
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

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64 Chs

Negotiations Pt. 2

The morning sky bloomed with vibrant hues of orange and gold as the sun began its ascent, casting a warm glow over the city.

From atop the towering walls, Prince Cedric gazed at the breathtaking sunrise, a stark contrast to the gruesome battlefield before his eyes. The charred remnants of fallen soldiers and the scarred earth served as reminders of the violent conflict that had unfolded just hours ago.

"Lady Coaltan, isn't it a magnificent sight?" Prince Cedric remarked, his voice carrying a touch of detachment as he observed the sun's ascent.

Lady Coaltan glanced at the resplendent spectacle and responded, "Indeed, Your Highness. The sunrise holds a mesmerizing allure."

Prince Cedric's demeanor remained cold as he spoke, "The delegation from the Capat Divine Kingdom will soon arrive."

Offering a nod of assurance, Lady Coaltan spoke firmly, "Rest assured, Prince Cedric. We are prepared."

Prince Cedric's gaze hardened as he acknowledged her support. "Your confidence is noted, Lady Coaltan."

Twenty minutes later, the delegation's procession appeared on the horizon, their banners fluttering in the gentle breeze. With a signal from Cedric, the gears of the sturdy aetherium-made gates could be heard spinning.

The Brizian delegation, accompanied by their retinue, made their way through the gates, carrying chairs and tables for the upcoming negotiations. All preparations had been meticulously arranged, and Cedric descended from the walls to join the gathering.

Taking his place on a lavish chair befitting his royal status, he was flanked by the generals and legion commanders, with Lucius and Seraphina standing directly beside him, ready to offer his counsel.

On the opposite side of the table, the delegation from the Capat Divine Kingdom took their seats, and muttering permeated through the air, as the two sides sized each other up.

As the murmurs subsided, a figure stepped forward, radiating an air of regal presence. Prince Inuin De Cadish, the fifth prince of the Capat Divine Kingdom, made his entrance. His stature, though not particularly tall or short, commanded attention. With dark, sleek hair cascading over his shoulders and piercing brown eyes, he possessed a charismatic aura that drew all eyes to him.

Prince Inuin stood with confidence, his voice resonating through the space, "Greetings, esteemed leaders and representatives. I am Prince Inuin De Cadish, fifth in line to the throne of the illustrious Capat Divine Kingdom. It is an honor to stand before you today, seeking a resolution to the current conflict that has befallen our lands."

His words carried a hint of authority, yet also a willingness to engage in diplomatic discourse.

Five other generals accompanied him, and each introduced themselves after which Cedric and his entourage then presented themselves.

"Welcome Prince Inuin," said Cedric in his famously cold tone- "I hope you are more agreeable than the last time we negotiated"

"The feeling is mutual Prince Cedric"

Cedric then continued "I am willing to vacate the city with all my troops and relinquish control of the province for the price of 1.5 billion Aurum"

The Capatians scoffed as they heard Cedric's demands.

" 1.5 billion in your bloody dreams you damn Brizian" shouted one of the Capatian generals.

"Quiet!" commanded Prince Inuin- "I must say, Prince Cedric, that number is quite high seeing as you invaded a sovereign nation without any justification whatsoever"

With a touch of sarcasm, Cedric responded, asking rhetorically, "Don't you think kidnapping my son is enough justification?"

The prince's face contorted in confusion

"Do you have evidence to substantiate these claims"

"Plenty, and if you wish to whiteness it for yourself call your mage, I give him permission to use Spectra Retrospecta on me"

Spectra retrospecta is a formidable 6-star spell that allows the caster to glimpse into the recent memories of others. By channeling immense arcane energy and focusing their will, the caster can peer into the target's mind and witness their past experiences.

