
The Pop Star and the Playboy Quarterback

Ophelia Lane, an emerging singer/songwriter who recently relocated to Nashville to pursue her dreams, found herself ghost-singing for Camila to afford her mother's medical treatment. She endured bullying from Camila and others for her mother and willingly hid her own talent until she met Asher, the Ozarks quarterback. Asher encouraged her singing and Ophelia wondered if she’d found true support in the athlete everyone called playboy. At their next concert, Camila humiliated Ophelia once more in front of everyone, and even prompting extreme fans to publicly assault her. "Loser?" Ophelia wondered, who was the real loser here? "I hope you regret messing with me." Soon, she found herself on stage, exposing the falsehood of Camila, being signed by an agent, receiving flowers, applause, and fortune, and trampling on those who once bullied her. On top of all this, Asher wants to take her on a date! But will Ophelia be able to juggle handling her newfound success alongside trusting him? "I like you," Asher said. Ophelia begins to question if their worlds are too vastly different. Asher comes from a completely different background than her own and while their passion is exciting, is it enough? Can they make it through the pressures of fame, career, and jealous ex-girlfriends? The Pop Star and the Playboy Quarterback is created by Cate Mattison, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

Cate Mattison · perkotaan
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60 Chs

Chapter 13 : Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover


“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask, closing my front door. “You don’t have anything better to do than scare the shit out of me?”

My little sister, Carolanne, stands next to Skylar, both of them with confused and surprised expressions on their faces.

“What?” I ask, not understanding the silence.

“I’m sorry, are you supposed to be my sister?” Carolanne asks.

“What?” I repeat.

“Cause my sister wouldn’t be caught talking to the quarterback of the freaking Ozarks!” She sasses back.

“I cannot believe you didn’t tell me you were hanging out with Asher!” Skylar squeals. “Wait, why were you hanging out with him?”

I shrug. “He asked me out.”

“He WHAT?” Skylar screams. Carolanne’s mouth just falls open. The two women look like they’re going to cry or explode.

I wave an arm in front of them. “Hello? Breathe!”