
Whispers Of The Ents

The two Ascendant Suns could clearly feel the power of the bones surrounding the hundred massive seventh-dimensional Ascendant trees, and they could sense that these sets of bones belonged to similarly powerful entities, and this was the reason, unlike the rest, they had not collapsed into bone dust.

Ascendant Sun Trelmol was shaken, "What is all this? How long have these trees stood over the bodies of their enemies."

Dilos still touching the bone dust muttered, "By my speculations, at least for a billion years or more, to get a clearer image of this would require we check out the more completed bone pieces ahead."

About to move forward, Trelmol stopped Dilos, "If the rest of the trees behind us are dormant, then there is a high chance that the ones ahead would be too, but we cannot take chances and don't forget the other reason we are here."