
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

Ihavenoclue · Fantasi
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64 Chs

The 3rd Kosmos

And so, I set my sights on reaching the blossoming stage of the second Kosmos.

The path to this breakthrough was not an easy one. It is a grueling and painful process, pushing the limits of endurance and testing the strength of one's will. And yet, I was prepared to face the challenges head-on, to embrace the pain.

As I entered into the ritual of breaking through, a searing heat enveloped my body as if my blood had been set ablaze. The intensity of the pain was overwhelming, threatening to overwhelm my senses. I could feel the strain on my muscles, the tension building within me as if my very being was being torn apart.

A guttural scream escaped my lips, echoing through the room. It felt as if the sound itself could shatter glass, reverberating with the agony that coursed through every fiber of my being. The pain was excruciating, pushing me to the brink of my physical and mental limits.

Black tendrils, like wisps of darkness, emerged from my pores, my nose, and my eyes. They were the embodiment of impurities that had accumulated within me, a manifestation of the obstacles that hindered my progress. Each expulsion was met with searing pain as if the impurities fought desperately to hold their grip on me.

But I refused to succumb. With every ounce of willpower I possessed, I pushed through the pain, allowing the black tendrils to flow out, purging the impurities that had held me back. It was a battle of endurance, a test of resilience that seemed to stretch on for eternity.

Time lost all meaning as I fought through the ordeal. Sweat drenched my body, my muscles ached, and my mind screamed for respite. But I pushed on, my determination unyielding. I would not be defeated by the agony that threatened to consume me.

And then, in a moment that felt both abrupt and profound, the process was complete. The pain subsided, replaced by a sense of profound relief and newfound strength. I collapsed, exhausted, my body unable to bear the weight of the transformative journey I had undertaken.

Unconsciousness claimed me, offering respite from the trials I had endured. It was a deep and dreamless sleep, a necessary rest to heal both body and spirit.

Upon awakening, my senses were assaulted by the foul odor that permeated the room due to the impurities I had expelled during my breakthrough. With a swift motion of my hand, I summoned the power of wind and water, using them to cleanse the space within seconds.

Once the room was restored to its pristine state, I turned my attention to further meditation. It was crucial to solidify my position in the second Kosmos and adapt to the changes that had occurred within my body. Reflecting on my studies, I realized that the awakening and intermediary stages had primarily focused on the introduction of mana and the formation of the mana core. The true transformations came with the breakthrough to the Completion Stage of the first Kosmos.

I understood that the process of breaking through had propelled me forward, bestowing upon me newfound abilities and heightened capabilities. The body underwent a remarkable change, and it was during this stage that the true benefits of my journey would become evident. As I meditated, I adjusted my mind and body, embracing the power and potential that now flowed through me.

In this state of introspection, I marveled at the incredible power that now resided within me. The breakthrough unlocked a reservoir of energy, granting me access to power beyond my previous comprehension.

"I need to test my strength again"

After meditating, I went to have breakfast with my mother, with it only the two of us, the time went by rather fast as the only noteworthy thing that happened was she telling me that my swordsmanship teacher would arrive tomorrow morning. After breakfast, we proceeded to walk in the palace gardens located in front of the western wing of the palace, Mother and I engaged in simple conversation, where she educated me on the types of flowers in the garden and casual comments about how beautiful the day was.

I was truly grateful for my mother, her presence and care warmed my heart, and I couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for her unwavering love. I cherished these moments with her, knowing that she truly cared for me.

As we strolled through the palace gardens, my mind buzzed with anticipation for the night ahead. I knew that venturing into the woods would be dangerous, but I needed strength to face this cruel world.

Returning to my room, I settled into another session of meditation. The hours passed, and I found solace in the stillness, allowing the magic within me to surge and flow.

My meditation was interrupted by my maid, Rose, who brought me a nourishing dinner. I expressed my gratitude, appreciating her impeccable timing. The meal replenished my energy, a much-needed respite as constantly expelling impurities from my body was quite taxing on my energy reserves.

As darkness fell, I changed into attire suitable for my expedition. With a wave of my hand and a subtle invocation, I transformed my appearance, concealing my identity and blending into the shadows. With each alteration, I reveled in the versatility of transformation magic, grateful for its ability to aid me in my endeavors.

I opened my window preparing to cast Ethereal Descent but a crazy thought appeared in my mind and I jumped out the window without the help of any spell,

"The blossoming stage is a step up, now let's see what else has changed"

[Vulmin Acelerato]

I sprinted in the direction of the forest, I felt faster than before but not only that, my surroundings became clearer, I was able to vividly sense lifeforms within a 50-meter radius, it was incredible, everything was so clear, and I could hear the flapping wings of the cicadas, I could hear the breaths and feel the steps of the Southern Dire Wolves as they ran westward, in pursuit of the Skotádi Hare, I almost felt pity for the rabbit-like creature, but my pity lasted less than a second as I had something more important to attend to.

"Time to test my limit" I muttered, feeling cocky.

I focused my energy, drawing upon the depths of my mana reserves, extending my hand forward, fingers splayed as my palm ignited with an intense, vibrant flame. The flickering light danced and swirled, casting a warm, orange glow across my face.

I could feel the raw power of the fire element pulsating within me, eager to be unleashed. With a subtle movement of my hand, I shaped the flame into a compact sphere, molding it with precision causing the fireball to grow larger with every passing moment.

As the fireball took shape, it emitted radiant heat, causing the air around me to shimmer and distort. The intensity of the flames intensified, transforming into a mesmerizing display of crimson and gold. Sparks danced and crackled within the swirling inferno, radiating a palpable aura of destructive energy.

I projected my will onto the sphere causing it to fly from my grasp, then- **BOOOOOOM**

In an instant, the fireball reached its intended destination, colliding with an explosive impact. A brilliant explosion of flames erupted, engulfing the area in a swirling conflagration. The unleashed energy resulted in a shockwave, causing the ground to tremble beneath my feet.

For a brief moment, the incandescent flames illuminated the surroundings, casting vibrant hues of orange, red, and gold in every direction, ridding the night of its customary darkness. The sheer brilliance and magnitude of the explosion were nothing short of awe-inspiring, creating a scene that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.


As I uttered my spell, the remaining flames and the resulting smoke dissipated revealing the destroyed earth, adorned with dozens of charred trees and their limbs. I marveled at the effects of my magic, the impact, and the devastation that it left in its wake.

"The blossoming stage isn't half bad," I mused, with a sense of satisfaction washing over me.

Feeling satisfied, I had planned to call it an early night and head back to the palace when suddenly,

RRRRAAAWWWHHHH!!!"- A sharp roar pierced the air, interrupting my thoughts, I smirked, realizing my display of power had attracted this monster's attention.

Without faltering, it charged toward me, moving with astonishing speed. Its elongated arms swung in an attempt to strike me, but I effortlessly sidestepped, my movements even more fluid and precise. In an instant, I channeled mana to strengthen my fists, delivering a powerful blow to the monster's stomach. It soared through the air, crashing into a nearby tree that managed to escape my spell about 20 meters away.

The creature rose, emitting a deafening roar directed at me, a defiant challenge. "WAAAHHHHRRR!!"

I observed the creature closely, my instincts identifying it as a leshy. Its skeletal deer-like face and the multitude of antlers residing on its back did well to add to its intimidating appearance. In that moment I knew, this would indeed be a thrilling encounter.

A confident smile unconsciously graced my lips as I met the leshy's gaze, and with uncharacteristic cockiness, I muttered,

"Let's get started for real, shall we?"

Sorry if the chapter is too long, if you made it this far then tank you so much for reading.

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