
Chapter 3 - White Rabbit

I'd like to take a brief moment to explain myself, the narrator of this nuisance of a story.

Anthony Dove, I honorably claim to be the detective that caught Jimmy Smith.You can puzzle your theories another day just let's get back to Jimmy for this.

From May of 1964- June of 1968, Jimmy spent his time out of the country.During the peak of the war, the draft was commencing and Jimmy was paranoid of being chosen, so was I.Before anything, in July of 64' Jimmy dropped his debut album that was very well claimed, sold a million copies that first few weeks.He was in a secluded home down in Acapulco, along with his so called "friends ".Jetson stayed in America to push more promotion for the album and support him from there.Jetson can't be hassled with the draft due to being older the age limit recommended.Jimmy is in his living room as he looks on the ocean side through his window to see his " friends " playing in the sand and having a good time.He got a phone call, he turned and picked it up quickly.

"Hello…?" He asked as he walked around the kitchen with it.

"Hey, it's Jetson…..you excited or what ? " Jimmy smiled as he said

"Hell yea, listen I know the first few years I'd say I could live here all my life but god I miss America …..hehe…." He laughingly said as some of his "friends barged into the home in excitement.He stares in confusion as they walked by him and entered a room to get something.

"Yes , Haha ….well listen when you get back, you better be prepared because your fans are waiting on you …..Christ half a decade of no Music is a life sentence of insanity...." Jimmy nodded as he understood the pressure he had to come as those "friends " walked back out with two pairs of boxing gloves, Jimmy just kept looking with a smirk.They exited back out into the beach as they prepared to have some friendly fights.Jimmy got back to his call as Jetson added on.

"So….no special lady in that time there ? " he asked jokingly as Jimmy looked on to the men fighting outside and replied

"No…..I've been as clean as Castro …hehe…." They both laughed as Jetson said

"Very funny, very funny- listen I gotta go kid, see you soon alright …." He hanged up quickly, Jimmy couldn't even say goodbye.Jimmy put the phone back as he walked through the hallways of the home and entered his room.He went into his little drawer and got out that pink journal.

"June 9, 1968, This country was a mess of fun to be in.I now want to travel the world, maybe Jetson will allow it.I leave on the on tonight and I plan to go on a plane.Was going to road trip the whole thing but I don't want to put them through all that.I'm surprised even here I'm recognized, just yesterday I got approached by people out in the beach, they even put a sign with my face on it show I live here.Well I will miss this place but Americas calling.God, thank you for all you've done, I shall pray tonight."

He arrived back in California with a new demeanor as times have changed while he was gone.A new style of music hit over and scares him, he thought he past his prime.He was in back in CMG Records studios and walked by new plaques on the wall and new pictures.Jetson been working hard with other singers he's discovered, it made Jimmy feel like old news.

He saw one of Jetson with The Beatles and another framed picture of Jetson with Tom Jones.The Company relied on Jimmy to bring them back on top but these new groups and new wave of music had them back in the spotlight.Jimmy walked by the hallways and entered Jetson office to see if got an upgrade.It's a lot more spacious and that picture of him and Hoffa is a bigger size.

Jetson wearing dark blue slim-fit pants and a tucked in blue long sleeve button up shirt, along with some orange dress shoes and a dark blue blazer.You can even see him sporting a light brown tie and a new hairstyle, a comb over with some mutton chops.

"Look at you my boy ! ….oh sit- sit go ahead …." He said Jimmy looked at him concerned as he sat and replied

"The fuck happened to your face ?" Jetson was confused at the question then laughed it off.

"Oh….just my look, hey so you ready to work, I got them ready downstairs if you want to get started -" he is cut off by Jimmy bluntly asking

"I need my money, I know you paid well for that vacation in Mexico but I do need it now …." Jetson smugly says

"Well I have it saved for now Jimmy boy I just can't get it right now….but look you do this album for me by the end of This month and I'll get you the money …okay ?"

Jimmy looked at him with frustration as he simply said

"Alright ….."

Jimmy went and recorded a couple tracks as Jetson baud some songs made for him.He was just about finished at exactly July 24.Took him longer than expected as through the recordings, he'd be going On benders and sexual adventures all across Hollywood, he was a disgusting bachelor for his time.Jimmy was at Jetson home in Beverly Hills as he was with him and others getting ready to celebrate his albums release.It was releasing that day as Jetson was excited and had a new artist he invited some big names.From Steve McQueen to Elizabeth Taylor, even rumors that even Ray Kroc showed up.

The event was stunning and the decor was plastered with merchandise of Jimmy.Jimmy was talking with Jetson in the living room area as they looked around.

"Look at this, you still got it …." Said Jetson as they both sighed in relief.The music playing was Jimmy's new album as it looked from around the room that is was being loved.Jimmy smiled in this ego boost as a man approached them.Jetson recognized him and got up to shake his hand,

"Ahhh, Mr.Norris…..pleasure to see you again …" He said as the Mr.Norris replied

"Yes it is, listen I just wanna get straight into it, we still on for the Commercial with Mr.Smith ?" Jimmy looked at them in confusion ad Jetson said

"Yes, yes we are, he'll be thrilled to be there, and thank you again for this opportunity….."

Jimmy just looked on as they chatted, Jimmy looked around again and this time didn't feel at peace, he didn't feel accomplished.Jetson sat back down and was happy to say

"Do you know how the hell that was ?!" He pointed at Mr.Norris as he walked away.

