SIX HUNDRED CENTURIES AGO A man named Joseph Matthew with his family traveled through a small village where everyone lived carefree. Displeased with this, Joseph Matthew a strong believer of God couldn't stand these uncivilized community, so he taught them the scripture hoping it will help them differentiate between right and wrong. Travelers witness it with amazement. They created homes to settle in, in no time the small community became large, having a capital of it's own. As the people spread so did the gospel. The news got the prince of darkness known as Lucifer, he burned in rage as he sent his servant to strike a deal with the Matthews which was unsuccessful, the deal was thrown to his face. In fury he swore to come back again, however this time he wouldn't strike a deal.
"My Lord there's something you must hear," Orsk said with visible fear.
"What is it, Orsk?" A deep voice questioned.
"My Lord a child is born and it's not just like any other child. This child is strongly gifted and will be a problem to us my Lord." Orsk answered.
"Hmm that's easy. We can just destroy the child, the child will be exactly like the ones we have dealt with," the deep voice said calmly.
"That is why we have every reason to worry, she has no likeness with the others," Orsk spoke, still bowing his head.
"She?" The voice inquired.
"Yes she, my Lord. She's born into the Mathews family, my Lord," he said hastily, like his tongue was on fire.
Lucifer frowned as he heard his servant speak of the Mathews. Those bloodlines were a headache to him, but what could he do when he was commanded from above not to smite the family because of the strong love.
Of course who wouldn't love someone who preached and changed the sinners into believers, turning a small village into a kingdom of believers, leading them to heaven. He would also love that person, if only the person had manipulated and led them to hell but instead that person changed the place he once owned.
He used to deceive them to act carefree until Mathews came into the picture. He couldn't kill them nor could he harm them.
Now who could be the she that was about to evoke more trouble in his kingdom? But he could only guess as he saw his servant shaking in fear.
"What else Orsk?" He said as his tone slowly changed from its calmness.
"My Lord, it's been years. She should be eight by now." Orsk lifted his gaze slowly, still bowing.
"When did you hear of the news?" Lucifer asked.
"Twelve hours back my Lord"
"Hmm," time here is very slow so he was certain that it would be years there in the human world.
He won't sit back anymore, nobody will threaten his kingdom, not at his watch.
"Belthazor you know what to do" Lucifer's voice echoed. His temper was lying on a string, he was at the verge of exploding in anger.
"Yes my Lord," a manly voice replied.
"Orsk go check to confirm her age and name," he demanded even though those things were unnecessary yet he just couldn't help but predict her death.
He will make sure she will be no different from the rest once he is through with her.
"Orsk do you need a push before you walk?" Lucifer enquired with a raised eyebrow.
Orsk shivered in fright "N-No my Lor-" he was interrupted.
"Orsk you leave immediately I ask you to leave," Lucifer drawled.
"Y-yes my Lord," Orsk left immediately.
"Belthazor I do hope you don't fail me like last time," Lucifer warned.
"I promise never to repeat that, my Lord," he promised as he knelt down on one knee, he bowed his head with his hand on his chest.
"Good. This mission is important and it is also another chance for you to redeem yourself," Lucifer said as he stared down at the demon before him. The demon should look vulnerable with the position they stood but instead the demon seemed strong and bold, however the deep respect and love still showed in the demon's every action.
Lucifer guessed the boldness came from being a warrior. The demon was one of his strongest. He never felt any emotions but could only give emotions instead. That was why he was giving him a second chance, but if he failed him again In this new mission then he would have to repeat what he does to failures, so he better keep to his promise with his feelings in check.