
I will become Phoenix that will rise above all

Chapter 1

It was in the middle of the night, a person was walking mindlessly, with no direction in mind, he walked, and walked until he felt his legs go numb and tripped. Luckily, he managed to stop his body to hit the ground by stretching his arms forward.

After that, he just rolled over, his back on the ground and his face staring at the sky, unblingkingly.

'Sigh, the sky is so beautiful, yet the world is so chaotic' he lamented.

At the next second, his phone lit up. He ignored it and kept staring at the sky.

After a few hours, he picked up his phone and dialed a number, after it was connected, he said one word, "I'm ready" then hung up.

At the next moment, he heard a vehicle heading towards him, he got up and raised his hands. A few men got down from the vihecle and tied him up. After that, he was thrown in the vehicle and loss consiousness.


"Wake up"

A voice suddenly woke up Khai. He looked around him and sighed a little. He saw that he was tied up in a chair.

"Kill me already, what are you waiting for?" He said, no fear was shown in his face.

"What's with the rush?" The man ask cassualy.

"You've slaughtered my men, destroyed my company, and beat me up everyday, is that not enough?" He asked while staring at this man.

This man, was pure evil, he first destroyed his company, bit by bit and killed his most trusted people. After that, he left his best friend live, but with just a little punch, then his life would be extinguished. In addition, he has his men beat him up everyday.

He was only 15 years old, how could he stand this type of torture? He tried to commit suicide but was warned, if he committed suicide, his best friend would never see daylight nor die, he would be kept as a punching bag. He tried to get help from the police but no evidence was found.

And what was driving Khai insane was, he did not even know how he provoked this demon!

Is he just playing with me for fun?. Did I do something?

But all of these are useless, now that he is facing what people fear the most, death. But, right now what he felt was different, he felt reluctant, anger and most of all regret, he regretted the fact that he did not quality time with his best friend, he regretted the fact that he was weak, he regretted the fact that he let his company that he built with his best friend, crumble. He regretted many, many things that is torturing him.

The only thing in his mind was "Living is something to be treasured, live life to the fullest and live with no regrets" but, right now, what's the use of regretting?

Khai sighed again as he faced his last moments of life, he decided to give his life to save his one and only true friend.

He breathed deeply and savored his last breath. He saw that the man was talking, but he did not hear anything at all, after that, the man seemed to have been bored and reached for his pockets and pulled out a handgun. At the moment the gun was pointed at him, he remembered all he had done, crawling his way up to build a small company, how the company flourished, his dreams for the future, how the company got eradicated and how his friend helped him each step of the way.

He exhaled, and muttered:

"Goodbye my friend, I hope you live life to the fullest"


A loud shot was heared this was the shot that marked the end of Khai's miserable life and a start to a new and eventful life.



As he was staring at darkness, he felt like he was suffocating, he could not breath, move, nor hear.

"Eh?.. is this the underworld?" Khai thought as he regained consciousness. He sighed again as he lemented the fact that he was put in the under world. How unlucky he was!.

Suddenly, his head started to hurt, he felt his soul trying to escape his body, his body being torn apart, his body inflating, he could not take it anymore and cried in agony. A few minutes later, the pain resided and he lost consiousness.



He felt that he slept for hours, but when he woke up, he saw a campfire, it was getting bigger and bigger, threatening to swallow him whole. He quickly wanted to run away but he notice that he was tied up to a tree.

Just as he was cursing, he heared a man's deep voice.

"What are you doing? Do your job already!"

He quickly turned his head towards the voice and saw a middle aged man. The middle aged man was staring at him. His face showed a slight hint of anger.

Suddenly, he realised something, he.. he was alive? "Eh?? I'm alive? Im alive!!!! Whahahahahahaha!" He bursted out laughing, to think hes still alive!

But as he stared at this fire, he felt that his life, which he just gained, might just once again fade. "Crap, I don't know why I'm alive but I need to live to find out! And what the heck does do your job mean? Does he want me to yell and cry?

