
Period of rest and lust

Shaking his head at how Linxin and Zhenya looked like they'd never change, Bai Long patiently waited until the two of them tired themselves out. 

Once they did so, they began bombarding Bai Long with questions on how he managed to conquer the Zhu Kingdom so fast, and what was the secret behind his strength increasing by so much.

Calming the three women who once again turned excited, Bai Long after finding a bed to lie on began explaining the tale of how he conquered the Zhu Kingdom after leaving the Bai Kingdom. 

Listening to the whole story which was too without any doubt the most obscene one they ever heard, the three women were filled with awe at how easy it seemed to conquer a Kingdom. 

All they needed was a way to make clones, a huge dick, and an army which would follow their words. 

As long as one possessed them all, they could easily conquer a Kingdom.