
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

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64 Chs

War Pt 2.

Having arrived outside the city of Iztil Prince Cedric's forces immediately fortified their positions, commanding the one thousand earth mages at his disposal to spread out around the camp and construct walls mimicking a fortress while also assigning guards to monitor the enemy's movements on the makeshift watch towers.

While all this was being done, Prince Cedric was watching over the soon-to-be battlefield and the city he wished to crush.

Meanwhile, in the city, the women and children were ordered to stay in their homes while all the 'men' of fighting age were taken and forced to aid in the city's defense, some did willingly while others didn't, mothers crying at the thought of their son's death was a tune that was heard all night long in the city of Iztil.

In the camp of Prince Cedric, his quarters were now ready for him so he made his way there and upon arriving he was greeted by a simple layout of a bed, an armor stand, and a place to cleanse himself.

"This will do, Lucius, tomorrow I want you to send envoys, disposable ones to whoever their leader is, and demand the release of my son, oh also get the commanders in here right now"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Lucius went on his way to the tents of the individual commanders and relayed the message and after doing so he went around the camp looking for men he could send as messengers, he didn't have to wait long, two minutes into his search he encountered two men walking towards him dressed in infantry uniforms synonymous with soldiers of the city of Coaltan.

"Hey, you two, what are your names"

The soldiers who were shocked at the turn of events stood side by side, their appearances lacking in conventional charm. They possessed average height, with their slim frames neither particularly imposing nor notable. Their unshaven beards, scruffy and unkempt, lined their faces, above which lay their dark brown eyes which stared directly in front of them making sure to avoid the eyes of the man who called them, they saluted and answered his question promptly

"Reynard sir, I do not have a last name as I'm of low birth sir," said one of the nervous soldiers

"Phillip sir, I also do not have a last name," said the other.

"Reynard and Phillip follow me" ordered Lucius

The men followed Lucius to his tent where he then wrote on a piece of paper and sealed it, he then handed the paper to the guards

"Tomorrow at sunrise, you two are to go into the city as messengers, and deliver this piece of paper to the ruler of the city, and upon your return, you will be compensated accordingly for your hard work and bravery"

"Yes Sir" they replied simultaneously after which they were dismissed

As they exit the tent, Lucius looked at their backs with a glint of sadness and after a heavy sigh, he returned to his duties.

The pair started conversing as they exit the tent, displaying obvious excitement

"Phillip, fortune has smiled upon us," exclaimed Reynard, his voice filled with anticipation.

"I can't help but wonder what kind of reward awaits us," replied Phillip.

"It will surely be substantial, considering the risks we're taking, maybe I can finally start taking fewer shifts at the city guard and spend more time with Sonia and the children," said Reynard

"I know she'd love that, my sister's been nagging me about how you've been working too much"

"Yeah, well I gotta support my family somehow"

The two continued their conversation and the next day quickly approached, the two men left the camp at sunrise to seek an audience with the city lord.

They arrived at the massive city wall and declared their intentions, and they were allowed to pass but they were searched and their weapons were confiscated. They were escorted to the city lord's manor a journey that took thirty minutes a testament to the sheer size of that city. They were guided in the manor and were led to the city lord, clutching the important letter that carried their plea for the return of Prince Barrett. Upon entering the room, they were greeted by a grand chamber. The room was spacious, with high ceilings that seemed to reach for the heavens. and noble crests etched in the walls, adding a touch of grandeur to the surroundings.

In the center of the room stood a large oak table, polished to a mirror-like sheen. On it lay scattered parchments, quills, and inkwells. The table was surrounded by velvet chairs bearing the city's emblem, a symbol of authority, and on one of those chairs sat Marcus Izard, a stern and imposing figure, who looked at them with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "What brings you here, commoners?" he asked, his voice laced with authority and contempt.

Phillip, his impulsive nature getting the better of him got angered by his comment and blurted out, "We demand that you return Prince Barrett to us! We know you have him!" His words were filled with accusation and anger, disrupting their intended diplomatic tone.

City Lord Izard's eyes narrowed, his face showing no signs of guilt. "Your allegations are baseless," he retorted calmly. "We have no knowledge of this missing prince you speak of."

Enraged by the denial, Phillip's anger surged, causing him to unintentionally release killing intent. The room grew heavy with tension, and the guards nearby instinctively reached for their weapons.

Realizing the precarious situation, Reynard swiftly intervened, stepping forward and placing a calming hand on Phillip's shoulder. "Phillip, calm yourself," he whispered urgently. "We must not provoke further conflict."

But Phillip, stubborn and unyielding, resisted his friend's pleas. He shook off Reynard's hand, his gaze locked with City Lord Izard. "We deserve the truth!" he declared defiantly.

Sensing the escalating danger, Reynard swallowed his pride. With a heavy sigh, he turned to City Lord Izard. "I apologize on behalf of my companion," he spoke with measured words. "His emotions got the better of him. He meant no disrespect my lord, I take full responsibility for his actions."

A smile crept across Izard's face, his eyes gleaming with concealed malice. "Ah, so you're willing to take responsibility?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Before Reynard could respond, the two guards who were in the room drew closer and suddenly one held Phillip while the other forced Reynard to the ground and started assaulting him with a barrage of kicks, the guard unrelenting, summoned his aura and kicked Reynard to the other side of the room causing him to land vigorously on his back groaning in pain. Marcus ordered the guard to stop and got up from his chair and slowly walked up to Reynard with the rattling from his nagamaki sword nestling at his waist permeating through the air adding to the tension, as he strutted casually, he started talking to Phillip who tried with all his might to release himself from the clutches of the guard,

"You see, commoner, you came here into my home and you make demands as if you have the power, but yet you don't dare take responsibility for your actions, instead, you let others bear the consequences in your stead, I hope you learn from this experience"

Marcus stood over Reynard's body and summoned his aura, he could only groan weekly for mercy as Marcus lifted his boot and stomped, tearing a hole through Reynard's chest. Phillip cried "Noooooo!" with tears coming from his eyes and spit escaping his mouth due to his screams. "I'm gonna fu****g kill you, you evil motherfu***r, I'm gonna put my sword through your heart, I f****ng swear it" he shouted, expressing pure hatred.

"I look forward to seeing you try" Marcus coldly replied

He then unsheathed his weapon and with a casual strike, Reynard's head detached and he gracefully picked it up and threw it to Phillip, who stood there horrified, wondering how he was going to explain to his sister that he got her husband killed.

"Get out and go tell your Prince to take his men and leave or that's what will happen to him and the thirty thousand men he brought with him"

Meanwhile, on the walls surrounding the Iztil, the men tasked with defending the city stood vigilant as they anticipated an attack by the Brizian forces but strangely, they were nowhere to be seen.

In Prince Cedric's tent, Lucius spoke, "The men I sent should be coming out any minute, the second they emerge from the gate, we start our offensive as ordered Your Majesty"


-Author here, sorry for the wait :)