
First steps.

In one of the many dirty alleys of the Kabukicho Ward laid an unconscious teenager with black untamable hair. His body was crackling with red lightning, but no one even bothered to look in his direction. This was not the first and far from the last half-dead bloke on their streets, so why should they care?

This 'half-dead bloke' was none other than thirteen years old Harry Potter, now without a name - the Buttergems were not kind enough to tell him his birth name.

While not Harry slept, his subconscious consumed information from his new body like a sponge. After he finished looking through thirteen years of flashbacks, his subconscious mind took on a bigger challenge: the Philosopher's Stone.

Oddly enough, the Stone contained the memories of its previous owner, Homunculus Selim Bradley. To be precise, four hundred years of memories.

The teen's brain immediately helped him with information about these artificial people. A Homunculus is "Any human that was created or re-created by any Alchemy, Alkahestry, Grand Arcanum, and any other form of Alchemy."

Fortunately for no longer Harry, his subconscious did not make him live all four hundred years day after day. But every time he stumbles upon a familiar word or situation, his memory will automatically suggest the information he needs. It was one of Jasmine's gifts.

Unfortunately, the Reaper made a small mistake and the last thirteen years of Pride's life were also shown to the teenager. He saw the Father's plan, he lived with hatred and contempt for people, he killed and laughed, but the worst thing was that he devoured. Pride could devour everything: the abilities of his brother Gluttony, alchemy from several people, and even their knowledge.

This made the teenager's unconscious body tremble in horror, but he quickly calmed down. They were just memories. Not that creatures like them walk around the streets and kill people in this era. . .


Finally, the green-eyed teenager woke up abruptly and sat up, gasping for air. He was pretty sure that he was awakened by someone's insane shout that was suspiciously similar to "KIRYYYYU-CHAN!", but he could be wrong. Thirteen years living in the shoes of the cruelest Homunculus was a real nightmare after all.

'He was fucking crazy. . . I don't want to remember that.' He raised his hand and a green shadow eye appeared in his palm. 'On the positive side, I know all of his- my abilities. If Pride were less violent with his powers, I would be jumping for Joy.'

The owner of the Stone of Pride shook his head and sighed heavily as he sat to the nearest wall. Now he had the problem of his name.

'Can I call myself Harry Potter? But he's already dead. I'm already dead. And I must stay dead. Why would I take on the weight of an old name with a million expectations when I can take on a new one?' He thought and nodded. 'But what should I choose. . .'

A memory of his Godfather appeared in front of the teenager's eyes.

'Siri, huh. . ? Sirius Regulus Black. Technically, I can take the name Black as the last heir to the House. And the middle name will be in honor of Regulus, who even after his death managed to fuck up Voldemort's plans.'

The name problem was permanently resolved for Sirius. In Wizarding Britain, almost every pureblood or half-blood was connected in one way or another, so he may as well be his descendant.

The first thing Sirius did - as soon as his thoughts ended - was to dust himself off and stand up from the ground. His once white sweater and black trousers were dirty and several sizes too big. Even his boots were frayed to holes. So the green-eyed teenager decided to do something about it. Firstly, because he looked like a homeless person, and secondly because his sense of smell worked several tens of times better than before.

And Higher Powers, he stunk. . . So he decided to use Alchemy to fix that problem.

Alchemy is the scientific technique of understanding the structure of matter, decomposing it, and then reconstructing it. If performed skillfully, it is even possible to create gold out of the lead. However, as it is a science, there are some natural principles in place. Only one thing can be created from something else of a certain mass. This is the Principle of Equivalent Exchange.

'Damn, my head hurts. Is that even correct?'

The act of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy is known as "Transmutation" and it cannot be performed without a Transmutation Circle. The process is split into three parts.

Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.

Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state to be easily reshaped into a new form.

Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy to reform the material into a new shape.

The proper application of this craft requires not only a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory but also a sort of natural talent towards recognizing and manipulating the physical objects with energy, which requires uncommon levels of intelligence and aptitude. Those remarkable individuals capable of studying and practicing alchemy are known as "Alchemists".

'So I'm an Alchemist now, and a Homunculus to the boot. . . I wonder if I write down all of my titles how long will the list be? Okay, let's get started.'

Sirius' body has grown a full head taller and his shoulders widened. His raven-black hair grew back to his shoulders and Sirius thought he now looked like he just escaped from Azkaban.

He used one of Pride's least, well, used abilities, the ability to change his age. He could change in size from ten to sixteen years old and Sirius was quite pleased with the result. Children don't walk around the streets of Kabukicho, especially at night.

After that, he took off his clothes - no one will enter this alley anyway - and put them on the ground. Sirius' shadow began to move and created an Alchemical Transmutation Circle on the floor. He looked around and noticed a torn cloth and an old tire in the trash heap next to which he slept. So he took them and put them on the Circle too.

"Now how do I. . ? Ah, right."

Sirius turned his leg and the circle flashed with red lightning. The dirt embedded in his clothes turned into small rocks and rolled to the ground. Then the clothes themselves got smaller and all the thin parts rubbed themselves in, using the material from torn fabric. His boots are also virtually new with the help of an old tire.

