
The Power of His Hands

"I am standing in a dimmer, lighten dark forest. The trees are tall. They seem to reach the sky. While standing in this forest, I see the silhouette of what seems to be a little boy in the distance. As I walk closer, the image I see comes to focus, and there stands a little boy. I wonder what this boy is doing in this forest in the middle of the night. I reach out my hand to grab the boy, but the space between us gets bigger. And within a moment, he's beyond my grasp. I tried to get the boy's attention by yelling. But it doesn't seem like he hears me. And then the ground beneath me begins to shake. And I tried to grab for something, but nothing is in reach. I fall through the ground, and when I awaken. I am standing in front of a house in flames. I look in the house to see if anyone is in there and the little boy I saw early is there, I tried to get close to the house, but the flame became enlarge and engulf the house. And in the distance, I hear a voice calling for me. "Alberto! Alberto!" I hear my name being called but don't know who it is. And then the voice says something else. "Only you can save me. You must save me. Please?!" And the voice is gone. I call back, " Whom I to save? Who are you?" And then I wake up.

JellyAce1281 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

It's almost 1100hrs at the hospital, and I'm sitting in my office doing my daily paperwork. I am the surgeon general. I work in the hospital every day, and I'm a very dedicated person. I like to do things well. I wouldn't say I like to do things badly. I like to help people. I'm a surgeon general. That means that I do surgeries every day. Of course, I'm not allowed to do any surgeries on my own. I have a nurse who assists me with the surgeries. That's why I would call myself a 'nurseon.' Also, my work hours are from 8 am to 5 pm. But usually, I work much longer hours. Sometimes I work from 8 am to 9 pm, until they need me to do an operation. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to schedule surgeries. That's because there are many patients in the hospital at all times. That makes it hard for me to have surgery hours without having to stay late at the hospital. Sometimes, I think my job is too difficult. I wonder if I'm going to make it. My work is fascinating. It's a good job. I don't have any other kind of job. I've been working there since I graduated from medical school.

My boss, Dr. Jacob Dodds, has been trying to get me to advertise our hospital. I think he's trying to exploit me and my ability. He knows I see straight through him. I tried my very best to avoid him, but he seems to be everywhere.

"Dr. Dodds, how many times have I told you that the hospital is for taking care of patients, not making money off them." That's what he loved to hear. He jumps like a little bunny at the words 'advertisements' and 'profit.' He doesn't understand that I'm not like that. I commit to doing my job well. That takes major commitment. I remember my first job as a surgeon.

Before we get to the story, I must tell you how surgeons work. There are many different procedures, and some of them require a lot of special equipment. The latest equipment costs a lot of money. That's what you have to buy. It takes time to invent and develop that particular piece of equipment. That means you have to save up and invest in something that will take a lifetime to pay off. It's like the thing with cars. You have to save up for a new car. Well, enough about them. So after trying to evade Dr. Dodds, I finally get to my room.

I turn on the TV to hear the news before I do my rounds. They were still talking about the boy whose doctors couldn't figure out his medical issue. That made me read the headlines. "Eddie Anderson, probably one of the most famous child stars in Hollywood, may not live until the end of the year." It was a headline to hit the nation. It's like the little boy Jesus. But the reporter said it wasn't even a heart problem. It was cholesterol. I guess like his parents. That's not surprising. All the Hollywood people have big egos. So I sat the paper down on the desk and grabbed my clipboard with patients I had to see. The tabloids were not something that interests me. I had to get to this next patient before I ran into Dr. Dodds. I look at my chart and see that we're going to Mrs. Alice Atwood. She had fallen ill with bad nostril problems, but she had been fine ever since. She had been to an ear, nose, and throat specialist who didn't need to see her. But since she had fallen ill with a sinus issue, I went to take a look at it. I rush over to her room before he could find me. I rush over to her room before he could find me. But as I turn the corner, there he was in front of her door.

"Good, I found you," He smirks.

"Dr. Dodds, if you don't have anything that needs my expertise. Then please move aside."

"Alberto, I'll move in a minute. I'm just going to talk to you for a little. I have something to tell you."

"Does it have to do with a patient?" I could by the look in his eye that it didn't involve a patient. It's probably one of his quick get rich plans. I knew this was going to be bad.

He reaches out for my chart.

"We can't have patients entering my room. I have patients to see."

"In a while, Alberto. I can wait."

"We can't wait, Dr. Dodds. I can't lose a patient because of your stupidity." He reaches out for my chart.

"See, you always do the same thing: get irritated whenever you see me."

"The reason you irritate me because you ever come to with something that relates to taking care of people. When you do that, then I listen to you. If you excuse. I have a patient to attend to." I went into the room to attend to Mrs. Atwood. Dr. Dodds knows that I have enough of his plans to make money. I love taking care of people. If I could take care of them without charging them, I would love it, but you need money to make things go around in the world. I take my stethoscope out to listen to her heart and then check her blood pressure. I have my nurse draw some blood for the labs.

"Mrs. Atwood, your heart and pressure are doing fine. I've referred you to our ear, nose, and throat specialist to see you here. They will come this afternoon to see you. So you relax. And everything will be taken care of." She was happy with my prognosis. It was pretty simple. Most of the time, it's pretty routine.

"Thank you, doctor." I smile.

"I'll see you later." "Okay, doctor."

I walk out of her room as I head to my office to continue my rounds. There was one patient I had to see, so I hurried up. When I enter, there he was again. Standing in front of Mr. Franklin's door. This Mr. Dodds doesn't know when to give up. He may be my boss, and I have to respect him. But I won't be pressured to do something I don't want to do.

"Alberto, I have something to tell you."

"Didn't already tell you..." He then cuts me off.

"It's not that. Someone has requested you." Who could request me for something. I only have so many friends and people who have been referred by them to me.

"Do you know who it is?" Dr. Dodd just nodded his head. I thought he knew everyone, but unfortunately, he doesn't.

"They're waiting for you in your office." So I give him my clipboard to take care of Mr. Franklin, and I went into my office. I walked in and saw a tall man. He was dress in black. He was dress like Men in Black. I thought maybe they had an alien that needed an examination. He turned to face me.

"Mr. Banks?"

"Yes. I am Dr. Alberto Banks. How can I help you?" The man reaches out his hand to give me his card. The card read "Chuck Royce, Manager of Eddie Anderson." What does a child star have to me? I thought is maybe for him to get publicity for himself.

"So Mr. Royce, what is it you need from me? I only help sick patients. I not in the show business." He didn't take to my joke. Which I thought was a little funny at the time.

"Dr. Banks, I know you heard about the media has been saying about our Eddie. We have been to many doctors. And they have given the same diagnosis. Can you give him a look over and see what you can find." I really didn't have the time to deal with a star in my hospital. That is just too much.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how I can help. If he had been to other doctors, What makes you think I can figure it out?"

"People everywhere say your the best. Do you have time to look at him" I look at my schedule and see I don't have anything available till next month?

"How about this bring him in next month. I can see him then. That's the best I can do." The manager understood. And walked out of the office. And sat in the chair and thought could this boy have something to do with my dreams?


I'm stuck. Can't think of anything. So will conclude it here. If I come up with some inspiration I will restart it. Thanks to those who look at it and might had read it. Happy New Year!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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