"Old man! If you release me I will not report you to the police." In truth, he felt that this man was weird, what the heck was he doing, trying to fry him?! Suddenly, an idea struct him..

"Y-you aren't part of the group that wants to kill me, are you?" That's right! They did not kill him with the gun, so are they planning to burn him to death? This though scared him and a shiver ran though his spine.

But as he thought about it again, he smiled lightly, what's the point? If he did not die today, they would torture his best friend, thus, he closed his eyes, what's the point of struggling? If they wanted him to struggle, yell for his life and cry in agony, then they would get nothing. Because he decided to face death with a smile.

"What are you doing?" The man angrily shouted.

"Hmph!! You want me to cry? Cry your father! I your Grandfather will not yeild!" Thruthfully, he was already ready to die, but the though of him living again agitated him. His determination towards dying was shaken.

The middle aged man was stunned, what the heck is this guy shouting for? Is he mentally challenged? Did something hit his head, but, that's not right, he was just fine a whole ago! several thoughts ran through his mind and he suddenly felt scared.

"Set him free!" He hurried shouted, heck! Even if you give him 100 guts, he would never work with a lunatic!

What? Do they want me to experience more torture for them to enjoy!? Khai was frienzied what the heck, if your going to kill me then kill me already!! Do these guys think that they could torture me whenever they wanted?

Several men appeared out of nowhere and let him free, as soon as he got free, he quickly ran to the fire as though the fire will save him.

Technically, it will save him, save him from torture and humiliation. And he also knew that his friend was already out, thats because, they signed a contract, the moment he said that he was ready to die, he would let his best friend go. As for the credibility... He did not know. But it was just too much, too much for a fifteen-year old, even if he was prepared, even if he became iron man thse will never, ever save him from torture.

As he ran towards the fire tears ran flowed through his face. "I'm sorry, but I cant take it anymore.

"Quickly, stop him!!" The man was frienzied what the heck, this be really hire a lunatic? What the heck is he crying for? It's not like they did not feed him anything!! If this boy does through his hands...

Just thinking about the scoldings from his superiors made his head hurt.

The men, who untied him quickly dashed towards Khai. The men were faster than Khai and caught him. They quickly knocked him out and trew him aside.

As he fell to the ground, he wanted to cry, what the heck, how many times have I been knocked out? Ah! And torture.. looks like I will experience pain again.



"S-so smelly!" Khai suddenly jumped up from his layed down position and looked around. He noticed that he was standing in a garbage bin, the scent was driving him mad. If not for his tenacity he woul have passed out as soon as he regained consiousness.

He quickly got out from the bin and ran as far as he could, the stench was unbearable! He wondered what thrash they have grown in there. After some sweet inhalation of fresh air, he looked around again and frowned.

What the heck is this? Is this a new torture method of that demon? What made him think this way was because his surroundings.. it looked like the era where swords were still used in wars.

Khai was confused, even if he was torturing him, isn't this a little, no, too extreme? Besides, who tortures people this way? He saw that instead of the typical high story buildings, it resembled more like a hut, a big one at that. He also saw people, but instead of them wearing jeans and such, he saw them wearing different clothes, their clothes, too were like back then, loose, not too designed and simple.

As he begun to walk, people also begun to dodge him, he was like plauge, and a thorn, come close and Boom! you wished you had no nose and start to doubt if a human can smell that bad. He could not blame them though, he smelled like crap, but compared to what he was laying down on.. and to think he felt that he was unconsious for hours.. thinking about it made his nose bleed.

He stopped and had a hypothesis, did he transcend? He did heard of it from his friends back then, they were constantly bugging him about this unbelievable good novel, thus, it was drilled in his head.

He decided to just accept this hypothesis as a fact for now and somehow try to solve this mystery.

But. If he truly transcended, he would become a Phoenix that will fly higher than any.