
Evils True Face

The hellboken crew had finally reached the silver caves, it was a sight that Ragna had never seen, there were multiple cave entrances which were massive, the inside of the caves was purely made of silver. The stories of the silver hunters may have been far-fetched but when you think of their long life spans and the endless silver within the caves one can't help but believe in the far-fetched stories. Vanessa stayed in the hellboken with Thomas, she wanted to fine tune the road demon before taking it back on the field, kiva, Johnathan, Kill-shot and Ragna went to find the man that gave Kill-shot the ominous information. Of all the people who they had to receive the message from, it had to be Kivas own father, one of the oldest of the silver hunters, Gilgamesh. He wasn't what Ragna expected, he was very old, thin and looked very weak, Ragna began to see why people doubted their origins, they are blessed with long life, yet they aren't spared the curse of aging. To think that one would live for so long and yet would be trapped in a body that literally looked like a corps, Gilgamesh looked to kiva his dearest daughter who he had greatly missed.

Gilgamesh: "come here my child, have you been well kiva."

Kiva: "I have been well father, I found some good people on my journey, together we have helped many lives, if it weren't for our lack of resources we would be able to do more than help people."

Gilgamesh: "you mean save the world, in this world my child we can only do so much, tell me kiva, have you met your brother and sister?"

Kiva: "no father I haven't found them; all I know is that they are both with the legions royal army. Father, do you walk with a stick now?"

Gilgamesh: "yes, kiva like our elders I have lost the ability to walk with my own strength but as you know, we live to serve and we wait for the day when we are summoned by the silver rose."

Kill-shot: "Gilgamesh, we aren't here to hear about your beliefs, we are here for the job, you know, the big one."

Gilgamesh: "straight to the point are we, well young man it appears that deep in the silver caves were no one dwells, a massive shogun hive has been set up, it has been constantly growing and their numbers are ever increasing. We had recently discovered that there is a breeder among them, a queen shogun. They have been navigating through the silver caves soft spots and have dug up a tunnel that leads to the black ocean, such a thing would be perfect to leave Rovahn undetected. Considering all the effort the legion has put to strengthening the fallen eastern wall it would be the most logical move to make."

Kiva: "what? a queen shogun hasn't been spotted in years, are you sure father."

Gilgamesh: "as much as I find great discomfort in knowing that my youngest daughter is going to face such a monster, yes kiva, many of our scouts have confirmed this. We had originally asked the legion to help us but they clearly didn't believe us, we have hired many bounty hunters to help us but none have returned. There was a strange man that went to the hive alone but like the others, he to as not returned."

Kill-shot: "this man, what did he look like."

Gilgamesh: "well it was hard to tell, you see he wore a face mask, but it exposed his eyes and grey hair."

Ragna: "did he have scars on his face, three that looked like scratch marks."

Gilgamesh: "yes, as a matter of fact he did, is he a friend of yours?"

Kill-shot: "Helios? Why would he be here?"

Unknown woman: "Ragna, I have a message for you."

A strangely dressed young woman with a very intimidating young warrior standing beside her, interrupted the conversation to deliver a message to Ragna, she was believed to be an oracle, one who was connected with the heavens and had the ability to see into the future. The warrior standing next to her was her guardian, she had been kept a secret from the outside world, fearing that she would be used for war. She had been having strange dreams that never appeared clearly to her but Ragna was the only thing that was clear to her, the oracles name was Rose and her guardians name was Boremont.

Rose: "the light shall shine only to reveal a greater darkness that hides in the realm of shadows, the thrones that once conflicted shall become one, four shadows shall turn to light, a fifth winged shadow shall follow, the blind and the blinds brother shall crack the sky and walk the earth, shadows wearing the faces of the fallen shall rise and the black serpent shall come for the world that was promised to him."

Johnathan: "blind man's brother? Shadows turning into light? What the... wow, you really have spent way too much time reading bad poetry. Don't you know that it's light that makes shadows you demented freak."

