
The Prince's Choice

Melissa Davis was kidnapped and taken away from the Ubi Palace when she was a baby, by an aggrieved maid. Unknown to her that she was a princess, she grew up far away and went to apply for a maid job in Emam palace. It was after the crown prince of Emam kingdom fell in love with her and chooses her over his fiancee whom was her biological twin, that the real secret behind her true identity unravelled. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 3


Martha walks into Queen Maria's chamber and saw the two cute princesses sleeping peacefully and comfortably on the bed while there were some powered stains of something's like milk and baby food on the floor.

She quickly went out of the room to fetch a bucket of water in the restroom on the second floor, and to bring it with a mopping stick with her so she could mop the floor and clean the table since Queen Maria had already feed the twins and put them to sleep.

As she returned back to Queen Maria's chamber, she saw the queen had already returned and now laid on her bad waiting for her to come and clean the room.

"What took you so long?," Queen Maria asked as she spoked in a calm voice, not wanting to wake her twin daughters.

"Am sorry my queen, I forgot to bring detergent so I went back to get it along with the sanitizer," Martha replied.

"It okay, you can go on and clean and do quick and leave here so my kids can sleep comfortably," Queen Maria said to her as she stares adorably at her two twin babies that were sleeping peacefully on the bed

Martha stood staring at the queen and the twins admiring them and Queen Maria turns to stare at her.

"What are you still standing there doing?Would you get on with why you are here and be quick!" She commanded and one of the twin babies flinched as a result of the her shout and woke up crying.

Queen Maria's eyes subtly narrowed at Martha, sending a warning glare as she gently tap and tried to calm her baby that had stirred to wake up.

Martha quickly went on mopping the tiled floor, ignoring the queen as the queen focused and tried to calm her baby. As she was thru mopping the floor, she noticed the queen had also fallen asleep and she bit on her lower lips and thought she hadn't even carried out a complete plan on how to smuggle out the baby, if she failed to do it now, then. she wouldn't be able to do it again as the babies were rapidly growing faster and were now crawling.

She doesn't want the child to have any thought whatsoever that she wasn't her real mother, thinking on what to do, she carefully went back to the Queen's restroom to poured out the water in the bucket, making a few sounds to see if the queen would wake.

Obviously Queen Maria had already fallen deeply into her sleeps as she was too tired to hear a little noise.

Martha went out of Queen Maria's chamber and came back with a trash bin. She brought the trash bin that she had washed closer to the bed and carefully carried the blonde baby placing her inside the trash bin while Queen Maria stirred a little as she was laying on her side. Martha swallowed and carefully put the little baby into the trash bin as she had previously kept some clothes in it so as not to stir the baby to wake up, especially not when they are at the gate or passing the guards as that would send dread down her spine and send her to her early grave.

She quickly covered the trash bin a bit and carried it out quickly going downstairs and out of the mansion towards the palace gate.

Queen Maria was still tired and sleeping that she didn't even notice what had happened around her, She was deep in her sleep and didn't hear any single sound or movements around her.

She turned to find a better sleeping position while Martha made her way towards the gate carrying the trash bin up in her arms and not covering it properly so as not to suffocate the baby.

The stationed guards looked at her, obviously they knew she was the only one always going out to throw things and doing some other random errands in the palace so they didn't bother to question her.

The guard walked past her to open the gate and Martha tries not to feel too nervous as her palms were sweating while she was firing serious prayers inwardly in her heart so the baby wouldn't wake up or cry, being in a dark place.

The guard came to stand beside her as the other guards stood by the guard house closer to the gate watching.

"Martha I had told you to accept my proposal so you would stop working as a maid here in this palace, am really serious about you, and I don't like seeing how you are been maltreated in this palace," The guard told her as he came and stood in between opening the gate and staring at her.

"Martha" He called again and Martha swallowed the hard lump that had formed in her throat and stared at him as she gathered herself to reply.

She didn't want to keep the trash bin down nor waste any more of her time in the palace to avoid been caught.

She replied him, " I will think about it later Timothy, Please let me do my jobs now, if Queen Maria catches me standing here and talking to you, she would have me punished and you wouldn't be able to do anything to save me."

"But Martha, you know I love you, please give me a chance," Timothy begged and she nodded as she noticed the baby kicked in the trash bin like it turned, sweat gathered on her forehead and she shivered making Timothy to notice her distress, He sighed and went to open the gate to allow her pass.

"I will be waiting for your response," He told her and she nodded and quickly walked away, passing the gate and walking out of the royal palace. Going farther a bit, she stopped as she now stood far away from the palace.

The nights had fallen and the baby in the trash bin already started crying and she brought out the baby and carried her in her arms before she went to a cab stop and stopped a cab driver, Ordering him to take her to Emam territorial borders which was out of Ubi borders.

The cab man nodded and did as he was instructed and he started the cab and drove her away to the borders which was very far from where she was picked.

They arrived at the borders few hours later and she walked to the territorial boundary between Ubi and Emam kingdom, as it was night, she knew not so many people that stood waiting for the next available bus would notice her and she was lucky enough to have poured some clothes into the trash bin as those clothes were part of little Princess Mary clothes that she had taken from Queen Maria's room.

The next available bus travelling to Emam kingdom arrived and she entered into it, with the baby, covering her a bit as the baby shook due to the cold night weather.

She had forgotten she was still putting on her maid clothes and she wondered why some of the guards at the territorial boundaries were staring at her. She was nervous, but luckily they didn't question her as they thought probably she had closed from her works in the palace or she was rather sent on an errand, they allowed her pass and that was how she successfully escaped from Ubi kingdom, kidnapping little Princess Mary and taking her away from her mother and her twin sister.

The bus drove off into the cold dark night and drove towards Emam kingdom, Martha heave a sigh of relief as she had successful carried out her plans. She prayed for forgiveness in her heart as she was determined to raise the baby as her own child and to punish Queen Maria thrice the punishment she had given to her.

As soon as the bus stop at it first bus-stop closer to Emam kingdom, she dropped down and decided to find another bus or a cab to take her to her aunt's place as she feared maybe the queen would have woken up and now searching for her precious baby, As she knew how addicted Queen Maria was towards Mary other than her twin sister Princess Miranda who was a brunette.

She quickly paid the bus driver and stopped another cab driver, ordering him to take her to Emam village. She went into the cab and the cab driver drove her to Eman town, a town closer to the palace. There she came down and paid the driver and made her way towards her aunt's house. She found an elderly woman who was her aunt that she used to visit with her mother when she was younger and greeted her as she approached the old house.

The elderly woman had partial blindness so she couldn't see the baby nor Martha In the dark.

"Who's there?" Aunty Edith asked as she hit her stick in the mud, outside the house that she was living.

"Aunty is me Martha, Martha Davis," Martha replied as she came forward.

"Martha, wow I wasn't expecting you, you are here, come let me see you," Aunt Edith called and Martha moved closer to meet the elderly woman who touched her and touched the baby in her arms, pressing little Princess Mary's face and touching her chic to be sure of what she touched.

Little princess Mary cried out as she felt the strong palms that touched her soft cheeks, "A baby!?" Aunty Edith questioned.

"Martha you now have a child?" She asked Martha again.

"Yes aunty it was a mistake, that's why I left the palace" She replied and her aunt nodded in understanding.

"It okay Martha, but there's no food at home, now" The elderly woman said.

"I know aunt, I bought bread and tea on my way here", Martha replied and little Princess Mary started crying, noticing the dark environment and cold dusty wind that blew her tender smooth skin.