

THE PLAYER’S DISCIPLINE Synopsis ~Sadness~ …. In life though we deny it, there is ever something that makes you shudder by just its thought. I find all this enigmatic like aren’t you embossed sometimes? Isn’t it too hurting depressing, irritating....the way people just make it a routine, include it in their lifestyle, make it seem normal yet it isn't. Can’t they really have something real in their life than showing no grimace on the their real feelings....Widely putting-on fake smiles, saying a yes yet inside it’s a no, where will this take them? They freeze inside, become cold and heartless cause sometimes that’s the reason some people become evil, with nobody to rely on and bring back the warmth that was once in there hearts that turned totally black and dark…Nothing to do, right? Obviously no one was born bad, facts! We all know everyone has different ways trauma changes them…Becoming rowdy, clumsy, obnoxious, naughty, drug addict, rude, sad, annoying, all that is just an example and is led by something. After all, everything in this weird life of ours has a reason, even our change in behavior is caused by something or someone. Well, my name is Amelia Blackwell, a girl who is just in a family she wished she wasn’t in, a position she dislikes and a rule to follow she wants to run away from. Well, a rich family. Shit! The way I want to escape and be normal, with Mr. Johnson Blackwell my so-called father, forcing me to do things I don’t want to, my mum having nothing to say about it apart from "comply with it", my young sister Cherise acting holy, the slay queen and favorite daughter of my dad Pf! Nonsense, right?... and my big brother Starling being the drug addict and stubborn child who doesn’t really give a fuck about anything, my favorite! All this drama my parents want to protect from the public is really tiresome mostly, after their son’s death I mean, my brother…Well, I understand their sudden protectiveness, but Tory was my brother too I feel much pain when I think about it just like them…but I want to just be myself than a toyed princess who they force me to be. Honestly, am tired and it seems am not the only one even Starling is tired but Amelia acts like it never changed her. A hypocrite! Tory's death made us all depressed, we all changed…we failed to go with the flow of our new life without him and it showed in our characters. Oh, my pathetic life! Dramatic right? Read and you will understand how I lived to be a happy mistress at last though I still grieved the death of my big brother, I overcame somehow the pain because i wasn't alone. Author’s note: Hey readers…My writings are strictly from my head and the characters also, no real person or story. Hope u will like it…. Don’t forget to Drop comments, likes, stones and be honest! Your point of view about my story matters. ~So, enjoy~ By. MN Miriam Nondo

Miriam_Nondo · perkotaan
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3 Chs

The Conference (2)

"Okay," Amelia's shocked eyes turned into mocking ones and she chuckled at his reaction but let go of it and put her focus on the beautiful lady who walked on stage and started talking things she didn't even hear cause her thoughts had taken her far way, not even in the same year.



Torry is seen with a wide smile on his face excitedly.

"Amel, guess what?," He asked.

"Huh?...What? What's that huge smile for?" Amelia closed the novel she had been reading and focused on her young brother.

"Am in love Amel," He shook her playfully "In loveeee," He added dramatically.

"Huh? In love you say?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes am in love Amel, " He sat excitedly. "In love!," He continued.

"That's great, I want to know my sister in-law," She said concentrating on her young brother.

"Well wait," He removed his phone from his pocket to show several pics of a very beautiful girl. "That's her," He smiled softly.

"Woow! Torry all along," She shook him excitedly. "Why didn't you tell me? she is so beautiful," She continued.

"Her name is Tricia Garcia," He spout out proudly.

"Woow! That's sounds good . Tell me more about her,"

"Well," He scratched his head shamefully and his action didn't go unseen by Amelia's curious eyes.

"What! I know you properly, what's that for? What did you do again?," She asked suspiciously.

"Well..." He hesitated then continued. "I don't know if she loves me back in reality," He paused a bit "I even think am the only one who is in love with her," He chuckled sadly "But anyway only my love matters right?"

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean?," She folded her arms defensively. " You announce to me that for the first time you fall in love you aren't sure if the girl loves you back?! BULLSH*T! I can't believe," She said in disbelief.

"Yes, that's exactly the thing," He sighed. " The truth is that I haven't told her my feelings for her,"

"Torry, why not?" She looked at him in disbelief. "You are close right? And in all girls you have dated that you have literally been playing,"

"Yes we are so close, but she talks about a certain boy that she loves so much," He stopped hesitatingly. " I don't know if that boy is me," He continued sadly.

"Torry, this girl might really be another case, cause to all the girls you have dated...How comes you mind so much about this one?,"

"Well I love her, Amel," He admitted. "She is not like others, she is different,"

"Well, I have never fallen in love, so I can't understand you! Love is weird,"

"Oneday you will also fall in love and you will tell me about it, That burning feeling in your heart...The desire to see him every time, the thoughts of him close to you dwelling inside your head up like a fire outbreak,"

~End of flashback ~

"I miss him so much," She thought nearly crying.

The sound of people clapping instantly snapped her out of her thoughts and she clapped like them and focused on the man coming on the stage.

"Damn what! A beauty," She looked at the beauty of the man on stage....Infact he looked like a small god, he was just perfect and Amelia wasn't the only girl dying for him at first sight. He said alot of things that she didn't even hear cause she was busy admiring his beautiful face.

"Amelia, yo Amel," Andy shook Amelia to get back in her mind.

"Huh?...Yes, yes a-mm-m listening

"Sure?" Andy looked at her more intensely, that trick always enveloped her.

"Ok! Well," She sighed in frustration, she wasn't a good liar at all. "Who is he?" She added pointing at the stage embarrassingly.

"Oh! That, it's Andrew," Andy answered casually.

Amelia looked at him with confused eyes "ANDREW?"

"Yes! Andrew, you don't remember him at school.

Actually she did remembered his name but had no idea where they met.

Amelia shook her head vigorously "I don't know"

"How come? You knew each other, well everyone was dying for him since primary by then and I think you were among them right?," Andy exclaimed.

"Really! Well I don't remember what happened in primary, it's still blurred in my mind," Amel said.

"Maybe if I tell you that he is the one who organized this conference, you will know him better,"

"Wait, what? He is the organizer? The young rich entrepreneur?"

"Yes he is," Andy answered confusingly. "Why you asking that way?,"

"Oh! That, for nothing...never mind,"

Now Amelia knew that he was her target, she just didn't know how to start and after seeing how handsome he was she wasn't sure of herself anymore,"