

Every girl is an angel of her mother; princess of her father; best version of her friend and a unique life partner. Here's the girl, who's best in all of these; but is confused in decision-making. She's the representative of every individual girl. It's her story. It's your story.

Indu_Sri · Fantasi
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1 Chs


I leaned to the wall, bored of waiting for a long time. But, it's the first time I loved that type of boredom; because I was waiting for him.

Slowly, I went back in time, when I was a 12 years old child. My mother explained my father's love for me. When I was born, he carefully took me into his hands.. and kissed me gently on my forehead, she said.

When I was 18, I lost my dad. God gives an alternative, when he takes any best thing from us, people say. Then, I was gifted with a true friend. Unfortunately, we met with an accident during a trip. Later when I woke up on the hospital bed, I noticed a scar on her chin. When asked, she said that it was just her minor injury happened, during the accident.

Now, I'm 21. I met him last month. Abhay... he's the one about whom I can think continuously. We met during one of his photoshoots. It was his passion. Somehow, in one or the other ways, we became friends.

And I didn't notice about how and when we became so close, that I could even share my everything starting from my family to my foes.

And that is when our problems arose; making anyone of us the creator of those problems each time. He didn't propose me with a rose, instead he presented me a lovely family that we would have in our future.

I was confused with the decision. I could see the honesty in his love but I couldn't come out of my losses. I cried. I screamed. Only the four walls of my room knew what I went through. Only my diary knew the weight of my tears.

But surely, I'm not confused with this truth, that I feel him, whenever I see my father's potrait on the wall. I never took a decision to implementation, without asking it to Ayesha, my friend. She said, "Moksha, whenever an unfortunate incident happen in our life, our mind doesn't take it to our heart. It always takes time to do so. I cannot say if he's your only one. I don't know if you remember him whenever you think about your dad; but you do remember your dad, whenever you look at him. But I'm clear about this, that if you lose him once, you lost him forever. And now, the decision is yours dear."

I don't know what to do. The noise of the door created a disturbance of my journey in time. He has come. It's been 3 years since Ayesha passed away. She actually left the world on that day. But even if she's absent physically, I do feel her presence with me, mentally. She's there to correct me in my cons and encourage me in my pros.

He walked further towards me, again distracting my thoughts. We looked into each other's eyes. It's raining outside and I could feel the drops of it on my cheeks. I felt like our eyes spoke to each other and expressed our unspoken feelings. He moved closer. I could feel his breath. He then slowly moved my hairs to the back of my neck. He caressed my cheeks. My lips were shivering; not with the cool breeze outside, but as if they were expecting something.

He carefully took me into his hands.. and gently kissed me on my forehead.

This time, I could see my life until 60 years further.

Indeed, it is the perfect kiss; even a perfect moment, for any girl in this world, to lead a perfect life ahead.