
The Phoenix's Genesis: Rise of the Emperor

Song-Ji, a brilliant engineering prodigy, teetered on the edge of academic exhaustion as he fought to maintain his respectable 3.2 GPA. Burdened by the relentless workload, he resorted to countless sleepless nights, desperately clinging to the fragile thread of his university life. Little did he know that a single fateful night would reshape his destiny forever. Drenched from the relentless rainstorm after another grueling all-nighter, Song-Ji raced through the shadowed streets, yearning for the solace of his dorm. But destiny had other plans. In the blink of an eye, a horrifying accident struck, leaving him shattered and almost crippled. Amidst the bleakness of his future, Song-Ji made a defiant choice—to seize control of his own fate. Awakened to an unfamiliar world, he found himself trapped within the fragile shell of a newborn, devoid of inkling as to where he ended up. Embark on an extraordinary journey as we unravel the enigmas of this foreign realm alongside Song-Ji. Together, we'll chart a course towards unrivaled greatness, forging an empire that will echo through the annals of history. Prepare to witness the epic saga of resilience, discovery, and the birth of an empire, as an indomitable spirit rises from the ashes to shape the world like never before.

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64 Chs

Adjusting To The Unknown Pt 2.

A year had passed since Barrett's arrival into the world, carrying with him the memories of a previous life. As he grew older, he became more attuned to the whispers and conversations of the servants attending to him, gradually piecing together the puzzle of his circumstances.

His father, Prince Cedric, was the second son of King Vitra Al-Briz, the ruler of the Kingdom of Brizia situated on the far eastern edge of the Northern Continent of Fenisia. The realm of Brizia held its capital, Aimel, within the County of Coyuc, which Prince Cedric governed as its city lord. Barrett learned that Coyuc and the neighboring Capat Divine Kingdom were locked in an uneasy relationship, with tensions often escalating at the border. Yet, as a mere infant, Barrett's understanding of these matters remained limited, and he paid little heed to the gossip surrounding the conflicts.

Intriguingly, Barrett discovered that his father had four wives. His mother, Anastasia, held the position of second wife, and Barrett was her only son. The other wives had given Prince Cedric eight children, three of whom were boys, while the rest were girls. This knowledge placed Barrett as the fourth in line to his father's position, but an astonishing realization struck him: he was deemed the 13th prince in line for the crown, as he overheard the maids reference him as such. The weight of this revelation initially burdened him, as he believed himself ill-prepared for such a significant responsibility.

However, as Barrett contemplated his position, a sense of relief washed over him. The realization that others were ahead of him in the line of succession lifted the weight from his shoulders.

As he lay in his bed, Barrett became increasingly aware of the maids' use of magic to make their daily work easier. It was a revelation that left him in awe and sparked a deep desire within him to learn more about the world of magic.

However, being a mere one-year-old, Barrett knew he had to rely on observation to learn. He watched intently as the maids moved their hands in intricate patterns and muttered incantations under their breath, conjuring up gusts of wind or streams of water to aid in their tasks.

Of all the maids, Greta caught Barrett's eye the most. Her delicate features and warm smile made her a vision of youthful beauty and charm. But it was her use of magic to summon gentle breezes that left Barrett mesmerized. He watched as she moved her hands with effortless grace, fingers dancing through the air as she summoned up a soft breeze to rid the room of dust.

One morning, as Greta came to pick him up out of his crib, Barrett watched as she effortlessly conjured up a gust of wind to part the curtains. He made a mental note to memorize every subtle movement and gesture, determined to practice until he too could wield magic with such finesse.

With the curtains now drawn open, the room of one-year-old Prince Barrett is revealed, exuding opulence and refinement befitting his noble status. The walls are adorned with a delicate palette of soothing blues and creams, tastefully accented by gold trimmings and intricate moldings, adding an air of elegance. The lofty ceiling's exquisite aesthetic appeal is enhanced by sparkling chandeliers that cast a warm and gentle glow throughout the space.

At the center of the room sits a magnificent crib, crafted from polished oak and intricately carved with enchanting motifs of blooming flowers and delicate vines. The crib is lavishly dressed in soft white linens, embellished with exquisite gold embroidery and delicate lace trim, providing a regal and cozy resting place for the young prince. A plush white rug covers the floor, creating a comfortable and inviting play area.

The room brims with an assortment of toys and books, meticulously arranged on shelves and within charming baskets. A plush armchair, upholstered in a luxurious fabric, accompanies a small table decorated with a gleaming silver tea set, adding a touch of sophistication to the space. A large window overlooks the lush palace gardens, framed by sumptuous velvet curtains in a deep, regal shade of blue.

Greta, the graceful maid, carries Barrett with utmost care and settles into the plush armchair. With a gentle touch, she unfastens the corset of her 18th-century-style gown, revealing a slightly fuller bosom, as Barrett eagerly reaches for nourishment. After his satisfying meal, he is changed and prepared to meet his mother, whom he visits daily.

Upon entering his mother's presence, Barrett is greeted with an outpouring of love and affection. His mother's stern demeanor gives way to a tender and devoted persona reserved solely for her beloved son. Though Barrett sometimes tires of being showered with endless kisses and being called cute, he appreciates his mother's unconditional adoration as one wouldn't expect a noble to be overly caring towards their child as exemplified by his father's actions however he understands the responsibilities that his father bears as a ruler overseeing many lives within his domain.

After the long and eventful day, Barrett is gently carried back to his room by Greta. There, he is lovingly bathed and dressed for bed, and Greta provides him with a soothing nighttime meal. As she places him in his crib and bids him goodnight, the door closes, and darkness fills the room. Barrett's eyes flutter open, filled with determination and excitement. It is time to practice the spells he has observed.

Positioning himself in front of the grand bay window, Barrett replicates Greta's movements with meticulous precision. As he swings his wrists in a sweeping motion, he boldly calls out, "Zephyr!" However, instead of the gentle breeze, he had anticipated, a sudden and unexpected explosion echoes through the room, filling it with a cacophony and oppressive force which startles Barrett propelling him across the room, causing him to crash into the wall and lose consciousness.

As silence settles once again, the room remains shrouded in darkness, with only the moon's soft glow filtering through the hole created as a result of Barrett's experimentation.