Boremont: "insolent fool, you'll pay for your insult!!!"

Rose: "calm yourself Boremont, I have delivered the message, I shall now take my leave."

Ragna: "what am I supposed to do with that weird message."

Rose: "I have tried to decipher my vision but I have been unsuccessful, it seems that the message was meant for you for you are all that remains clear to me, farewell Ragna, this is the last time we shall ever speak to one another, now I wait for legacy to come take me to the world of the dark moon."

The strange woman and her guardian left the room, leaving everyone confused and concerned. The message appeared to be some sort of warning, but the one thing that concerned them most was her last statement, why would she say that we shall never speak again, had she seen Ragna die in her dream or what if something happens to her?

Jonathan: "dark moon, legacy, what the hell was that all about!!!! What's going to happen to Ragna!!! is he going to die? Will he grow wings? Oh wait, his going to turn into a shadow that talks in bad poetry."

Kill-shot: "ok enough!!! Get your heads straight, we have the fight of our lives ahead of us."

Gilgamesh: "yes, here is the map, follow it and it will lead you to the hive."

Johnathan: "all right!!! A hive and Helios on the same day, let's go get the shogun bitch and put her little baby factory out of business."

Kiva: "farewell father, when this is over I'll make sure to come back and say goodbye, I promise."

Kiva, Johnathan and Ragna headed back to the hellboken to get ready for the big mission, Gilgamesh and Kill-shot stayed behind, apparently there was one bit of information that Gilgamesh had not given in Kivas, Johnathan and Ragna's presence.

Gilgamesh: "Kill-shot, I fear for the safety of my daughter and your men."

Kill-shot: "you know better than anyone how strong kiva is and as for the rest, they wouldn't be with me if they couldn't handle shoguns."

Gilgamesh: "and what if they find something more?"

Kill-shot: "what is that supposed to mean?"

Gilgamesh: "Kill-shot, Helios is down there, for the past seven months he has been on a war path, killing every shogun he could find, finally his war path gave him a trail. He has been following that trail to the point that it almost seemed pointless until it finally led him here."

Kill-shot: "are you saying that Helios has actually found Acheron?"

Gilgamesh: "nothing is certain but considering that the caves lead to the black oceans and not to mention the number of children that have gone missing, Acheron may be making another blood delivery."

Kill-shot: "it's been twelve years since the last blood delivery, why isn't the legion aware of this?"

Gilgamesh: "as a matter of fact, they do, apparently Kazuya of the dragon creed has been spotted waiting at the black ocean where the tunnel leads to, if our sources are correct, the eastern dragon will be waiting for Acheron."

Kill-shot: "it wouldn't be the first time shoguns have dag their way to success."

Gilgamesh: "that reminds, the information you wished to know about the boy."

Kill-shot: "yes, did you find anything?"

Gilgamesh: "the sword and the hidden village is nothing that my people have ever encountered."

Kill-shot: "not even the silver hunters know about the sword and the hidden village, what about the compass."

Gilgamesh: "the sword and hidden village did leave my elders speechless but the compass was recognized."

Kill-shot: "what did they tell you."

Gilgamesh: "it's an ancient tool that is used to lead one to their destiny, in ancient times kings would throw their children out from their royal realms in order to protect them from their enemies. When the child was of age the compass would lead them to their destiny which would be to become king. The compass grew to be such a problem that many enemies of the ancient kings went out of their way to destroy these compasses. All we have are old scrolls that tell us about this compass but never have we seen the real thing."

Kill-shot: "would it help if I left the compass in your possession? To be studied."

Gilgamesh: "am afraid that wouldn't do us any good, the compass was made with an ancient magic that no longer exists, in our hands it is completely worthless."

Kill-shot: "what am I to make of all this."

