and their eyes meet, Oh she's the one, he thought to himself as his heart skipped a beat seeing her beautiful face, she quickly looked downward but he had a smile to his face as he was pleased to have seen a glimpse of her pretty face.

Soon the drummers started playing the sounds and beating the drums while the dancers danced and swirl their waist happily as three expensive cars drove into the Palace.

The Cars stopped few distance away from where they all stood and the guards came out from another car at front and went to the middle car to open the car door.

Bimpe and Tope rushed to welcome the princess with their heads bent lowered and Melissa wondered how they could navigate without looking upward.

Princess Miranda Wilfred stepped out from the expensive car and spokeperson announced, "Hail Princess Miranda of Ubi Kingdom," And king Desmond stepped forward together with his wife and children to welcome her while the elders and men in council clapped, with drummers beating the drum loudly.

"You are welcome my princess," King Desmond told her first as he gave her a warm hug, while stepping aside so his wife and children could welcome her as well.

Queen Vicky smiled sweetly to Princess Miranda as she hugged her softly, she shifted to stand beside her husband while Princess Amanda hugged her and same as Prince Charles.

They all walked back to the front of the mansion, while the guards from Ubi Kingdom drove back the cars and parked it in the Emam kingdom palace garage where other cars were parked.

"You are welcome to our kingdom," King Desmond Freeman sooked to Princess Miranda as he blessed her with his staff of honor and turned to face the rest of the people that had gathered to welcome the beautiful princess of Ubi kingdom.

"As you all know, She's the beautiful Princess of Ubi Kingdom and soon to be queen of our lands, be of good behavior and well wishes to her," King Desmond advised them all and after that he dismissed them to return back to their duty post while him, his wife and children went back into the royal mansion with Princess Miranda whom just arrived. While the rest and the elders in council left, as they had stood in honor to welcome the beautiful princess and daughter of one of the greatest King and richest kingdom in the lands.