
Bad drunk

"Good job.You know exactly what to do." Asher whistled out of his car with his phone in his ears,making his way into the house. "Just keep it low and be careful." He disconnected, receiving another call. "Peter,I emailed the quotations. Get everything ready. Do not fail." Asher words were final. The one thing he detested were sluggish failures in human form, something almost all his employees never possess.

Asher could tell they were all asleep,the darkness that encamped the house made it obvious. Asher dragged out his jacket,a piece of paper fell,remembering the whore that had earlier came on him. Yes she was quite appealing to him but he wasn't in the mood. Unlike the past where his life shuffled between Skylar, work and pleasurable times with random females. Now it's just between Work and Home. Something had changed. He didn't know what but just flowed with the change. Asher strode into the main living room,it was quiet, bit something at the edge of the kitchen caught his eyes. A dim light hovered from the kitchen. Asher dropped his suit jacket he had held,motioning to the kitchen.

His eyes uncovered a probably spaced out Natalie. "Natalie" Asher called out, his husky voice blending with the night.

Natalie lifted her chin,sending a lip tight smile. "You are back" Her hands on the glass of wine,she offered to him.

Asher settled into a chair,receiving the glass. "You are up late" He stated sarcastically, chugging the drink down.

Natalie stared at him,her sky blue eyes always revealing a cute bunny in her.

She smiled, more broader, gripping back the glass as she poured in for herself. Her actions confirmed it. "Natalie you are drunk" A tiny chuckle escaped from Asher,he should have known from the rather ravishing cuteness she displayed, she was no doubt drunk.

She sipped in half of the wine,giving the remaining to Asher who seemingly was enjoying this game.

Her rigorously heavy eyelashes difficult to open. She made a faux glancing at her wrist,as if checking her wristwatch which was anywhere but on her. "You are late. Quite very late" Natalie's drunken mild and tender voice reprimanded. Asher was amused, he watched her adorable drama in her drunken state.

"Work-" He played along. Takinga glimpse at the wine bottle, the bunny hadn't even consumed up to half and she was already inebriated by the alcohol. Who knew Natalie had this lovable cute side and was a bad drunk. He was definitely not going to forget this.

"What made you turn to Alcohol" He signaled, earning a scrutinized stare from Natalie.

For brief seconds she pouted silently to herself,if Asher was numb,he would have said she was receiving some sort of premonition, the manner her lips curled.

"So are you done" He asked,her eyes away from him and back to the glass she held, pouring yet another round. "Skylar waited for you" She chunked a bit from the glass handing the rest to Asher.

Asher was amused, he was about to speak up but her pinky finger roughly shushed his lips. "They'll hear you" She gave her head a tiny shake,tilting it both ways,observing her surrounding as if she was spied on. "I know what you are thinking, you push yourself too hard to work, you know it's not a crime to take a break." She wasn't paying attention to either her words nor the extremely affected Asher.

Natalie hadn't known,but those words poked Asher. He didn't know why but her words got to him. She always managed to,he watched her trying to steady her head on her palm but the efforts were futile.

Asher stood up,he knew this bunny had not enough strength to speak she was completely wasted. If Natalie could only see herself,Asher couldn't help but feel pity for her and the terrible hang over pain that she'll experience come morning. "You have to go to bed now" Asher gave her a helping hand,but she still staggered,swishing aimlessly.

He sighed,walking up to her,chucking her into his arms,in a bridal style. She wriggled free, but his hold only firmed,ascending the staircase.

Inadvertently low whimpers slowly erupted from her, Asher was stricken, he glanced at her face which was buried to his shirt. But that didn't throw him off the fact that she was crying.

The more he ascended, the more the low whimpers rose. "What's wrong?" He didn't have a clue how those words seemed to exit his lips,he hadn't thought of it nor had given permission for utterance.

Her hold on his neck loosened. "I hate him" Voice so low,almost impassable to make of her words. "Who? Dave?" He questioned subconsciously mentally slapping himself. What's was wrong with him. He hadn't mean to say that.

But Natalie had forsaken her bunny-like glam and stuck with the puppy Natalie. "I hate him,He doesn't deserve my love not even a faux love" Trickle line of tears rolled over her face,Asher had tamed his thought now to reserve all comment. He only listened, pulling open the door to their room. He placed her gently on the bed, letting go of her acute like body.

But she wasn't letting go. The loosened grip of her hands on his shoulder were now replaced by an unyielding hold. Asher tried untangling her hands but she was adamant in letting go. Apparently she wasn't yet done speaking and Asher running out of option.

'Natalie' He called at the drunken female, her eyes flapping inconsistently. 'I hate him...I can't stand him' Her steady breath softly fanned his skin,he was inches apart from her,his effort increasing as if trying to escape from a captor. 'I loved him...I really did' She whispered,Asher gazed deep, he heard her mumbling but wasn't paying attention. What the hell was wrong with him? He couldn't explain the few moment of simulation his mind was in.

Instantly an undescribable soft feeling tinkered on his lips. Deep in his simulation, he savoured every taste going gently with the flow. He hadn't tasted anything so fresh and sweetened, his lips exploring calmly. The more he tried getting drowned his simulation, something rang in his brain. Natalie. 'No,it couldn't be he was kissing-' He choked on his words.

Immediately jerking back, he broke free from the simulation. Staring at the sleepy female on the bed. He quickly rewired his brain. "What on earth had he done?" He paced back and front in the room for a short while. No it was merely an imagination. He murmured in denial. It's wasn't real. Asher reproved countless times. He wasn't keen on accepting it,even though his heart and head knew this was no simulation. But if he'd accept this fact he feared something deep within would change. Or maybe it already had. This didn't happen, he stared at Natalie who cooed up curling underneath the mattress.

Guilt rushed over him,he felt disgusted by his actions.

What the freaking hell was he thinking? He would have jerked away,she was drunk after all. Now he felt nothing more than a scoundrel taking advantage of someone regardless of the situation,this wasn't his style. He pulled up the sheets, protecting her from the vile cold. He had prayed this act would fade away just as her drunken state and she wouldn't recall a thing,and so would he. This never happened.