
First Impressions

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Esteemed Guests, and Respected Nobles of the Astralis Kingdom, it is my honor and privilege to announce His and Her Majesties, King Calius Leone Astralis and Queen Erisia Pipoltr Astralis, and their two sons, Crown Prince Cassius Leone Astralis and Second Prince Aldebaran Pipoltr Astralis...!" bellowed the Herald, his words followed by the sound of horns and drums as Calius, Erisia, and two boys, one much, much older than the other, entered the vast and lavishly decorated hall.

At twenty-seven cycles, Crown Prince Cassius was King Calius's eldest child, standing 185cm tall with short, swept-back golden hair similar to his father's. His facial structure was exceptional, but since he had followed in his father's footsteps, leading a very hedonistic lifestyle, he exuded more arrogance than authority and appeared genuinely annoyed by the fact he had been required to attend his younger brother's debut.