
The Plane Crash

After her plane crashes from a bullet to the window, Josalin Rose does everything in her power to survive the blizzard, and the forest. Every animal around her is stalking, attacking, trying to kill her. Will she survive until help arrives, or will the wild animals kill her?

darkness123 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The Mystery Man

I jolted awake with turbulence. I hit my head on the window with the harsh shaking of the plane. I noticed I had a full bladder. So I headed to the bathroom. Everyone still wide awake and steadily talking. The flight attendance were passing food and drinks out. As I made my way down the isle and to the bathroom.

I noticed the same man that acted strange at the airport was sitting right by the bathrooms. He was holding his bag to his chest. He had his long trench coat pulled snuggly around him, and his bag neatly laid in his lap.

I continued on to the bathroom. Once in there I took care of my business. As I come out and headed back I noticed the man gone bag and all. I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking not really caring. I took my seat by Tracy again only to see she's fast asleep. As the flight attendant walked up to us I grabbed me and her a tray of sweets to eat. Waking Tracy up I passed her some. She smiled gratefully at me. No doubt just as happy as me to see any kind of food.

There was chocolate bars different kinds of peanuts and pecans. Fruit cups. We ate everything on the tray together. Satisfied with the hunger pains gone.

Just as we were getting comfy again. We heard a shouting coming from the flight attendance area.

"This is a restricted area sir! Your not suppose to be back here! Get back to your seat! Sir! Sir! Sir, no!" She was screaming. We shot out of our seats just to hear a loud crashing more screaming and turbulence rumble through the plane again. The mystery man come into view again holding a gun in one hand, and the other hand he had latched to the hair of a flight attendance hair.

"Sir, please. I'm so sorry just let me go." She was crying. He paid her no attention not caring what she has to say at all.

He drug her by her hair around the plane everybody had ducked down behind the seats and was quiet. Including us.

The flight attendant was the only person besides the mystery man making noise.

"No. I'm not crazy. You are." He turned them into a complete circle. "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!!" He yelled.

You could see the stress marks coming up on his face. Her screaming was making his conversation with no one harder on him. He looked at her with so much hatred in his eyes. He pulled her hair up higher in the air briefly before shooting her in the side of the head, then dropping her dead body to the floor. There was a few shouts, but it mostly stayed quiet. He turned in circles with the gun out. He aimed it at no one.

"What do you mean, what do you smell? What smell do you want me to follow? My sense of smell has never worked." He sounded almost desperate to find whatever, or whomever smelt.

As he walked down the isle of the plane with the gun out, he looked almost scared. He made it to the curtains and turned around.as he searched for the smell he kept his eye low. His trenchcoat, I noticed, had come open, and he had all kinds of tattoos from his chest to his lower abdomen.I t looked like scattered useless symbols.

I moved to a different isle away from were he was, staying hunkered down as low as I can.

I turned back to see Tracy hot on my heels behind me, and the man had started walking up the isles again. We stayed out of his sight, fucking behind the chairs or in front of them. Just staying out of his sight period.

I froze when I heard a scream behind me. I turned and looked. He had picked some woman up off the floor by the hair of her head. She screamed when he sniffed her neck. In one sickening twist he broke her neck.

The man that was on the plane with her yelled as her ran at him, but the mystery man just shoved him down and kicked him in the ribs with a sickening, bone crushing kick. The man started gasping for breathe, and hold his arms folded protectively across his torso.

The mystery man man an animalistic growling noise. "Shut up if I have scared her then she is not worthy of me. I want only the strongest."

Everything slowed down drastically. Another man charged at him, but the mystery man drew his gun and shot him in the head. The bullet went all the way threw his head and into the window.

It pulled him straight to the whole, plastering him to the wall.