Gilgamesh: "whoever left this compass for Ragna undoubtedly wants him to find something of great importance, what that may be I do not know but if all that I have read is true then one way or another the compass will make sure he finds what has been left for him."

Kill-shot: "do the scrolls say anything about the last man who possessed such a compass."

Gilgamesh: "that's the strangest part, the last being to have such a compass died over a million years ago, not even his name has survived the years, how could his compass still exist and why does it answer to Ragna."

Kill-shot: "yes, why indeed? Thank you for all you have done, I swear Gilgamesh, if things get hairy, if we find Acheron down there, I'll pull the mission."

Gilgamesh: "please do, I have sent some of our fastest messenger to the capital, Drago will undoubtedly want to know where his brother is."

Kill-shot: "I suppose that would get the legions attention, you have done me a great service, I…..."

Gilgamesh: "there's no need for thanks, just don't get your crew or my daughter killed."

Kill-shot: "one other thing, that oracle said she wouldn't be seen again, she said something about being taken, you might want to keep an eye on her."

Gilgamesh: "since when do you believe in oracles."

Kill-shot: "I don't like to take risks."

Gilgamesh: "very well, consider it done, good luck Kill-shot."

Kill-shot now has the pressure of figuring out how they will make their approach, the hive is in the caves, so using the hellboken and its canons are out of the question. As if an endless army of shoguns isn't enough, there is a chance that Acheron could be there, turning the situation into a suicide mission. He figured that the obvious option would be a stealth approach, to cover more ground they would have to split up. They would have to be in black so as to use the caves shadows, Vanessa would have to also move on foot but Thomas has been designing a calling system for the road demon, if used it would summon the road demon to her. Kill-shot also has an ace up his sleeves, Thomas has been working on a super armour that used more energy than the hellboken itself, if things get bad Thomas himself will have to get out on the field for the first time to support the others. This calling system and heavy super armour have never been used in a real fight but this is an all or nothing situation, Ragna, kiva, Vanessa, Johnathan and Kill-shot wearing black armour, advanced on foot to the deepest parts of the silver caves.

As the hellboken crew advanced to the darkness of the silver caves, they began to see dim lights and hear very violent sounds, the crew had reached the shogun hive. Without even talking to one another, they immediately split up and began to infiltrate the hive, the end goal was to find the queen and kill her without being spotted but Kill-shot had his own personal mission. To find the taken children and find Acheron before any members of the crew did, if he was actually their Kill-shot would have to order his team to evacuate the caves. It didn't matter how well prepared the team was or how much experience they had, none of them were ready to face a vampire, especially one has powerful as Acheron. For so long the crew had moved in complete silence, not one of them used their communicators, they all feared being heard by one of the shoguns. Ragna took a path that was leading him directing above the shogun hive, he was originally meant to only view the surrounding and return to the hellboken, but what he saw beneath him made him completely forget his main objective. It was the shogun queen; she was literally dead centre of the massive hive with not a single shogun guarding her.

Her eggs were all that were with her, besides that, she was asleep, Ragna figured that if he were to attack her from above with all his might and strength, he would be able to cut her head clean off. He knew his orders, he knew that he had to call the others but the chance to kill a rare breeder was just too valuable, he had to act. He summoned all the strength his legs could manage and leaped to the sky, allowing him to dive towards the shogun queen, she was still asleep and his attack was perfect, the monster didn't stand a chance. Ragna did strike her neck but what had happened next was not what he had expected, Ragna's sword had broken into several pieces, making him regret using Luke's sword instead of his father's. Ragna couldn't believe what had happened, no shogun had ever been able to withstand Ragna's strike but that was only the beginning, the shogun queen slowly opened her eyes, saw Ragna in front of her and shrieked a loud scream that alerted every shogun in the hive. The mission had taken a turn for the worst, soon every other member of the hellboken had been discovered and being so far from each other, there was no chance of using their signature attack formation, they all had to fend for themselves. Kill-shot took to the skies using the disc glider, he hoped to get to a high enough point to support the others but this only attracted the flying shoguns towards him, hundreds of shoguns pressured Kill-shot, making it impossible for him to aid the others.

