

Editor: Larbre Studio

On Lin Qian's side, Lei Qian watched on as his mouth gaped wide. 

Just who was the arrogant one now!

"Brother Liu, what do we do now?"

"Why not… We admit defeat for now. He has an absolute advantage at this moment."

Behind Liu Ming, all of his supporters crowded together, their suggestions entangling into a wall of charters.

They were trapped by the Heavy Armour Spearmen Contingent surrounding the 36th Arena. What's more, the dominating presence of the other two contingents behind Lin Qian was always crushing them with a suffocating aura.

"Everyone, keep calm! I've seen plenty of these little tricks!" Just as panic gnawed at the masses, Lei Kuo's firm voice boomed from behind them.

After his voice shattered the ball of chatters, everyone's attention was pulled to him. Even Lin Qian crossed his arms and anticipated the excellent show that was coming up. 

He was curious, what was Lei Kuo planning to do?

"Why do you think they are clad in all those armours? Because they are in fact, three Outer Sect disciples!"

"The heavy armour is only a Soul Equipment mimicking the aura of 9th Tier Nirvana Stage!"

Lei Kuo's words pulled everyone on the platform from their shock. As the realisation dawned on them, another round of chatters sparked.

"Why doesn't everyone just think a little bit more. Our Universal Phenomenon Sect's Inner Sect Disciples with Nirvana Stage cultivation totals at only six thousand. We only have around three hundred 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioners."

"On what basis can a mere Lin Qian, convince more than three thousand 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioners to recognise him as Emperor? How did this army of people even appear here in the first place?"

Thoroughly convincing, Lei Kuo's argument even had Lei Qian turning doubtfully towards Lin Qian.

After all, there were three thousand 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioners. Most probably, even the most influential sect in the Linhai Province, Victorious Heavens Sect, would need to combine every practitioner from all their vassal cities to bring about these colossal numbers.

"Got to say, this move my Lin Qian is indeed astounding. If Lei Kuo didn't see through it, they would have easily surrendered. 

"You're right, all of the disciples behind Liu Ming. They were already stricken in immense panic and retreating subconsciously. "

"But Lin Qian is quite an interesting man. He actually made those Outer Sect Disciples call him your majesty?!"

"Haha! Probably wanted to hear people acknowledging his status as Young Emperor…"

All of the disciples gathered tightly together, discussing fiercely. As the rumours and speculations entered the ears of the Mt Ba City crew, they all shook their heads in disappointment. 

An act by the Outer Sect disciples?

The heavy armour is a Soul Equipment, mimicking the aura?


At Mt Ba City, it was precisely these heavy armour troopers that descended from the Heavens, annihilating the Tyrannical Blade Sect disciples and saving the entire city.

That Black Dragon General was especially terrifying. 

However, they were unsure how all of the troopers were promoted to 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioners.

However, they had absolute confidence that these troops were not a fake front put up by the Outer Sect Disciples. 

"HAHAHA, Lin Qian, lost for words now?" At that moment, Lei Kuo trusted his finger at Lin Qian, taunting and mocking him, "Fake and underhanded tactics. Let me see how much time these would buy for you."

"Oh? You think they are fake? That's alright, you shall see their strength when noon arrives." Hearing the insults and underestimation, Lin Qian indifferently shrugged his shoulders 

"Still refusing to give up? Lin Qian, it would be easier for you if you just give up that candidature to Brother Liu. At least you would have more time to spend with that dying teacher of yours."

"What if you get beaten till your last breath, and when you return, you find your teacher dead, failing to speak to him the final time? Wouldn't that be one tragedy on another? HAHAHA!"

The fearless mockery covered Lin Qian jet black face with a thick layer of frost. When his teacher, Wei Wushuang, returned to Linhai Province, it was the time where Universal Phenomenon Sect and Victorious Heavens Sect were viciously tearing down on each other.

At that period, Universal Phenomenon Sect was in a perilous situation. Fortunately, Wei Wushuang had returned majestically, pushing himself to his limit, salvaging the Sect. If not for him, the Universal Phenomenon Sect would have been vanquished. Where would Lei Kuo even be then?

Yet, now Lei Kuo abused the fact that Wei Wushuang was severely poisoned, deep into his bones. Seeing how he was roaming the gates of death, Lei Kuo had no qualms about insulting this Sect Saviour.

Fortunately, in the period Lin Qian was away, the Huaxia Empire had wholly restored itself, successfully bringing Wei Wushuang back from the grips of the Angel of Death.

Even so, Lin Qian had no intentions of holding back. How dare this scum poke fun at the death of his teacher!

Slowly, time trickled on. As noon approached, a massive mass of disciples had gathered on the 36th Arena.

Suddenly, a majestic middle-aged man, clad in a black robe with a "Wan" woven on, walked onto the platform.

The dominating aura of a 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioner radiated from every step he took. This man was an Elder of the Universal Phenomenon Sect.

For the Sect's disciples, should they lack the opportunity to break through from Nirvana Stage into Revolutionary Stage, they had two choices.

First, remain in the Sect, aid the administration work and be a Deaconate.

The other was to leave the Sect and be posted to a vassal city or back to their hometown.

Evidently, this Elder was the former.

He was here this time to be a witness for the challenge between Lin Qian and Liu Ming battling for the candidature position.

After a victor was chosen, he would report personally to the man in charge of the Ancient ruins., Qin Wushuang. 

As he approached the 36th Arena, the massive army of poshly equipped soldiers' aura pressed down onto him, striking worry across his face.

After the Elder arrived, Lei Kuo burst into another slurry of mockery, "The challenge would begin soon. Lin Qian this is your final chance to regret your decisions."

"Boss!" In a shaking voice, Lei Qian swerved immediately, looking at Lin Qian worried.

He too believed Lei Kuo to a certain extent.

After all, three thousand Nirvana Stage Practitioners were not a small number. How did Lin Qian bring together so many powerhouses?

Yet, Lin Qian just stood motionless and silently, coldly looking at the provocateur. As seconds morphed into minutes, the spectators began to notice something was amiss.

If it was as Lei Kuo claimed, these armoured troopers were the Outer Sect Disciples. Then, they were just an act put up with Soul Equipment.

With the challenge coming right up, shouldn't Lin Qian be panicking now?

Yet, Lin Qian was calmer than ever, not even a bead of sweat was seen, much less cold sweat.

"These soldiers, what if they are real?" Looking at the Rushing Sun, Liu Ming suddenly faltered 

On his side, Lei Kuo sniggered to himself, "Is that even possible? Three thousand 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioners! Even if he's a genius, where can he find this many from???"

"He's acting like this to stall it out with us. He's waiting for us to give up. If you don't believe me, we just need to wait for the Elder to call for the challenge. You can wait and see if he agrees to it."

Hearing Lei Kuo's explanation, Liu Ming nodded in agreement.

Subsequent, the Elder walked to the centre of the stage. First, he turned to Liu Ming, "Liu Ming, are you ready? Do you agree to the challenge?"

"I do!" Liu Ming confidently declared, looking towards Lin Qian as he smirked.

Lei Kuo too smirked at Lin Qian, and said in an undertone to Liu Ming, "Just wait and see. This rascal will definitely run off now. Three thousand 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioners, who would believe you?"

"Lin Qian, are you ready? Do you agree to the challenge?"

Under the masses eyes, Lin Qian snorted coldly and stared at the overconfident and arrogant duo opposite him, "I do!"