Prince Inuin's face did little to mask the surprise he experienced due to the boldness of Prince Cedric. The gears in his mind were spinning and he found himself wondering what the next wise move is,

"Send for Grandmage Shiren" ordered Prince Inuin-"Please pardon the wait ladies and gentlemen"

As the command was given, a hush fell over the gathering. The name "Grandmage Shiren" carried an air of immense power and reverence. He was a 7th Kronos mage, a force to be reckoned with. Seraphina, standing beside Cedric, couldn't help but feel trepidation.

Minutes later, Grandmage Shiren arrived, his presence loomed over all those present as they sensed power, raw unbridled power that they could only dream of possessing. Despite his frail appearance and elderly countenance, an aura emanated from him one which made persons feel as if they were trapped between the jaws of a starved lion. His eyes, sharp and piercing, seemed to see through the depths of one's soul.

Prince Inuin wasted no time and explained the situation to the Grandmage. He detailed the need to verify Prince Cedric's claims using the powerful spell, Spectra Retrospecta. The Grandmage listened attentively, with his expression unreadable.

"Very well," Grandmage Shiren finally spoke. "Prepare for the casting of Spectra Retrospecta."

A mix of anticipation and anxiety filled those present. Cedric took a deep breath as the Grandmage approached him. With precise and deliberate movements, the Grandmage channeled his magical energy, creating an intricate web of arcane symbols around Cedric.

As the spell took effect, Cedric's consciousness delved deep into the recesses of his memories. He experienced a whirlwind of emotions, reliving the harrowing moments of his son's abduction. Scenes unfolded before his mind's eye, vivid and haunting.

Those gathered watched with bated breath as flashes of images danced across Cedric's face. The pain and anguish etched on his features were evident to all. They saw glimpses of the masked assailants, their unknown identities shrouded in darkness. Cedric's voice trembled as he suffered the effects of the spell.

After what felt like an eternity, the spell came to an end, and Cedric's consciousness returned to the present. He took a moment to compose himself, his eyes meeting those of Prince Inuin.

"It is as I said," Cedric stated firmly. "My son was indeed kidnapped."

Prince Inuin, stunned by the revelation, struggled to find words. The weight of the truth settled heavily upon him, shattering his preconceptions. Silence filled the air, broken only by the sound of their collective breaths, each person grappling with the implications of this newfound knowledge.

"I see," Prince Inuin stated while still trying to compose himself "I am afraid 1.5 Billion Aurum is indeed way too much, I think 1 billion is enough to satisfy each party"

"1.5" replied Cedric plainly as it seemed as if he was in no mood to compromise.

Prince Inuin looked towards his generals and they gathered seemingly to discuss the negotiations. Ten minutes later the Capatian prince turned to Cedric and said,

"1.3 Billion, that is my final offer"


Cedric then glanced at Lucius after which Lucius approached the table and placed a contract in front of the Capatians.

"I must say, Prince Cedric, you are a sly man," Inuin said as he chuckled lightly "Who else would have the gall to write up a contract before even discussing the details"

"Thank you for the compliment Prince Inuin, but if it makes you feel better, I had prepared multiple contracts"

As Cedric finished speaking Inuin grabbed the pen and signed the contract.

"You have 5 days to vacate the province and relinquish control of the city"

"Very well, I believe that amount of time sufficient" replied Cedric

As the signing came to an end, the Capatians made their way back to their camps, their expressions reflecting a mix of disappointment and defeat. In the aftermath of the negotiations, Prince Inuin and Grandmage Shiren walked side by side, their strides matching in sync.

"You assured me that those two would take care of that," Prince Inuin's voice held a tinge of frustration.

"I apologize, Your Highness," Grandmage Shiren responded, his tone tinged with remorse. "It was an unforeseen turn of events. Rest assured, it won't happen again."

Prince Inuin's gaze pierced through the air, his eyes narrowing in warning. "It better not," he stated firmly, his voice carrying an undercurrent of determination. "I just had to pay those Brizian c**ts 1.3 billion Aurum. Another error like this will not be tolerated."

The grand mage nodded in understanding, his expression serious.