The teen moved the shadow Transmutation Circle onto his body and activated it. Again, all the dirt turned to rocks and rolled off his body and hair. His underwear and socks also became new. Sirius will still buy - or steal - new clothes as soon as he can. He dressed and nodded, seeing that he was already looking better.

His shadows gave him a small piece of metal and a piece of broken glass. Transmutation Circles appeared on Sirius' palms, and the things in his hands lit up with red lightning. His look was completed with glasses with plain glass lenses.

Sirius sighed heavily and leaned on the ground to keep himself from falling.

"Shit, I ran out of spunk. Why the bloody hell is this so tiring?" He muttered to himself, but then he remembered that he was beaten by some huge fucker almost to death. "Right, all the magic went into my recovery. Hmm. . . I'll find him and break his legs later."

Gathering his will, Sirius pushed off the wall and walked out of the alley onto the bright Kabukicho streets. His next problem was lack of money, so his solution was quite simple.


Yes, he could create gold or even diamonds using Alchemy, but right now that'll take too much of his magic.

The night was the perfect time for the owner of the Stone of Pride so that Sirius' shadow began to move and money from the people around him began to disappear. In Shinjuku, in particular, the areas of Kabukicho far away from Shinjuku Station were not very safe.

You could say that the entertainment districts of Shinjuku and Shibuya, as well as the residential area of ​​Setagaya, have comparatively high crime rates. In the crowd, people constantly kept their bags or other valuables closer to them than usual, but there were always exceptions.

Here is a drunken middle-aged man - most likely the most ordinary pencil-pusher - with a bald spot and horns on his head. The next morning he won't find his money.

A fat woman with too long fingers and eyelashes. Three rings and a necklace disappeared from her.

A strange two meters tall mutant made of stone will lose his pocket watch tonight.

When the sun came up on the horizon, he had just over five hundred thousand yen and a lot of jewelry in his pockets, thanks to the drunk idiots in the red-light district.

Sirius could have stolen a lot more, but then the chances of being spotted also increased. Plus, drunk people in Kabukicho usually have little money, and because in this era everyone pays with credit cards. . . The fact that he managed to collect at least so much is already a miracle.

He came to the station and got on a random bullet train to somewhat hide his tracks. On the train, Sirius was able to finally calm down - this was his first pickpocketing experience - and look around. He was surrounded by many people with all kinds of mutations and his eyes fell on some kind of advertisement with All Might, Hero number One. And then his brain began to give the teenager a lot of new information.

Two hundred years ago, the first case of the birth of a child with superpowers was documented in China. And after a while, people with a variety of abilities began to be born all over the planet.

'Where have the Alchemists and Wizards gone? Or did humans really evolved and now magic has taken a different form? No, then everyone would be able to see through the protective Wards on magic buildings and I'm not even talking about dragons. These huge fucks couldn't help but get caught on the camera of some lucky guy. Questions for later.'

Of course, a split has appeared in the world. In the beginning, people with superpowers were in the minority, so 'normal people' began to oppress them out of fear. The Witch Hunt has begun anew. But then more and more humans began to be born with superpowers and ordinary peaceful protests began to become bloodbaths.

Little is known about the first hundred years after the emergence of superpowers. Just that someone in the middle of the war gave them the name "Quirk". Then the governments pulled their heads out of the collective asses and began to think about a solution to their problems. And of course, they didn't think of anything better than introducing "Heroes" into the system.

Only Heroes who received a License from the Hero Commission were free to use their Quirk in public to protect citizens and maintain order. Anyone who used their Quirk despite the ban was divided into two categories: Villains and Vigilantes.

Almost all criminals in the world were given the name "Villains," except for a couple of countries that did not believe in this nonsense. Well, the Vigilantes were just illegal Heroes without a License.

But the strange thing was that the Heroes were not assigned to the Police Force, no. They were on a completely different level and only occasionally worked with the police. There was, of course, a reason for that. The police decided not to use Quirks as a weapon, which Sirius considered irrational.

'A bullet to the head kills as well as a Quirk. So why the hell are they not using their Quirks? It would make it easier for the Heroes and make the world a lot safer.' Sirius shook his head and closed his eyes, giving them some rest.

In addition to all this, new laws appeared that limited the use of Quirks, but this was more perceived with a grain of salt. For example, if Sirius uses his shadows to carry heavy bags of groceries store then no one would even bat an eye. But if he clings to the rooftops with his shadow tentacles and flies between skyscrapers like Spider-Man to catch the bus, then he'll be in a lot of trouble.

Right now, roughly eighty percent of the world's population possessed Quirks, and each of them must register their Quirk twice in their life. The first time is at the beginning of elementary school, and the second time is at the end of high school. This meant that the government had the largest database of Quirks in its hands.

'What a wonderful respect for privacy.' Sirius thought.

The teenager picked up a random newspaper next to him and looked at the date.