"No…..who ?" Asked Jimmy as Jetson said

" Pharis Norris , founder and owner of Norris Cigarettes, they're dropping a new version of a cigarette, a whole new design and everything and he's willing to make the spokesperson….." Jimmy was impressed as he said

"How much do I get ?" Jetson smile faded as he had a serious demeanor and replied

"Well with my 30% cut and for the companies share you'd get roughly….eh….I'd say about….

25,000$ for every year and it's a 4 year contract so about 100,000$….." Jimmy was even more impressed as he asked

"So what I gotta be a doctor now ? Hehe-" Jetson laughed a bit and said

"No, no, just have you do some commercials with you single a jingle and even your face on billboards for the cigarettes, best part is you get a deal for a lifetime supply of their cigarettes…..whenever you'd like, of course with limits but it is a lifetime supply …."

Jimmy was fully on board and got up quickly as they played a different song, they played

"Straight Shooter " by The Mamas & The Papas.He started to head to a main area of the people dancing and was welcomed with open arms.Jetson looked at him with a smile as he then looked away with anxious intent.

August 1st, his album had a mediocre response in sales but that didn't matter now.Jimmy was on set for a commercial, for these new cigarettes.Jimmy wearing a slim fit 3-piece black suit with some black dress shoes, also sporting a red tie and a packet of those cigarettes in his hand.

"Christ do I gotta smoke em ?" He yelled angrily as havoc occurred all over the set with people preparing.

"No, just have it in your mouth at least, no smoking necessary..." said the director as Jetson Who along side him added on

"Just look happy, don't feel happy that you're smoking, feel happy that you're being paid too, alright ? Okay, big smiles …." As people got ready, boom; lights, camera and

"Action !" Yelled out there director as Jimmy begin to sing the jingle.You see a 65' Pontiac Vivant and if I remember it was 4 dancers dressed as detectives aiming at Jimmy as he danced and sang.The commercial was so stupid when I viewed it at home but I'll give em that, it made me want to buy a pack.

If I remember from multiple sources it took them two takes to complete it right.The first take was chaotic, Jimmy danced and one of the dancers got a bit out of touch and made him accidentally trip and fall.

"Oh Christ !" Said the director as some stood in laughter and others in worry.

"God damn it, you stupid bitc-mmmm, it's alright, I'm alright, let's go at it again !!" He demanded as he got back up.The director was nonchalant about it and went on with another take as he yelled out

"Alright-alright, come on let's fucking get ready people !"

Well the commercial was a success but gave a bad image to Jimmy.CMG didn't care, they got their money but Jimmy was too sensitive to the criticism.He was in his home in Melrose Hill, Los Angeles, he was reading a newspaper with the headline "Once Again, Mr.Controversial strikes again "

Jimmy was furious as this is a double play on two songs from his latest album.He is smoking a Cuban cigar in fury as he is in the kitchen with his little crew in the living room.

"God damn it, these motherfuckers-making me sound stupid-god damn Bob Woodward, I'll kill the son of a bitch-" he said angrily as he entered the living room with the newspaper in hand.

His little posse around the room laugh as they're watching "2001: A Space Odyssey", nobody paid much attention to Jimmy's little rant as later on that night he wrote in his journal

"August 9, 1968, Im going to kill every single one of these bastards that just mooch off my money and fame.Pull a Charles Wittman on each one of them as they leave my home, god damn vultures."

It's very tragic to read these things, hell each page can be a story of their own but I only mention key points that lead up to incident.I try to refrain from mention his family much because after coming back from Mexico he cut them off, left them in the dust.He only went back once to hand his father a briefcase filled with 100,000$ and as stated he told his father and brother

"I hope this satisfies and I hope you forget this talk every happened "

He left them in the dark with that money as the two used it make a restaurant franchise but failed miserably.His dad works as a truck driver and his brother works as a factory lector now.Crazy enough, the cigar that Jimmy was enjoying in anger was probably from him.

Now back to our little story, Jimmy was pissed.He Waltzed back into the kitchen and called on Jetson as Jetson was in Las Vegas as he was setting up a deal for another artist in the Label.He waited as he tapped his fingers in the kitchen table in frustration.He turned back to his "friends " who are watching the movie and just pictured killing them slowly.

"Hello ?" Asked Jetson as Jimmy said angrily

"All you give me is a fucking hello, we're in World War 3 now, fucking defcon 1- fucking cocked pistol, fucking storm Normandy or I mean the fucking LA times and kill em all, have fucking have Bob Woodward and any other journalist on fucking pikes !-" he said very bluntly and loudly as his "friends " turned to him in worry as Jetson stood quiet for a second.

Jimmy was breathing heavily as Jetson replied

"The hell are you talking about, what the hell's going on ? " Jimmy was livid as he said again,

"The fucking newspaper here, making me feel dumb, making me sound moronic, god damn cunts, fucking cunts Jetson, real fucking cunts !-" Jetson cut his little tirade off as he said

"Are you telling me you're yelling a fucking Roosevelt speech over some bullshit in the newspapers ? Are you fucking high ?" He said in confusion as Jimmy said

"It's not about that -" he said as Jetson cut him off again.

"No ? Fucking aye, look I have to- okay, Jimmy I'll see you next week and we'll talk more okay, I'm working my ass off to make sure you can have more money and whine about your life, okay ? Alright goodbye…."

He hanged up Jimmy as Jimmy was too stun to react, he put the phone down gently as he looked at his "friends " who were still looking at him cautiously.