Kiva, Johnathan and Vanessa who were all fighting the ground shogun, kept attacking and moving fast, trying by all means not to get surrounded by the shoguns. Vanessa, using the calling beacon, was able to summon the road demon, it run through the shogun hordes and provided enough cover for her to enter and assume control of it, she had never been more relieved to see one of Thomas's inventions work. Because the road demon could easily drive through the shoguns and was far too fast for the shoguns to keep up with, she could easily go find the others. Using the road demon's scanner, she knew exactly were the others were, she informed the others that she was coming for them but she had been interrupted by a strange sight. She saw a pale skinned man with long black silky hair, he wasn't wearing any armour, all he had was a simple black wooden walking stick and some fancy clothes on and for some strange reason the shoguns ignored him completely. She couldn't tell who he was because she was only seeing his back side, in an effort to save him she called out to him.

Vanessa: "hey get over here!!!"

Unknown man: "who is that, calling to me in such frightful terror."

Vanessa: "this isn't the time for fancy talk, get over here before they kill us."

Unknown: "kill us? My dear these creatures couldn't harm me even if they tried, you however should probably be concerned. They haven't always been known to treat strangers with kindness, I can't help but fear for your safety."

Vanessa: "what the…. Who the hell are you?"

Unknown: "who am I? well my dear I am the one who has been tasked with providing new blood for my family, I am the one who has been charged with leading the shogun abominations by the orders of the beautiful queen kali, I am the river of sorrow, he that summons the ascending rain, I am, Acheron."

The pale skinned man turned and showed his face, he was an image of absolute perfection, without bumps or pimples on his face, he was beautiful, more beautiful than any man Vanessa had ever seen, but he had two strange features. Sharp large fangs and red eyes, eyes as red as the blood that flowed through her veins. It was Acheron, the legendary vampire responsible for all the shogun attacks that has gone on for years. Kill-shot was trying to communicate with Vanessa but she was mesmerised by his eyes, the eyes of a vampire have the power to grasp your soul and put it into a deep illusion, as well as extracting every detail of your life.

Kill-shot: "Vanessa! Vanessa! Answer me dame it!!!"

Vanessa: "a beautiful man…. A beautiful man is here."

Kill-shot: "what!!!"

Vanessa: "Acheron…... his here…. his…... perfect."

Kill-shot: "don't look into his eyes!!! Vanessa!!! Vanessaaaaa!!!!"

Kill-shot shouted at her through the communicators but she wasn't responding, she was sinking deeper and deeper into the red eyes of Acheron. A great deal of guilt fell on Kill-shots shoulders, if only he told everyone of the potential danger they would face, his only hope now was in Thomas and the weapon that he had been secretly working on, Kill-shots last hope.

Kill-shot: "Thomas!!!"

Thomas: "am here Kill-shot."

Kill-shot: "we can't do this alone, Acheron, his down here and his got Vanessa!!!"

Thomas: "she can't face something like that!!!"

Kill-shot: "that's why I need you down here, I need you to get to Vanessa, can your super armour get to her?"

Thomas: "Kill-shot I don't know if it's…."

Kill-shot: "it is ready, it has to be ready, it's time to bring it out Thomas, it's time to unleash, the Buster."

Thomas's log: "for so long I have hidden from the battle field, for so long I have watched others fight for me, for so long I have held all my hatred for this one moment!!! The chance to begin my vengeance against the vampire that took everything from me. With the unlimited power from the red stone upon my chest and the super armour that can take all of its power, I will grab that fancy dressing bastard by the throat and reap his head off!!! The Buster is the manifestation of my vengeance, my anger, my hatred and my pain. It ends, it all ends today, Acheron will die and by god he shall die by my hand!!!"