'Three hundred years. . . Shit, I thought she was joking about that.'

His eyes dropped to a small front-page article.

[All Might have been working in America for four years now to keep the world in peace. Given the well-known endless list of his exploits, it was not surprising to receive a request for help from our ally, America! Number One Hero left his native land to-] Sirius closed the newspaper and put it back on a nearby seat.

"Higher Powers, the world has changed. . ."

It was the weekly "How's All Might doing?" article and it was not a joke, the man was that popular. Sirius had no idea how All Might avoids reporters with his huge body on daily basis.

After a couple of hours, the young Wizard arrived in Musutafu city. He frowned as he felt the morning cold air on my skin, but kept walking.

'As soon as I sell all the shit I stole, I'll go buy myself new clothes. My old ones deserve only to burn in the Holy Hellfire. After that, I'll need to find a hotel and wash. Will they even let me go there without some kind of ID? I can transmutate one. Whatever, as a last resort I'll just find some abandoned building and be happy with it. And only after that I can break down, not a second earlier.'

Even in his first life, Sirius learned to restrain his emotions, it was only at Hogwarts that these strange changes in his behavior began. It could have been blamed on his teenage hormones, but the Wizard knew he was being drugged with potions.

'Fucking old goat. If I ever find his grave, I'll dig up his corpse and piss on his skull.'

He sighed heavily and noticed a mall near the station, his next destination was chosen. Sirius needed a lot of things, right now he had nothing but clothes on his body and money in his pockets. And that the first, that the second was stolen. So technically he didn't own anything at all.

'I hate shopping. Though maybe I had the wrong company. . .' Sirius thought as he remembered Ginny dragging him around countless different stores. 'Yes, definitely wrong company.'

Still muttering curses towards his past life, he entered the huge Mall and prepared for Hell.

Six hours - and several nearly crippled annoying consultants - later, Black was finally able to escape from the death trap that was for some reason called "Musutafu Central Mall." He had everything he needed and he had no intention of going back there anytime soon, no sir.

Sirius' next job was to find some kind of shelter. Fortunately for the teenager, a couple of hours later he came across an abandoned one-story house in a forest.

The building itself was a rather large one with a low roof. The walls were made of wood, but lined with gray bricks and all the windows were boarded up with planks.

An old broken water tower was visible a little behind the house. The ladder to the water tank was rusty and broken, but part of it still hung over the top. Sirius assumed the house was completely self-sufficient at some point in time.

It was a perfect hideout for him, so without thinking a second time, he went inside.

He regretted that decision immediately since the ceiling of the house was already occupied by a huge colony of spiders. . . Sirius' killed them all with the help of Pride. Little fucks even crawled into the walls!

'If this continues I'll burn this place down.'

The Alchemist decided to inspect the house with the help of his shadow eyes and understood why it was abandoned. The roof rotted and leaked in several places, and the floors suffered the same fate. The walls in which the spiders used to live were just empty shells without any insulation. The basement was half-flooded and moss was already growing on the walls inside.

The place was a huge piece of rotting wood and crumbling stone.

"Fuck, I can't even think about the condition of the pipes here. . ."

Sirius shook his head and got to work. He climbed to the roof and began to repair the house with Alchemy. After every few Transmutations, the Alchemist had to rest in order not to fall face down from fatigue.

The biggest problem was the flooded basement. But even so, Sirius only opened a shadow mouth on the floor, where all the water flowed away. After he destroyed the moss with his shadows and fixed the problem with the pipes, he decided to call it a day.

There was no furniture inside the house, so the Alchemist had no choice but to slide down the wall and sit on the floor. He sighed heavily and looked around.

'Two bedrooms, a bathroom, and one master bedroom with a private shower and a walk-in closet. A kitchen, living room with the main entrance. Well, I guess I'll have to work hard to rebuild this house.'

His eyes fell on the window in which he first saw his reflection, in general, he did not look too different. His facial features are sharper, making Sirius appear older than he really is. His hair became a little straighter, and if one didn't look closely, he could be mistaken for the bastard of the Sirius Arcturus Black with dashing dark-green eyes and a smaller nose.

Sirius transmutated a bed with four pillows for comfort. He undressed and frowned at the fact that he could not take a shower. Well, he could always do it tomorrow.

The Wizard lay down in his temporary bed and his body returned to his real age. Sirius curled up into a ball and pressed his knees to his chest. As brave as he was, he had just left his whole world behind. Most of all he missed his friends. Hagrid, Hedwig, Neville, Ron, Hermione.

That night Sirius Regulus Black cried himself to sleep.

Why did I decide to get rid of the Orphanage? Well, I realized that it doesn't play any role in my story. Of course, I can destroy it and kill everyone inside, but it's too boring. So I decided to take a slightly different path.

Also, Harry-Sirius woke up two years before the start of U.A.

SPOILERS BELOW! But it's in Russian.

Азуми усыновит Салазара и Карин через несколько глав. Так что у них будет небольшая и добрая семья. . . Но не с самого начала. Салазар все таки параноик до мозга костей.

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts